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Everything posted by RAINMAKA

  1. that whats i was thinking. just start it and go to bed. i hope things don't pop up and you have to click them and wake up to having nothing done
  2. because im guessing the larger the drive the longer the defragmenting time would be
  3. roughly how long does defragmenting take? the computer im using only has a 40 gig hard drive
  4. are there free trials to disksweeper 10?
  5. so there would no harm done if is was to do it?
  6. i was wondering what exactly disk defragmenting does? my computer was running kinda slow and a friend said defragment your hard drive. i was what this actually does and if it would help
  7. i wish my isp capped me, they just send me a bill at the end of the month charging me for every gig that i went over
  8. making your own cables is the best when networking your house because you don't have to have extra cable laying around in some rooms. you can make the exact length you want
  9. using oil of any sort is a little to risky to cool my computer
  10. well it is officially Christmas and time to go to bed Merry Christmas to everyone
  11. well i think i will port forwarding another try someday. i was following the tutorial on portforward.com and everything was fine and at the very end when everything was done i lost my connection. not sure why yet but i did. ill just let this download continue its slow way and give port forwarding another try some other time.i was worried that i ruined my router so i went out and bought a new one but of coarse since i bought a new router my old works fine. when i called my cable company they said the modem had too many operations and got confused if that makes sense and i just didn't give out any connection. but everything is normal again thank god.
  12. ok i see i have to set up a static ip for my certain type of router. is that going to allow my family members to still access the internet on other computers?
  13. i am going to try port forwarding right now, hopefully it helps because tristan9669 is getting awesome downloads i know i cant that fast but 300Kbps would be nice
  14. i will probably just stay with u torrent perhaps i will try azureus when i download something next.
  15. another question i have is which bit torrent program do you guys think is the best? i don't need every feature i just want a somewhat fast download. I'm using u torrent right now don't know if that is good or bad.
  16. sure do
  17. port forwarding? i will try it as soon as i learn how to do it
  18. my connection is 3000/256 and i get about 2700/240 out of my advertised speed. my download has been going for about 44 hours and its only 34.5% done. my download speed rarely gets above 10Kbps and my upload stays at about 15Kbps. one time the download sped up to about 40Kbps but then right back down to about 5Kbps where it normally stays.
  19. i am wondering how fast you guys usually download from bit torrent and how long it would take download a 2.5GB file.
  20. i was never really a fan of norton and this makes me glad that i dont use norton
  21. well i guess this is as far as i can get without looking at the computer. i make sure the videocard is secure in its slot and determine what type it is. and then i will post what i find after that. thanks for all your help so far.
  22. whatever is the oldest out of those different types of adapters, is the type that is most likely in that computer. it is a gateway from 1999 if that helps determine what it may have.
  23. http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=716810&CatId=319 if i only need a pci video card which it is all i should need, the video card i posted about would be fine right?
  24. do u have ne pci-e or agp slots? i probably know what these are just not by name. i think the pci slots are the white plugs attached to your mother board that you would plug a ethernet adapter to or a usb card. because i had a 5 port usb 2.0 pci card in the older computer but took it out to put in my newer computer.
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