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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. you can access your bios by pressing the delete key as soon as you restart your computer and it starts booting up - sometimes it is the F10 key...try few different ones, but those are the ones most common - once you are in bios, look through some settings and make sure it is displaying your hard drive in the right size - if even bios doesnt recognize it as a 300 some gb hard drive, than you either have to re-flash the bios, or set up the jumpers on the hard drive (if any)
  2. and....also, i dont know what the situation with seagate drives is, but some maxtor drives have jumpers in the back that will allow you to use lets say a 3rd, half or full capacity of the hard drive....if the seagate drive has such a thing with jumpers, make sure it is set up correctly
  3. ....make sure your bios recognizes the hard drive in its original size - some motherboards will not do so without having their bios re-flashed
  4. lolz
  5. well..when u see me on aim speak up
  6. we have 100s of these types of posts....
  7. you got it
  8. i just bought it LOL thank you ! a very good find my friend !!!!! - will add this to my system and use as a backup hard drive - damn thats a lot of space for very cheap !
  9. i use avast, it seems to do a good job
  10. it is pro edition - every software I have available is the absolute best edition.... i cant wait for win 64bit to be released completely as the final build - that way i can get it for free LOL
  11. sure....scan for viruses in safe mode if u can
  12. good job !!!
  13. Do you have AIM - i will gladly help you on aim...my screen name is disturbed6dws
  14. muaahahha :
  15. LOL - yeah, just wanted to get your attention and share the fact that being a CSE major has its little perks This is just a very small list of software we have the ability to get for FREE ! go msdn software center !
  16. hahahahahah LOL !
  17. hahahah If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called "AMD", this is genuine cause for alarm. AMD is a third-world based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American processor chips this person better shoot him/her self LOL !
  18. i have cox - i download big files once in a while, so im sure i was never close to the limit - remember: to fill up 40gigs u need to download at least gig and some change each day...most ppl dont do that
  19. neither - stick with default blue/black background and save the resources
  20. if u think its one of vanburens tweaks - just put it all to default and see if that makes a difference
  21. hahahha LOL sweet hehehe
  22. that traceroute seems fine
  23. Inspiron 6000 Intel
  24. open up the computer box and just check the name that way
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