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Everything posted by bwt1953

  1. Yeah, I saw that the other day. I have the latest firmware updates on my router, and it did make a difference. But when I saw this thing ...I thought, why pay for something, it already works?
  2. I just ordered Adelphia HSI, need to get a modem. need suggestions
  3. 19..... sigh That was 32 years ago for me. Just got stationed on Okinawa. Boy, you got the world by the short and curlies. And you're heading into a stretch that you'll look back on for the rest of your life. Make yourself proud. Hope you have a really Happy Birthday!
  4. Damn....I almost forgot. I need to ask you cable guys ...what should I buy for a cable modem. I ordered Adelphia HSI and am opting for the 6768 and selected the plan where I buy my own modem. Don't have a clue. Maybe I should post this elsewhere?
  5. I have my 'working' machines hardwired. In fact I've been thinking of using the Gigabit LAN on them for my workgroup setup for my HTPC network. dkiller732's suggestion, for lowering router speed to increase range, is a good one. At least for me. I have the wireless installed for my kids for when they're home from college. All they need is to surf and email. That too solves another problem I have been trying to conquer: how to restrict bandwidth on the network. Good tip! Keep 'em comin'
  6. My service to the house from the ISP is wireless. I pick up their signal with a Telex antenna sitting right outside the door, from a repeater up on the hill. I also run a wired/wireless network in the house using a Linksys WRT54G router. It does real well, but still have some dead spots that can be aggrevating. I've been looking into placing an antenna on each level of the house to even out the signal. Just haven't decided whether to hardwire to new access points or to get the wireless repeaters. Running cable up three floors is a pain, but so is hearing my wife complaining about an antenna hanging on the wall. Maybe I can hide it in a vase or something. I got my router when the 54g first came out. I am curious to see what the new 54g's with speedbooster can do. Do you feel that there is a big improvement with your turbo over a standard 54g wirless router? I look forward to seeing your posts on wireless tips!
  7. dkiller723, I'm on wireless too. What equipment do you have... antenna? Is your service capped? What's your upload. What rouiter do you use? Too many questions....are we there yet? I just noticed the 'adelphia.net' in your post. So this is cable right? And you're running a wireless home network.
  8. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3034 Kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 370 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Fri Mar 18 09:10:30 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 54X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.77 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 71.8 % faster than the average for host (56.154) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-LYB8VFGR7 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 716 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Upload Speed is:: 87 kB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Fri Mar 18 09:11:36 EST 2005 Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.77 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 129.49 % faster than the average for host (56.154) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-V8HXL5YPO pretty good for a 1.5/512 service - wireless dsl problem is that it doesn't always stay this high. DL will stay above 1.5, and that's fine, but the upload drops to near nothing at times. I'm using cablenut sttings; VAnBurens dsl 3000768. I see an increase in upload with the settings. Anyone have any scoop on optimizing a router? Can it be done?
  9. Anyone on Adelphia in Northern Virginia? I'm hearing half and half about their service here. They're offering 3/384 and for a few dollars more 6/768.I'm lookin' to add another service, my daughter is killin' me with her AOL and Xanga.
  10. I hear about a lot of computer problems from friends and family. Folks lay out a lot of money for computers, routers, high speed internet access, but won't spend a dime on a UPS with battery backup. Power fluctuations (they happen all the time) and abrupt outages can damage or destroy a hard drive, router or modem over time. Do you leave your computer on 24/7? When you come home, do you find you need to reboot the comp, reboot the router or the modem because it isn't talkin'? So...I was wondering ...who leaves their computer on 24/7 with no battery backup? ...who is protected? and who thinks that because they turn it off when they aren't in front of it ...they're safe?
  11. Have you tried this? http://www.bootdisk.com/nero.htm
  12. if you already have the files, all you need is the boot disk - www.bootdisk.com
  13. me and a couple of guys at work have been dabbling in the HTPC area, just using standard XPpro. I found a place in Texas that will sell the MCE disk stand alone, when you buy a mobo and parts.We like to build our own with quiet cases and fans. Haven't been real crazy about what the manufacturers are offering with MCE as far as cases and such. We want QUIET units to sit near, and blend in with the av components. Nice black horizontal units that stack with the gear
  14. How do you like that XP MCE? Did you load it yourself, or buy the machine loaded with it?
  15. I just wanted to see what it reports for speed and if it calls out two separate CPUs. It doesn't, but it is showing the bump. Funny that you hadn't noticed the higher speed before. I love those HT P4s!
  16. download and run this http://www.belarc.com/free_download.html Belarc Advisor, it will read out all your specs, plus a bunch more info
  17. was the HT disabled?
  18. Yeah, its the HT that is bumping your cpu speed My dual Xeon does the same thing. Belarc Advisor actually reports 4 CPUs
  19. open your TASK MANAGER and look at the performance tab, how many CPUs does it show? post a screen shot
  20. NFL Pro Footbal...then ACC College Basketball, then NASCAR....that's all there is ....nothing else
  21. It is the HT (HyperThreading) that causes the bump in cpu speed. Some MBs and Bios actually will believe they are running dual cpu with HT processors. What's your MB and bios name and version?
  22. asker, look at he WM recorder splash screen, specifically the MODE button. When you set up your recorder you must have selected URL mode. You need to click on the MODE button and change that to either ADA or PROXY. Try one, then the other. Click on theMODE button, a dialog box will come up. At the lower left of the box are three radio buttons. Select ADA, then OK and try the recorder. If that doesn't work, try PROXY. If that still doesn't work, then let me know and we'll look deeper into the problem. You may have to reinstall the recorder, or at least re-enable it to recognize your network card. Good luck B
  23. Copying the vts_xxx.vob files from a dvd and trying to burn them to your own dvd won't work. You need to rip those files from the dvd . The ripper will disable any copy protection and strip the region info. After ripping the dvd, you can then play those files from your hard drive with say something like PowerDVD or a similar program. PowerDVD or similar players will allow you to generate a playlist of the VOB files so that the movie plays continuously from VOB to VOB thru to the end. To burn (backup) a movie to your own blank DVD you'll then need to process those files and convert to *.mpg. This can be a MPEG-1 (free) or (better quality) MPEG-2 ( the software upgrade/plugin for this cost a few bucks, not much...20 to 30 dollars. The MPEG-2 file will produce a superior copy. If you do it right, indistinquishable from the original DVD. The three programs pitbull481 suggests is a good choice. Easy to use. But if you want to shoot for high quality mpeg-2, plus have control
  24. 1.5/512 advertised,
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