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Everything posted by CA3LE

  1. what the hell.. how did you drop that much!?!? OH it's because your on shaw http://www.testmy.net/whois.php?ip= haha j/k shaw seems to kick ass Bad NIC maybe? Did you start from a fresh format of winXP
  2. what the hell.. how did you drop that much!?!? OH it's because your on shaw http://www.testmy.net/whois.php?ip= haha j/k shaw seems to kick ass Bad NIC maybe? Did you start from a fresh format of winXP
  3. what the hell.. how did you drop that much!?!? OH it's because your on shaw http://www.testmy.net/whois.php?ip= haha j/k shaw seems to kick ass Bad NIC maybe? Did you start from a fresh format of winXP
  4. what the hell.. how did you drop that much!?!? OH it's because your on shaw http://www.testmy.net/whois.php?ip= haha j/k shaw seems to kick ass Bad NIC maybe? Did you start from a fresh format of winXP
  5. what the hell.. how did you drop that much!?!? OH it's because your on shaw http://www.testmy.net/whois.php?ip= haha j/k shaw seems to kick ass Bad NIC maybe? Did you start from a fresh format of winXP
  6. try closing your browser then retesting... I just tested and it works fine for me.
  7. try closing your browser then retesting... I just tested and it works fine for me.
  8. try closing your browser then retesting... I just tested and it works fine for me.
  9. try closing your browser then retesting... I just tested and it works fine for me.
  10. try closing your browser then retesting... I just tested and it works fine for me.
  11. try closing your browser then retesting... I just tested and it works fine for me.
  12. AHHH... damn you and you SBC yahoo pimp connection! thanks lorne... I made it on southparks website.. check it out http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
  13. AHHH... damn you and you SBC yahoo pimp connection! thanks lorne... I made it on southparks website.. check it out http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
  14. AHHH... damn you and you SBC yahoo pimp connection! thanks lorne... I made it on southparks website.. check it out http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
  15. AHHH... damn you and you SBC yahoo pimp connection! thanks lorne... I made it on southparks website.. check it out http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
  16. AHHH... damn you and you SBC yahoo pimp connection! thanks lorne... I made it on southparks website.. check it out http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
  17. AHHH... damn you and you SBC yahoo pimp connection! thanks lorne... I made it on southparks website.. check it out http://southparkstudios.com/games/create.html
  18. CA3LE

    I hate spyware

    yea fuckin' spyware is messing up the internet... by the way, I am researching a bit so I can build an online utility to scan and remove spyware... fully web based application. I still don't know if I can do it... and even if I can it might take me a while to write the software... but it's something I am thinking about adding to the site ~~~ any programers out their that could share thoughts on this would be greatly appritiated and possibly greatly rewarded I am also still working on the database stuff too so that users can log their connection over time (I have had this in the past couple years ago... but it was a flat file database that became slow after about 50,000 entries and I had to remove the option after just a few days, I need to have it all done in SQL and PERL DBI because I now have about 3000% more traffic and will have many MANY more entries into the database... blah blah) it is not an easy task and I need to take time in making it so that it gets done right the first time... when I FINALLY get this online i will pull a few members from the forum to help beta test this. This is a huge tast and very complex (anyone who has written database ANYTHING knows what I am talking about just look at http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm and kinda see what I am talking about [and that isn't even close to the whole picture]) this may take me a pretty long time to get perfected, but will be well worth the wait trust me... I won't publish some of the ideas I am rolling 'round in my head with what I am thinking about doing with the information in the database because nobody has ever gone to the extent of processing and output as what I am trying to do... you'll all just have to wait and see - Damon
  19. CA3LE

    I hate spyware

    yea fuckin' spyware is messing up the internet... by the way, I am researching a bit so I can build an online utility to scan and remove spyware... fully web based application. I still don't know if I can do it... and even if I can it might take me a while to write the software... but it's something I am thinking about adding to the site ~~~ any programers out their that could share thoughts on this would be greatly appritiated and possibly greatly rewarded I am also still working on the database stuff too so that users can log their connection over time (I have had this in the past couple years ago... but it was a flat file database that became slow after about 50,000 entries and I had to remove the option after just a few days, I need to have it all done in SQL and PERL DBI because I now have about 3000% more traffic and will have many MANY more entries into the database... blah blah) it is not an easy task and I need to take time in making it so that it gets done right the first time... when I FINALLY get this online i will pull a few members from the forum to help beta test this. This is a huge tast and very complex (anyone who has written database ANYTHING knows what I am talking about just look at http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm and kinda see what I am talking about [and that isn't even close to the whole picture]) this may take me a pretty long time to get perfected, but will be well worth the wait trust me... I won't publish some of the ideas I am rolling 'round in my head with what I am thinking about doing with the information in the database because nobody has ever gone to the extent of processing and output as what I am trying to do... you'll all just have to wait and see - Damon
  20. CA3LE

    I hate spyware

    yea fuckin' spyware is messing up the internet... by the way, I am researching a bit so I can build an online utility to scan and remove spyware... fully web based application. I still don't know if I can do it... and even if I can it might take me a while to write the software... but it's something I am thinking about adding to the site ~~~ any programers out their that could share thoughts on this would be greatly appritiated and possibly greatly rewarded I am also still working on the database stuff too so that users can log their connection over time (I have had this in the past couple years ago... but it was a flat file database that became slow after about 50,000 entries and I had to remove the option after just a few days, I need to have it all done in SQL and PERL DBI because I now have about 3000% more traffic and will have many MANY more entries into the database... blah blah) it is not an easy task and I need to take time in making it so that it gets done right the first time... when I FINALLY get this online i will pull a few members from the forum to help beta test this. This is a huge tast and very complex (anyone who has written database ANYTHING knows what I am talking about just look at http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm and kinda see what I am talking about [and that isn't even close to the whole picture]) this may take me a pretty long time to get perfected, but will be well worth the wait trust me... I won't publish some of the ideas I am rolling 'round in my head with what I am thinking about doing with the information in the database because nobody has ever gone to the extent of processing and output as what I am trying to do... you'll all just have to wait and see - Damon
  21. CA3LE

    I hate spyware

    yea fuckin' spyware is messing up the internet... by the way, I am researching a bit so I can build an online utility to scan and remove spyware... fully web based application. I still don't know if I can do it... and even if I can it might take me a while to write the software... but it's something I am thinking about adding to the site ~~~ any programers out their that could share thoughts on this would be greatly appritiated and possibly greatly rewarded I am also still working on the database stuff too so that users can log their connection over time (I have had this in the past couple years ago... but it was a flat file database that became slow after about 50,000 entries and I had to remove the option after just a few days, I need to have it all done in SQL and PERL DBI because I now have about 3000% more traffic and will have many MANY more entries into the database... blah blah) it is not an easy task and I need to take time in making it so that it gets done right the first time... when I FINALLY get this online i will pull a few members from the forum to help beta test this. This is a huge tast and very complex (anyone who has written database ANYTHING knows what I am talking about just look at http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm and kinda see what I am talking about [and that isn't even close to the whole picture]) this may take me a pretty long time to get perfected, but will be well worth the wait trust me... I won't publish some of the ideas I am rolling 'round in my head with what I am thinking about doing with the information in the database because nobody has ever gone to the extent of processing and output as what I am trying to do... you'll all just have to wait and see - Damon
  22. CA3LE

    I hate spyware

    yea fuckin' spyware is messing up the internet... by the way, I am researching a bit so I can build an online utility to scan and remove spyware... fully web based application. I still don't know if I can do it... and even if I can it might take me a while to write the software... but it's something I am thinking about adding to the site ~~~ any programers out their that could share thoughts on this would be greatly appritiated and possibly greatly rewarded I am also still working on the database stuff too so that users can log their connection over time (I have had this in the past couple years ago... but it was a flat file database that became slow after about 50,000 entries and I had to remove the option after just a few days, I need to have it all done in SQL and PERL DBI because I now have about 3000% more traffic and will have many MANY more entries into the database... blah blah) it is not an easy task and I need to take time in making it so that it gets done right the first time... when I FINALLY get this online i will pull a few members from the forum to help beta test this. This is a huge tast and very complex (anyone who has written database ANYTHING knows what I am talking about just look at http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm and kinda see what I am talking about [and that isn't even close to the whole picture]) this may take me a pretty long time to get perfected, but will be well worth the wait trust me... I won't publish some of the ideas I am rolling 'round in my head with what I am thinking about doing with the information in the database because nobody has ever gone to the extent of processing and output as what I am trying to do... you'll all just have to wait and see - Damon
  23. CA3LE

    I hate spyware

    yea fuckin' spyware is messing up the internet... by the way, I am researching a bit so I can build an online utility to scan and remove spyware... fully web based application. I still don't know if I can do it... and even if I can it might take me a while to write the software... but it's something I am thinking about adding to the site ~~~ any programers out their that could share thoughts on this would be greatly appritiated and possibly greatly rewarded I am also still working on the database stuff too so that users can log their connection over time (I have had this in the past couple years ago... but it was a flat file database that became slow after about 50,000 entries and I had to remove the option after just a few days, I need to have it all done in SQL and PERL DBI because I now have about 3000% more traffic and will have many MANY more entries into the database... blah blah) it is not an easy task and I need to take time in making it so that it gets done right the first time... when I FINALLY get this online i will pull a few members from the forum to help beta test this. This is a huge tast and very complex (anyone who has written database ANYTHING knows what I am talking about just look at http://search.cpan.org/~timb/DBI/DBI.pm and kinda see what I am talking about [and that isn't even close to the whole picture]) this may take me a pretty long time to get perfected, but will be well worth the wait trust me... I won't publish some of the ideas I am rolling 'round in my head with what I am thinking about doing with the information in the database because nobody has ever gone to the extent of processing and output as what I am trying to do... you'll all just have to wait and see - Damon
  24. CA3LE

    Fast Speed

    yea... most of the time the error correction will catch it... but once in a while one will get through.. hehe. here is what you would normally get if you click back... [code:1] ERROR :: 337 :: Sorry but 260717 Kbps is too high. Our test cap is currently set at 17000 Kbps. This does not necessarily mean you have an awesome connection... this most likely means that... **Somehow the test is in your browser cache ** You clicked <back> and are now getting ERROR results TestMy.net has filters in place to weed out bad results. You should RE-TEST and try to get an accurate reading. If you get this often try to not click back. :) [/code:1] hehe
  25. CA3LE

    Fast Speed

    yea... most of the time the error correction will catch it... but once in a while one will get through.. hehe. here is what you would normally get if you click back... [code:1] ERROR :: 337 :: Sorry but 260717 Kbps is too high. Our test cap is currently set at 17000 Kbps. This does not necessarily mean you have an awesome connection... this most likely means that... **Somehow the test is in your browser cache ** You clicked <back> and are now getting ERROR results TestMy.net has filters in place to weed out bad results. You should RE-TEST and try to get an accurate reading. If you get this often try to not click back. :) [/code:1] hehe
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