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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. should not matter how many computers u have on a single network at all...my friend runs 4-5 computers on a single cox connection - it MIGHT matter if they are the ones who set up your LAN - but if you set it up yourself, i dont see why it should matter
  2. yeah......we run 3 cs servers...check us out at http://1hk.escustoms.net - one of them is in phoenix, other 2 are in cali (and the 4th one soon to be in texas)
  3. LOLZ ...... thats crazy, so many programs to choose from - anyway, i have gmail invites availabe if anyone is interested
  4. i wouldnt call being on 6mb/768kb as being stuck those speeds are awesome
  5. definitely i wish cox would jump on the band wagon LOL (arizona) - but its got no serious competition here
  6. i dont think its worth it.....
  7. doesnt euro have a higher value than a us dollar ? i thought it would...so then it would be more than 399 ? right ?
  8. 'bout 1mb per second (if the reate doesnt drop or anything similar) ....
  9. http://www.linuxiso.org/download.php/590/LiveCD-9.1-01.iso thats the link for the SuSE Live - you just burn the iso to a cd and run it from there that way you can see if you like it before you install it
  10. fedora core 2 is the best one out there red hat is also a very good distribution....
  11. lots of money for that
  12. well.....she lives in an apartment and i dont think fios is available there, and plus she does not want to spend that much money on that
  13. and also...will they alow us to renew the contract ? wouldnt they kind of consider it fraud - cuz it would be cheating them ? or you can actually renew the contract without them suspecting anything....you know what i mean but i guess it does make sense to have it cheaper if you renew the contract, since they would rather have a customer for 3 years paying 29 than a customer for 1.5 year paying 37
  14. is there a way to find out if my friend lives close to the co ?
  15. this is way hilarious
  16. ...I am in FL right now, on a vacation, and my friend still suffers by surfing (if you wanna call that surfing) the net via AOL - i am trying to persuade her into switching to DSL - her phone number does not qualify for Yahoo SBC, but I have an OK for verizon dsl. Their advertisement says she will be gettting 1st three months for 19.95 and every other month for 29.95 (with a one year contract) ... what kind of speeds should i expect with that package in FL - anybody knows ? Reliability ? Is there a better ISP for that kind of money in FL (St Petersburg/Tampa) ? Also, does the price after a 12 month contract stay 29.95 or does it increase/decrease.... Any help is very welcome Thank you !
  17. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4250 Kbps about 4.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 519 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Tue Aug 2 22:20:42 MST 2005 Bottom Line:: 76X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.97 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 13.94 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-60RWXP5UH 4/512 plan still on it untill we get upgraded to 15/2 then ill switch to premium
  18. repcheng..where are you from, if you dont mind me asking
  19. damn it..i need that at az
  20. where are you located ?
  21. 4.4ghz on a 3ghz processor...what kinda cooling are you using....? - i had a 3.4ee system (and its sold) oc to 4.6 (totally stable) on a custom built (i built it) water cooling kit using some of the components from a manufacturer called innovatek
  22. i honestly dont think you will ever be able to get the same kind of online gaming experience as you get with a PC - its unique
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