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CA3LE last won the day on November 4

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About CA3LE

  • Birthday 11/17/1981

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    If I ever talked to you about buying Bitcoin, that was my way of saying, "I love you". ;)

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Community Answers

  1. Wow! Your member number is right in between xs1 and cholla. You definitely deserve the Original Member badge. Welcome back. What kept you from signing in for over 20 years? I was just glancing over some of the first members. There are still a few registered in 2003 (the year the forums started here) who are still active. Pretty cool.
  2. Hi Cholla! Happy to see you're still around.
  3. You already said it best, "it's usable however only for loading websites" It will get you by until the next cycle. How much bandwidth do you have to use with Verizon before that limit is enforced? Are you using a dedicated hotspot device or is this a hotspot off your phone?
  4. EDIT: scroll down first. First, here's my levels for comparison. Scrolling way over there are a lot more channels Maybe your levels are a little too high. In some cases, on the cable providers end, this is adjusted seasonally to compensate for cable length differences with temperature. In the summer, overhead cables become longer with the heat and shrink in the winter. This extra length causes a drop in signal, so it needs to be amplified to a degree. Then in the winter it needs to be turned back down. Again, this is all done on the providers end. High levels don't make things better, it can make things much worse. There's a sweet spot. Been a very long time since I was an actual cable guy... but when I was, I aimed for downstream power level to be near 0 dBmV. Mine is usually around -3 to 3 dBmV. There is something you can do about it... actually this is done on my connection right now because my levels were too high when they first installed me. Here's what I would do. Get a 3 way splitter. The type is very important... hey, an exsisting splitter could even be the issue. Here's mine for reference. Notice, 5-1002 MHz and then on the legs they say 5.5 dB ... that's -5.5 dB signal loss off those legs. A good thing, sometimes. 2 way splitters will drop 3.5 dB Most 3 way splitters drop 3.5 on one leg and 7 on the other 2. Because internally it is 2x 2 way splitters. To have a nice even 5.5 drop on all legs is kinda special, they didn't have those when I was a cable guy. For yours, maybe drop 5.5 to 7 dB. Get the splitter and cables from a Comcast store. If they only have 2 way splitters, get 2 of them. To be safe, only use cables and splitters that come from Comcast. Plus, they normally hook them up for free. . -- they really should only want you to use their connections, it saves service calls. Some cables and splitters are designed for antenna, they don't care as much about the lower and higher frequencies and they don't care as much about ingress/egress. So yeah, only use the cable providers cables, splitters and amplifiers. I don't think you need this diagram but I drew it for good measure. You may have a splitter along the line somewhere that could be to blame as well. I would trace all the way from where the cable hits the side of your house to the modem and replace any splitters, barrel connectors (they connect single cables together) or possibly bad cables along the route. Just something I would try myself before calling. BTW, in this case I would only be testing single thread. I think that's going to be the most helpful. You've seen up to 248 Mbps upload linear before, we know it's possible. https://testmy.net/db/uYQhpDzSj Please update us on any developments. And I'm sorry it took me a while to get to your topic here, I wanted to take time to properly respond... then days passed. EDIT: Looking again, I wouldn't do this. It will drop your upload signal level too low. You want 40 to 45 dBmV for upload power level. -15 to 15 dBmV for download. Trace back the lines like I said, if you don't find anything then call Comcast. Show them what you're seeing. You will have 200 Mbps again soon. This may help someone in the future.
  5. Yes, according to my IP records in the forum... you've only been using 1 IP recently. So this is very weird. Please visit https://testmy.net/iptools click [Paste] then "Run Query" -- take a screenshot and send it to me in a PM. Maybe the IP detection is grabbing a forwarding address by mistake, under some edge case scenario. With your help we'll get it fixed.
  6. Sorry, I gave you permission on the backend of the program but not on the frontend. It should be available for you now.
  7. HI Ritan671, welcome! For ping, either select Latency from the main menu or enable the beta under My Settings. Let me know what you think or if you have any more questions.
  8. Maybe contact that developer. Easier to just use TestMy.net instead. Try the beta under My Settings.
  9. You'll get this error if you run too many tests too quickly. It should be there... but not unless you hit the test more than you did. It shouldn't happen on your first re-test like that. I was seeing it too, when combined test was used and re-test was quickly done. I made an adjustment and it now passes properly under that scenario. Thanks for the heads up.
  10. thank you! And thank you to those who've made anonymous BTC donations! Very unexpected. You guys rule.
  11. I'll correct that, I didn't update the old My RT program with that mirror's information yet. Thanks for catching that. That mirror is slightly different than the rest, not built into My Latency by default... unless you select that mirror, then you'll see the option. It was donated by WaveX ISP in Kenya, I own all of the other servers. Donated, but it's a full TMN server I maintain... first one. -- it also doesn't appear in the legacy multithread test right now.
  12. You live in a very interesting location in the world. When you search for the "western most part of Europe" in Google you find Cabo da Roca. But that's totally not true. This rock, just off your island is the real western most part of Europe. That rock, from what I can see... is the end of Europe. Google Maps The Westernmost Point of Europe I feel like you're getting extremely good speeds to that remote location.
  13. Quotes from private messages
  14. Wow! You resurrected a 20 year-old topic! Ahh the old days, when 4 Mbps was amazing.
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