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    My Results

Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. Nice way to brand the test into your site.. iframe? You should edit the colors and font of the test though, do you know how to do this? -- if not let me know I can make it blend even better with your site
  2. Trials have already been carried out. Unfortunatly most power lines don't perform well over 50-60 Hz and they run the data at large bandwidth with frequencies up to about 30MHz so signal leaks out of the cable as a radio transmission. Cable providers also have leaks and every few years fly planes over their plant area (a whole city or whatever) and take pictures with special cameras that detect leaks... then go to the areas with the leaks and make repairs to 'patch' the leaks.... when you plug a cable into the wall.. and don't have the other end pluged into anything radio signals are just flowing out the other end [i was part of the leak tea for Cox in phoenix in 2000 - it's a large project, and a pain in the ass] ANYWAY --- The trials have shown that the leaks are pretty bad and cause problems with short wave radios that operate at these frequencies. I don't think an actual product will ever come available, though it is possible... it's just not smart with all the other broadband options out there By the way... if your cable company also has phone service they have power on their cable line... 90 volts at 60 Hz usually, 90 volts is still pretty damn strong, I got hit with it once when I was working in the rain also back in 2000... good thing I hit it with the back of my hand otherwise my hand wouldn't have been able to let got of the wire --- don't worry though, once it gets to the ped it is taken off the coax and transfered to a lead that runs with the drop... and does not enter your home
  3. Back to problems ~~ I have a support ticket into my host. I may be getting a new server -- this time changing the OS.. I have had nothing but problems since I switched to RedHat enterprise 3 ~~ I may even try out a windows server for the first time.
  4. CA3LE


    That is a pretty awesome script... but ActiveX will only work with IE and MSN explorer... You need to find a good 'ol java script to make it compatable.
  5. This was resolved.... read below I did get a alert on this ***** The Planet Monitoring System: IPAlert ***** Notification Type: PROBLEM Service: PING Host: C11804-testmy.net Address: State: WARNING Date/Time: Thu Oct 21 12:20:49 CDT 2004 Additional Info: PING WARNING - Packet loss = 66%, RTA = 9.26 ms And about 5 minutes later the server resolved itself and my monitor alerted me of the resolution. ***** The Planet Monitoring System: IPAlert ***** Notification Type: RECOVERY Service: PING Host: C11804-testmy.net Address: State: OK Date/Time: Thu Oct 21 12:25:49 CDT 2004 Additional Info: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 9.29 ms Man MICROWAVE is almost as accurate as my server monitor... hahaha... he's on top of shit!
  6. nice feedback so far guys... thank you
  7. Please post honestly I need to know if anyone has been experiencing problems testing here, has your results been to par lately -- have you gotten any off results lately - -how is it testing as of right now ~~ what time of day. Please vote AND please post, BUT keep your posts short and to the point and please don't reply to others posts... this is not a dicussion but rather a poll of my users... this topic will be deleted soon
  8. WARNING:::::LONG POST::::: Posting your URL in your sig is perfectly cool man, otherwise you would have already got a message from me..... In fact I encourage it, that's why there is also a WWW link under peoples posts who have opted to put their website URL in their profile. I figure it this way... if your URL is in your sig or on your post then YES traffic will be sent to your site... BUT only if the person reading your post likes what you had to say, this encourages my users to hopefully post more intelligent answers and start more intelligent conversation... and though traffic is leaving my site, it is leaving my site on a good note and in the end benefiting my site as a whole with more content. The whole idea behind my forums is to gain a HUGE knowledge base, where hopefully in the end I will have enough members and information that when you search google for the answer to a question that is broadband/connection related you will see some results from topics posted on TestMy.net and hopefully get the answer they need. Of course the ball has been rolling on this for a while and I already have traffic flowing in from the only ~7000 posts made so far, and have already got emails thanking me for the site and saying that they got just the answer they were searching for... (my end goal) Of course from time to time... to time to time --- hehe --- we talk shit and have fun (or poke fun) and this is awesome and I think out of all the forums I have been a part of this one has the tightest group of people I have seen ~~ you guys all rock and I hope you enjoy watching as much as I do the growth and development of this site. *Any new people reading this, stick around - we got some cool peeps up in here ~ and I keep seeing new cool people joining all the time, actually up in the 100's per month joining in now - Wonder what the site will be like in another 12 months ~ MICROWAVE was one of the first members he can let you all know the growth the site has gone through. When he joined in July 2003 the site was getting about 18,000 page views/day - yesterday the site had 280,000 page views -- I now have the amount of visitors in 2 days that I did in the whole month when MICROWAVE joined the site. I am kinda scared of what the numbers will be in 1 more year - at the current rate of growth over 4million page views/day and well into the millions of visitors per month ~~~ I don't know what in the FRICK I'm going to do about hosting... lots of rack space, lots of money --- thank god for advertisers! -- Check back with me in a year! But I think in one year I may hit my traffic cap... but I have been saying that for a long time - every month has outdone the previous month -- where the hell is the roof! hehe. The goal - and promise now and to the end --- FREE FOR ALL! That's what the internet is supposed to be! Anyway... blab blab blab
  9. Thank you -- you rock, I love feedback, good or bad
  10. Thank you David, welcome to the forum.
  11. Yea visualware is pretty pimp guys ... they make some nice applets, i love their Visual Trace Route ~~~ but the server your hosting that on is way too slow brotha ~~ I downloaded a couple of your files and I can only get like 37.5 KB/s or about 300Kbps ~~~ That isn't a dedicated server bro... if it is it's hosted on a cable connection - or has some SERIOUS network problems By the way, how many time have I told you to stop posting personal links...... 5 times now... I don't like links posted in my forums unless they are to articles and tools ~~ you are basically slaping me in my face with this post ------ that is like bringing your hotdog cart into a 7-11 and selling hotdogs --- what the fuck do you think 7-11 would do. Cool looking test, not functional on your server and not authored by you. NUF said ~~~ next post like this and your IP-BLOCK will be banned not just in forums but site wide.
  12. Please ...PM CA3LE with guides and tutorials for submission to this section, your submission will be reviewed for addition to this section. And as always credit is given where credit is due. Please check spelling and grammar before submission, and please know what you are talking about. Submissions will be thrown away for many reasons other than that but please format your submission as if you were writing a book or a webpage. Your entries may serve as a big help to the online community, please make your submissions unique to the internet... don't plagiarize. Quotes are fine as long as references are given to the original author. Website URLs are okay included in your submission as long as the content on the site is relevant to the topic. Members posting large amounts of information that end up being part of this section may receive admin/mod rights to TestMy.net's forum... PM CA3LE your submission TODAY
  13. I got the same results and you wingzero
  14. Correct link is https://testmy.net/links/in.php?ID=17 ~~~ thanks for reporting a script error on my part -- email me directly next time though.
  15. Right on bro Best way to promote your site is to answer lots of questions... enough people will see your WWW link on your posts ~~~ the smarter your answers the more likely they are to check out what you have to offer. Passive advertising works in some cases
  16. Damn I just pulled your stats... man you test here ALOT (650 logged tests)(I don't mind or anything)--- don't forget to tell your friends about the site ~~~ how long have you been using my site? You have tests logged all the way back to when I opened the score database.
  17. Very nice speeds - Cox I see... very nice ~~ is that the 5Mbps/768Kbps package?
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