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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. yep, you got it
  2. aol ?
  3. good for you - you're average hehehhehehe
  4. building one is the only way to get ur money's worth - getting "100s of dollars" worth of dell/compaq software is not my idea of a good computer
  5. home connection....nah....business + anothers business + another business + another business = ill believe you
  6. most time ever slept: i never actually slept more than the average most time ever spent awake: 3 and a half days, and nights lOL so about 85hrs - purpose: roadtrip to cali and lots of fun there ;0)
  7. i mean, i take pictures with my cellphone too - but do i really care if its good quality .... not really...its only temporary and its a chance noone else will see the pic but me when i want a good quality picture, i grab a real camera
  8. all im basically asking is why is this an overclockers dream comparing to other processor/memory setups of the same value - what pulls this setup aside from others ? .....from what i've heard that motherboard will be the bottleneck of the whole system - simply because it is very picky about the brand of memory it is compatible with and the fact that it doesn not allow you to fine tune the timings of your memory ...the processor itself overclocks good - especially because i think those have an unlocked multiplier of 10x - but the motherboard !? - id reconsider that.... also...i think better choice for the memory would be the OCZ and maybe even the kingston HyperX series (ECC)
  9. well....we have concluded that it is impossible for that phone to have a 20 x optical zoom LOL - 20 x digital zoom yes - and it is nowhere near the quality when using optical zoom LOL - i dont think a single cell phone nowhere in near future will ever have even 2 x optical zoom it's true that it takes 2MB pictures, with an allright quality for a camera - but all facts aside - you could have spent 25 dollars on a cell phone and bought urself a nice 375 dollar camera that will shoot pictures making you believe you are there at that moment cheeers
  10. would you care elaborating on that -
  11. will never happen
  12. ...that set up just doesnt make sense
  13. various reasons...most people want more power/speed in their computers just to say that they have more power/speed lOL - even if it's way over the limit of useable
  14. ATI radeon 9000PRO - still kicks ass ! - can I say ass ? omg, i said ass again...im so sorry heheheheh LOL
  15. i have researched the lowest offered core x2 processor that AMD offers, and for now, i truly do not think it is worth it - the 3800 x2 is the cheapest one and comparing with the regular, single core, 3800 i could not see a lot of benefits from switching to a dual core - the 3800 single core simply wins about 70% of the benchmarking tests - and the other 30%, well....it seems to be that the x2 is geared more towards business type application multitasking ...if you ask me...the 3800 single core is LOOOOT better buy
  16. use the search feature of this forum - there are several guides out there on how to use the CableNut - i dont recall the exact link
  17. i have 3 hard drives in this computer - 1 60gig, and 2 80gig hard drives = 320gb + a 300gb hard drive i dont use - well i use it, but only to back everything up from these hard drives...the 300gb hard drive is 80% full as of now - mostly movies, programs ive written, music, games.....
  18. well how about letting us know which motherboard u have ?
  19. i dont know why, but i do not think that's very accurate - for example my amd 2400xp+ easily outperforms a 2.8ghz pentium 4 in 90% of the tests - i dont look at the benchmark data, i just test it right then and there
  20. hahahah ur right LOL !
  21. let me tell you something...ur a lot better of renting a dedicated server
  22. if that was so ez everyone would have that job
  23. i disagree with that....the govt itself fails to convict murderers and rapists but pursues all the action it can to catch computer crimes and music sharing.... <= ghay
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