Wuz up,
Can this be done?.......to create a ftp hyperlink to a ftp server...because everytime I try it on my website I get (page not found ) but whenever I press refresh or enter it goes to the server username and password login screen..... I've tried.....ftp.mydomain.com...........ftp.username@mydomain.com......U can get on otherwise if u type it out ,but just not by a hyperlink, and the program I'm using allows you to choose webpage hyper link ...ftp hyperlink etc...
I'm not asking for non-legit programs I would the name(if any) and the source where to but or i'll find the source and compare prices ......IF I HAVE TO BUY NO PROB!!!.........NO PROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'M using 2006 norton ..................I did'nt say nod32 was free but it's infinitly better than norton ...and it doesnt make my box slower.........and guess what it actually protects and finds viruses!.....unlike NORTON
Do an Online scan for ? ,viruses or problems cause 2006 does that before it installs ........So ur saying Dl another antivirus and see if it installs and it might tell u what is causing the problem...rite?
YEA..I agree I use Nod32 works excellent...but I still need to solve this......I uninstalled the old version .......I even thought it was the service pack2........but still no luck!
Wuz up ,
I'm installing Norton Antivirus 2006 on a Dell 4500 with 256mb 2.52ghz and everything works O.K till the installation reaches the end and stays there for 22hrs.
Not giving a error message (it just says c:/ program files /norton antivirus/quarantine/incoming ) and stays there!
Please help
YAH......good thing I backed up so just bought another drive.......but my issue is still when I boot up the server it spends a half hour at applying computer settings and stops there!!........thanks for the look out
...and Welcome!
If you swap..... you will have to re-install motherboard and device drivers for the computer you install the new HD's in ......both for you and your sister..
And my hardrive is getting power ..indicated by a green light but the plates are'nt moving .....how can I get the plates to start moving again should I open it??........I need my data and the bckup is telling me no usable data found on another computer!!!!
Wuz up ,
I'm using win2003 server .......backed up my files and everything ,was using exchange then switched to domino then server started giving problems so I deleted .....after when booting up it seys" Preparing network connection " then spends hours at "applying computer settings" and wont go any further ...I restored the backup in actve directory restore mode but still same problem...... then I restarted .......and it was stuck at just "preparing network connections"...then I used the ASR disk and it it began formatting........lol .so I quickly turned off my computer and now my harddrive is DEAD.......lol.lol.......Its not funny but I got to laugh ......anyone can say what was wrong or how to solve it (if it happens again)?
oh..this has happend twice with Samsung HD)
Wuz up,
Before when I typed the url of my Co. website, I was getting the router's interface.....solved this by removing the router's address or any ip the router would give from the dns listen on addresses box....say I have NAT and 111.111.111.xxx is the internal(I would just use this its not suppose to be a valid internal address) and 192.168.1. xxx is the internal but bound to the router so it's the external....In Dns you can choose Listen on all ip addresses or specific IP/s .....choose specific and listen on the 111.111.111.xxx ......
And you should be good!