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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. Yeah - if u looked it you would notice that they are both socket 775
  2. shucks man someone is in a need of a spell checker - oh wait, we have one right next to the preview button lolz ehehehhe
  3. People wouldnt be breaking the law if there wasn't any heheheh - i disagree with everything man - music should be free - i understand that artists must get their share from selling records, but i totally support music sharing - everyone should get a chance to enjoy the new hit song without buying a complete album with 9 songs that blow a$$ ....too many god damn laws in this country - people are getting fed up with it, you cant do this, cant do that - thats why people will be always finding loopholes and ways around the law its a never ending game - and i am one of the players
  4. Yeah, i agree with you there - I kinda cant wait for Vista to come out, im looking very much forward to that - getting tired of windows xp - ...i dual boot with that and linux, but for gaming I have to be on win :mad2:
  5. are you on their starter package ...the 25 dollar one !? - yeah, id like to get started for the heck of it
  6. I don't know man - I always wanted to do the same thing - but never went about doing it since I could not see me making any profit out of it
  7. well, as soon as vista comes out ill get a hold of it - i was thinking that 64bit windows actually has something to offer hehe
  8. If it's http://webgeekshosting.com/ - ....how do you even get customers to sign up for your hosting !? - I was thinking of doing the same thing, but there is no way of compeeting with big companies - nowdays you can literally get crazy good hosting for 5 dollars per month, and yet you say you actually get some business....
  9. what's your hostings website !?
  10. so hows that going now - are you gonna get new ram, or !?
  11. ....the Pro edition is not available as a standalone product unless you are a MSDN subscriber or you buy a computer that includes it - ...luckily being a cse student I have access to it should I try it out ? Has anyone else tried the 64bit Pro edition !? - Is it worth it ?
  12. Rom dos is the one that is running way beyond what 56k "conventionally" runs lOL
  13. no $hit this is the best o/c motherboard im using it too
  14. np - i mean its very possible that something else might be causing instability - motherboard ? ....just suggesting - even for value ram it should not cause any errors at stock speeds and timings
  15. Yeah i mean, i dont think that you should have problems running that at stock speed with those timings If you ever consider buying new ram, id highly recommend the OCZ El Platinum 3200 (DDR400) Rev. 2 - possibly version v1.0 - since that one uses TCCD chips .... the stock timings are 2 2 2 5 @ 200mhz - and when I run it at 274 I do 2.5 3 3 7 1T - very good ram - will do 315mhz @ 2.5 4 3 7
  16. Even at 3-3-3-8 it isn't error free when running memtest !? - How about when u run your cpu at stock speeds - can you run 1:1 without errors ? - i assume that with 270mhz you are running now, you are running it on a divider
  17. what kind of ram do you run ?
  18. oh no - if they are stock settings something is wrong then - very wrong
  19. No....its not normal to get errors - usually if you get errors in memtest it means you need to fiddle around with memory timmings/settings untill you pass the necessary tests
  20. well from what ive heard that opty stepping is supposed to be one of the good ones - ....something might be holding you back....maybe the ram
  21. which opteron do you have, and do you know the stepping ?
  22. those voltages seem within the acceptable range - I mean, you could make sure by measuring the voltage with a dmm at different points, for example: post, system starting up, system idle, full load - that will give you a very accurate reading of whats happening
  23. Can you check that value in bios ? - And if its undervolted, can you put it up to spec ?
  24. ...i might be wrong, but it think its used for the ram
  25. It might be - what is the 2.5V used for ? ...my guess is ram, since the 3.3V rail in this case isnt used for it
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