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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. i want that laptop
  2. I do ....i just use photoshop and put on there whatever comes to my mind
  3. there are plenty of free progs...you should search for them google.com downloads.com yahoo.com any of these will do
  4. i know that i need the same thing but in php
  5. im basically finishing up some code in php it is a form, and upon submiting the form, i want a new window to open up with another webpage address (thank you page).....i can refresh the current page to the new page with no problem...but how do i open it in another window...i have hard time figuring that out....
  6. i meant to say.....way too wierd because you would switch from something like that to something so little....if you know what i mean....i think its ridiculous
  7. yes....i ran a server...people lag with 512up, let alone 128
  8. ooookay ..... wierd.....
  9. ahhahahhhahaha....very funny LOL !
  10. thats quite expensive ..... do you have other solutions where you live .... i pay half that - 5 bux for 4mb down and 512 up...... .....
  11. disturbed

    task Manager

  12. disturbed

    task Manager

    glad i could help
  13. disturbed

    task Manager

    of course...restart afterwords and you should have ur task manager back
  14. disturbed

    task Manager

    just few days ago ive helped a friend with this one.... open up ur registry by: start - run - type regedit and press enter navigate to the following keys User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicies System] System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPolicies System] and for both either create a dword (if it doesnt exist): DisableTaskMgr with a value of 0, or just change it to 0
  15. just in case.... Windows 2000 Click Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Administrative Tools->Services Scroll down and highlight "Messenger" Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties. Click the STOP button. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar Click OK Windows XP Home Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel Click Performance and Maintenance Click Administrative Tools Double click Services Scroll down and highlight "Messenger" Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties. Click the STOP button. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar Click OK Windows XP Professional Click Start->Settings ->Control Panel Click Administrative Tools Click Services Double click Services Scroll down and highlight "Messenger" Right-click the highlighted line and choose Properties. Click the STOP button. Select Disable or Manual in the Startup Type scroll bar Click OK Windows NT Click Start ->Control Panel Double Click Administrative Tools Select Services-> Double-click on Messenger In the Messenger Properties window, select Stop, Then choose Disable as the Startup Type Click OK
  16. good one fresh installs of win xp have the windows messenger running by default...and ull get random popups now and then
  17. heheeehhe lol
  18. for 50 dollars seems like a very nice investment great temps very stable
  19. no....seems you just have a severe case of popups do a scan on ur comp for spyware
  20. holy crapoly LOL ..... thats some big @#$% - how much was it ?
  21. You are .exe When given proper orders, you execute them flawlessly. You're familiar to most, and useful to all.
  22. thread stealers LOL ..... so what kind of cooling are you using organ shifter ?
  23. very nice...what form of cooling do you use with that proc ?
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