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Everything posted by CA3LE
Wow, that was a hard one... One thing that sucks is that I didn't have enough time to get everything done before DNS propegated so it's going to take a little while before everyone's able to get to the site via the domain name. Hope you guys enjoy the improved server... we're now running on a dell power edge quad-core xeon with SCSI hard drives... it's a beast. The main reason I switched is because I wanted to take advantage of a special that my host has where I can choose either double RAM, double hard drive space or double bandwidth... we needed the bandwidth so that's what I went with. So very soon we'll be offering larger test sizes to accommodate some of the hardcore connections some of you folks have out there. Please post any problems you see with the site, sometimes issues arise after major server transfers like this. Right now I'm recompiling apache/PHP with GD and pspell so that the spell check and score images will work, this should be done shortly. -Damon -Owner/Admin Oh, and a few days of posts were lost in the transfer... sorry but there's nothing I can do to fix this, my host cut the other server off sooner than they promised me :-/
Well the users connection doesn't really matter because the video doesn't start playing unless the user clicks the play button anyways -- and also, as was pointed out by S_T there is a button that I added to enable users to disable the feature. And when I scripted the addition I made the disable/enable button work on cookies so the site will remember your setting until you clear your cookies... doing it with cookies versus having it as a profile option works best in this case because unregistered members will also have the ability to remove the videos and of course as a unregistered users it couldn't be done as a profile option because... well... unregistered users don't have profiles to make option changes to --- anyways, this addition is just a precursor to the larger picture which will be testmy.net videos made by myself and other testmy.net mods/admins, more info on this will be available as soon as I work the kinks out of my little brainstorm I have rollin' ttyl
I plan on starting TMN videos also. It's an idea that came to me last night. We're going to have tutorials and a bunch of other stuff in video format... going to have a whole TMN youtube video section... I'll be recruiting video authors to help me start building a nice database of various videos so look for this new addition to the site very soon. The idea is so new I haven't even had a chance to discuss it with the mods/admins... I'm still working out the outline of the idea in my noggin
yeah, that CPU cooler is the shiznit -- I put the 'ARCTIC COOLING ACFZ4 80mm Ceramic' in tdawn's computer and for the first time I saw an arctic cooling fan go bad... but it had good reason, the fan must have hit a cable or something because when i got in there to see what was up two of the fan blades were damaged and the fan was spinning at about 60RPM. The heatsink kicks so much ass that even though the fan was fucked it still kept her computer cool enough to run, although the computer shut down every so often when it got over 55*C --- she has a CeleronD so her CPU runs hotter than mine, as I said before with my Core2 Duo combined with the freezer 7 I don't break 100*F (38*C) with the fan OFF. Pretty nuts, that Core2 Duo is so optimized, I love it... I haven't compared the voltage but I'm sure with how cool it runs the voltage is significantly lower than other chips. My old pentiumD ran much hotter... they sure have come a long ways with the dual core architecture. Is there something I need to do special to display the video card temp with speedfan? The temps it's showing are... System, CPU, Core 0, Core 1... and one that says AUX, which is obviously something that's reading incorrectly because it reads between 205*F and 230*F, lol. -- anyways, let me know When I was younger I used to like to hear my performance also... but after a lifetime of noise you start to change your way of thinking... and when you realize that you can get the same performance with silence and then you put it to practice you start becoming a fan of the silence. Especially since lately I've been running my powerhouse PC in my livingroom... last thing I want in my living room is the sound of a 747... loud ass fans tend to ruin the ambiance when you're watching a movie --- it's sooooo sick, I have my computer running on HD outputs to my 50" plasma.. I'm soooo in love. I also gotta Dell XPS Gen4 (first computer besides laptops that I've owned that I didn't build myself) off someone who was going to tr4ash it because he got locked out of it... didn't know the windows password and didn't know the BIOS password.. since he didn't know the BIOS password he couldn't change the boot sequence to make it possible to boot from CD to reinstall windows. So I got it off him for $250!!! -- new with the upgrades it has it was like a $3000 computer... system with a radeon X800XT, 160GB RAID0 array, Sound Blaster Audiology 4, 2GB of 566MHz ram and a P4 3.4GHz -- and the case is crazy, the CPU cooler is built in and has 2 120mm fans and a HUGE heatsink for the CPU and a butt load of cooling for the rest of the case... so it was basically a TOTAL steal for $250 --- I ended up getting Vista installed on it after Linux boot hack of the windows password. So I got that puppy running on the 26" Sony Bravia LCD in my bedroom... it's friggen awesome. I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with my office... my office computer's in my livingroom right now so my normal monitor is all lonely in there... I suppose I could hook my laptop up to it :-/ -------------- anyone know if they sell a DVI to VGA conversion plug? I already have the VGA to DVI converter but I need one the other way around, I'm sure it's out there but I've never seen one. I need one because my monitor is DVI but my laptop's output is normal VGA. EDIT BELOW.... I just took some pictures of my computers and uploaded the images. It started as me just taking a picture of the cooling system on the XPS, I wanted to show that to you guys... it's the only time I've seen 2 120mm fans as a CPU cooler... it's soooo cool, I just HAD to show you guys.... but that's what it started as. And it ended up that I took pictures of everything and then I moved on to my main PC and took pics of that too. lol Click HERE if you'd like to check out the computer I got for $250, the pics illustrate the 2X 120mm CPU cooling fan system on it... very sweet. And if ya want to check out my other self built computer click HERE. Oh god.. Now I'm just showin' off ... Oh yeah.. a cool thing that I just got for it is the floppy drive, it's not just a gay ass floppy, it also has a multi card reader... pretty much reads every type of flash card. Even though it doesn't say so it even reads my xD card from my camera, I was suprised... supposed to read something like 52 different types. Hell I never even knew there was that many card types, haha. If you want one I got mine at NewEgg (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813998514) -- the USB cable is a little stupid, they really should have made it an internal USB type plug. But I guess the way they did it makes it easier for people that don't know what they're doing... or aren't AS computer literate as most of us here are. -- both pic sets also show the sweet ass monitors I'm running them on -- a Phillips 50" Plasma and a 26" Sony Bravia LCD .. although the Bravia is smaller I totally loooooove the picture on it.. LCD is totally much better as a computer monitor, much crisper -- that's why I think I'm going to take my plasma back and swap it out for another LCD.. I got it at Sams Club so I don't have to worry about the return... they have an unlimited return policy as long as you have your receipt, so far I've swapped my TV out about 8 or more times -- no questions asked, hehe. -- OKAY, I'll shut up now. anyways.. blah blah blah... wow, I typed much more than I meant to -D
oh yeah.. the screenshot
Okay, I installed 'speedfan' -- very nice program by the way. I just installed it on my moms computer tonight so I already had it downloaded which is nice. I found out after installing it that it actually has the option to show the individual core temps. So anyways, the temp that I was seeing must have been an outside temp or some shit, because the core temps are a little bit higher, and are more in line with what you'd expect the temp to be. See the screenshot, the 'CPU' temp in the ASUS probe program shows the same as the temp that speedfan shows... but the core temps shown by speedfan are higher. Anyways, I'm still very happy with the temps that I'm getting, especially since I have the system overclocked by 20% You guys should post some temperature screenshots. OH YEAH, what's a good program to show the temperature of my video card? I have an ATI Radeon x1950XT. Also, what's a good program to overclock my video card? Check out my wishlist for cooling my video card once I deceide to start overclocking that sucka.... The cooler/heatsink (ARCTIC COOLING Accelero S1 VGA Cooler) >> http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16835186016 The fans (ARCTIC COOLING Turbo Module Sleeve Dual VGA Fan) >> http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16835186021 Thermal Compound (for glueing the memory heatsinks, I guess the stuff they give with the kit sucks...) I think this is pretty much the most kick ass cooler for my video card, any of you ever used this or seen this cooler first hand?? Once I get this cooler then I'll be overclocking my video card... but what program should I use to check the temp AND what should I use to do the actual overclocking? -D
Wow, that program crached HARDCORE. It gave me an error, saying something about a driver not being able to load... then once I hit 'OK' it popped up the same error, OVER AND OVER AND OVER. So bad that I had to just log out and log back in. Any suggestions of other programs that do the same thing?
yeah, the temp reads the same... it's been a little while since I checked it in the BIOS. But last time I did it read the same, I'll try that out. I had no idea that you could check the temp of each core like that. I'll try out 'Core Temp' and repost here. bbiab.
Wow, I don't know how I did it.. but god damn. I changed all the fans in my case, my 90mm fan was changed out to a Thermaltake A2017 (http://www.newegg.com/product/product.asp?item=N82E16811999121) and then I changed out my 120mm fans to ARCTIC COOLING AF12025 (really quite Fluid Dynamic bearings... very nice). All the fans are super quite. But the 90mm fan (it's my side fan) has a manual speed control. No matter what speed it's set to my cpu runs at the most at 80*F idle... but if I crank it up (where it gets a tad loud) it somehow gets BELOW room temp.. I have no idea how, lol. My room temp in here right now is 72*f -- how can you explain this screenshot. By the way, I'm able to get such low temps because I have a core2 duo, and they run pretty cool by themselves.. BUT I also have an ARCTIC COOLING Freezer 7 Pro 92mm CPU Cooler (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835186134) -- which I've said many times that I highly recommend, that sucker is so awesome that I can actually turn the CPU cooler fan off (and have no fans pointing at the CPU) and the heatsink alone is good enough, not even breaking 98*F idle... crazy, full load with the fan off I think it gets up to like 114*F or something. Anyways, the temp in the screenshot is also with my system overclocked 20% -- 1337!! -- how the hell is it under the room temp though?!?! - only time I've seen that is with a pelteir -- maybe it's because the air is moving so fast across the heatsink, the case fan that I'm cranking up is a side fan that points right at the heatsink. All I know is that I'm glad I changed these fans out, my temps dropped a pretty good amount, it was already running ice cold. But the main thing I like is that the case is silent... so quite you wouldn't hardly know it's running if all the blue lights weren't glowing .
Thanks everyone, sorry it took till now for me to get in here, I was pretty busy yesterday. That birthday ROCKED. Thanks again, you guys rule. naw, only got the one, hehe awwww, that IS beautiful brotha, thanks.
Sorry for the downtime folks, the servers back online so that's what matters. The last login to my servers SSH (remote Linux console was made by my host (theplanet) s I put a tick in asking them WTF was up.. I also removed my password from their password admin center in my orbit console (it's a console that my host and I communicate through)... because there has been more than one occasion like this where I've had downtime and I come to find out that they were the last ones in there. I'll be keeping an eye on things, if you guys see anything wrong please send me an AIM message to CA3LE6UY and it'll go to my phone. Thanks guys, sorry again. - Damon
it's cool... the link is on topic, not an advertisment as long as it's on topic and not some bullshit site
wow, nearly 130K views on this topic... I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this topic must be highly ranked on the search engines nice topic start shug
I was slash from Guns n Roses Quick update (I don't want to make another topic):: Just to let you guys know also.. tonight and tomorrow I'll be working on getting the mobile speedtest integrated with the main part of the site. This will give a validation code for the mobile results and there will now be an easily accessible link to the mobile speedtest in the menu. I can't guarantee this will be online in the next couple of days because I could run into a bump, but it will be done very soon. Just thought I'd update you guys on what's going on. I'm just about fully healed from my motorcycle accident and I only have a couple more doctor appointments (follow ups), so that whole nightmare is just about over... it was HELL! And I had no medical insurance at the time so I have a shit load of bills, although I paid cash already for much of it and already paid for the most expensive part (the surgery on my hand) I'm still getting bill after bill after bill for little things, why can't they just make one bill! The doctors bill you then the hospital bills you then the radiology bills you... I swear, if I get a bill from the person that signed me in at the emergency room I'm going to flip ---- anyways, I'm done nagging. The point is that I've been doing physical therapy on my hand and I'm at the point now where I'm typing at my normal blazing speed so keep an eye out for some changes... including an update to the site template. I want a totally out of the box site design for 08 so I'm going to start rolling on that as soon as I fine tune a couple of things. Working on the design will get my creative juices flowing and will get me nice and excited about getting us all some nice new tools on here. Anyways, back to the topic! Post pics of what you were for halloween! As I said, I was Slash -- and yes, that guitar is a real Les Paul (it's my brother in Law's -- I couldn't play in instrument to save my life)
I'm going to fix this one Okay, the database work is done, should be all good now
hehe Okay, I've been bustin my butt but it was worth it. I wrote myself a script that automates this curtain optimization process that I normally did by hand. With the use of this script the process will be completed without... A: crashing the server because the queries are too big B: having me sit here and enter a million tiny queries The script basically cleans up the millions of old entries in the score database. this would normally not be that taxing on the server but because I need to make sure that users and affiliate scores don't get killed I have to cross reference multiple indexes in the database.... and that's where it can get taxing..... especially when there's 5 million entries to delete. Anyways... the script is running and doing it's thing. It's automated but it will still take a while because there it time between queries to make sure mySQL doesn't overload but I'll have the scores back up as soon as it's safe to do so. - Damon
Yeah, I'm getting much better, I can sorta use a computer now. (for those of you that don't know, I was in a motorcycle accident. Had to have surgery to put my hand back together). I get out of my cast in about a week and a half. This ordeal has made me realize how much I use my left hand -- and although I only had the left hand messed up I still couldn't even use a computer with just my right hand because I tore a ligament (it didn't break just tore a bit) in my right shoulder. It made it really hard to do everything for a long while. But the shoulder is about 75% better, still hurts like a bitch sometimes but not nearly as bad as it was. I was so messed up that I couldn't (for a while) even wash a dish because it required me to lift my arm up to sink height and although I could do it I REALLY couldn't do it because I shouldn't do it, because I'm guessing that a hardcore shooting pain that runs from your fingertips all the way to your backbone is a pretty good indicaion that your body is telling you DON'T DO THAT DUMMY! - It was weird because the first day I didn't even know I had really hurt anything, the real pain took a little while to set in. And my hand was so swollen that I didn't even know it was broken for two days... then I was like "ummm, I don't think that's supposed to bend like that..." -- and then at about day four my right shoulder turned a black red, I guess that blood was pooling in my arm (nothing like a bruse). I have a nearly 1/2 sleeve shoulder/arm tattoo that's very heavy black tribal and there was a large portion of the tattoo that couldn't be seen because of it, lol. Anyways, back to the database stuff... mySQL just crashed after my query... I thought that query might be too big.. WHOOPS!
Had a few problems with the score database this morning as some of you may have noticed. I'll be working this morning on optimizing it to alleviate the problems and to free up some system resources on the server. So please bear with us this morning (and most likely this afternoon), the site may lag out for you a few times during the process because the commands I need to run are very resource intensive. For the moment the score signature image that some of you are using as your signatures will be disabled, this is because that image is drawn on the fly by the server and a query of the score database is needed to perform that action. At the moment I have no ETA but I'll be working nonstop on this until the database resource choke has been alleviated. I'll update this post and close the topic once I'm finished. While I'm at it I'll be optimizing the other various databases but since this is preventative maintenance those services will not go down nor will they have issues related to their optimization, although, any and all portions of the site that are database driven (pretty much everything) could have issues if any of the commands I perform in mySQL get bogged down... but I'll try and make sure that my queries are small enough to avoid any further issues. Thanks for your patience and patronage. - Damon ~ testmy.net owner/admin Update: Database optimization is done, everything should be fully functional, took longer than expected but it's done now. Sorry about the downtime folks. -Damon
Surgically alters thumbs to better use iPhone
CA3LE replied to mudmanc4's topic in General Discussion
What would be funny is if his weak ass little girl thumbs snapped off. The name of the procedure "whittling" is enough to scare me... as if the doc is whittling your fingers like he was a hick sitting on a porch whistling the Andy Griffith tune as if your fingers were a peice of oak... lol Yeah, he's a fuckin tool for sure.. But it's not that bad to alter your body... I WOULD TOTALLY alter my body to better fit technology but nothing like this... I'd go for a brain implant to download data though -- that-would-be-SICK! But that doesn't make me a tool, it makes me a CYBORG! A really, really, really kick ass cyborg! -
Site down :: It was just a reboot thanks for your patience -D
That's what I figured, because the image that you posted didn't have the "Ads by Google" logo. I wonder if those guys that put that adware out there make good money at it :-/ -- bastards stealing my adspace -- lol
I have disabled the mirrors for a while, I need to get the mirrors section rebuilt. Many of the mirrors have been taken down by the owners. After I do a few other things with the site I'll be rebuilding a whole new mirror system and I'll start aquiring mirror donations. -Damon
yeah... it's either that the owner of that website has clicked the link in the google ad on here (the one that says "advertise on this site") and specifically requested that his ads be shown here. OR you may have some kind of virus, spyware or adware that's replacing my ads with the adwares authors ads. It's pretty messed up but that kind of stuff is out there. If you guys see that ad again or any ads like it please send me a PM telling me what the web adress is that the ad points to so I can go into my ad system with Google and filter it out so that it's not shown again. Just know that testmy.net does not place ads of this kind here on purpose and if I notice something like that I filter it out of my rotation... just like we also don't show casio or debt consolidation ads... they're stupid and annoying and have nothing to do with the content that you're viewing here. Again, shoot me a PM with the URL of the site so I can filter it out... I still haven't been able to see the ad myself. - Damon
WOOT.. I stayed up tonight and got my desktop PC back online... got all my programs installed and am testing nice and fast :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 16999 Kbps about 17 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 2075 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2007/08/06 - 5:36am Bottom Line:: 296X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.49 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 5.86 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 176 % faster than the average for host (cox.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GU380TEXK User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; Media Center PC 5.0; InfoPath.2) [!]