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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by sst45jeff

  1. So does this effect the browsing speed all the time. it seems like it does. What is the best anti virus to use to combat this?
  2. Has anybody tested there speed with the Mcafee virus program on and off. when i test with it on my download speed is stuck at 4.6mb and when i turn it off it goes up to 5.6 - 6 Mb. I am on Comcast 8800/1000 plan with Mcaffe virus scan and firewall. The firewall does not seem to effect the download speed. Anobody have any ideas or sugestions.
  3. i got one thanks just
  4. Any one have any g-mail invites. if you could pm me and let me know if you have one you would like to give me. Thanks
  5. WHO cares what it looks like at that price. at least it is black and not pink ! I say if you are looking to get one that would be a good choice. So it is a brand nobody has heard of probably comes out of the same factory as several other companies with diffrent names and cosmetics.If it only last a couple years you will probably be ready for the next greatest update anyway. Go for it !
  6. Disturbing, Just reinforces the fact that there seems to be a link between that kind of gaming and violonce. I beleive it is teaching them that it is okay and it is not.
  7. I wish this was a true speed maybe someday in my lifetime. Dont know how this hapened. I usually get about 3MB :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 37058 Kbps about 37.1 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 4524 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server1) Test Time:: Sat Jun 11 22:08:08 PDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 662X faster than 56K 1MB download in 0.23 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 930.25 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-4KGR7SJE1
  8. make sure you turn of firewall to get the file sharing going once you have it working go in to your firewall settings and look for networking wizard to set up yor firewall to allow the network traffic between your computers. i had this problem and i was using Norton internet security firewall. if you dont configure your firewall, every time you shut down or the computor hibernates the network will quit responding.
  9. So how does this look. my sppeds have never gotten much above 3mb usually lower and i have done all the things to help it suggested. I am curios about the line where it says it timed out. Log created by AutoCheck.bat on Fri 05/20/2005 Pinging testmy.net [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=73ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=75ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=74ms TTL=49 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 73ms, Maximum = 75ms, Average = 74ms Ping Complete. Tracing route to testmy.net [] over a maximum of 30 hops: 1 1 ms <1 ms <1 ms 2 * * * Request timed out. 3 10 ms 11 ms 31 ms 4 9 ms 9 ms 9 ms 5 13 ms 11 ms 14 ms 6 14 ms 14 ms 17 ms 7 13 ms 15 ms 15 ms 8 53 ms 55 ms 74 ms tbr2-cl1.cgcil.ip.att.net [] 9 60 ms 62 ms 78 ms tbr2-cl7.sl9mo.ip.att.net [] 10 79 ms 78 ms 85 ms tbr2-cl6.dlstx.ip.att.net [] 11 69 ms 70 ms 68 ms gar1-p370.dlrtx.ip.att.net [] 12 68 ms 68 ms 69 ms 13 67 ms 72 ms 70 ms dist-vlan32.dsr3-2.dllstx3.theplanet.com [] 14 69 ms 79 ms 78 ms dist-vlan41.dsr2-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 15 70 ms 96 ms 77 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [] 16 76 ms 76 ms 73 ms Trace complete.
  10. I ran accross this on the mydirecway site and thought it might be an angle to get the older modems recomisioned. Do you have any plans to develop satellite Internet access for Mac, Unix, or Linux users? The DW4020
  11. eb100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.3.3d click START to begin Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 420.72Kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 3.15Mb/s Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem Alarm: Duplex mismatch condition exists: Host set to Full and Switch set to Half duplex
  12. I got hooked up friday morning and the modem they installed is an Ambit. anybody had one of these. My speed seems to be down. The best i have seen is 3.2 MB usually around 2MB. I have done everything in the post to increase the speed and it does not seem to help. I have also tested with firewall on & off seems to make no diffrence. I have the 4Mb account. Any info or help would be apreciated.
  13. I got hooked up friday morning and the modem they installed is an Ambit. anybody had one of these. My speed seems to be down the best i have seen is 3.2 MB usually around 2MB. I have done everything in the post to increase the speed and it does not seem to help. I have also tested with firewall on & off seems to make no diffrence. Any info or help would be apreciated.
  14. Sparky- yes you are right i do not have to read the post where people are complaining about Dway but when they are posting all over in diffrent subject where people are trying to get help all it does is clutter those subjects with people griping. If you want to complain than keep your complaints to a subject called DWay complaining and griping so people can exercise there freedom of choice and not go to that subject. That way those of us trying to learn something or help people are not wasting our time sifting through all the complaining to get to the actual subject of the post. As far as my DW 4000 versus your DW 6000 again that was your choice for what ever reason to upgrade to the DW 6000. If you are truly not getting what is advertised by Dway, if your upload is not what Dway is advertising and you truly have a leg to stand on with your argument than you can very easily get out of your contract by breach of contract & false advertising. But i am assuming you don't really want to do that because your only other choice would be dial up. Right now with your current actions you sound like the guy that bought a house next to the airport and claims he did not know it was there or that loud and thinks they should shut it done or build him a sound proof house at the airport expense. I am not trying to stir you or anybody else up but i make one post that you guys need to quit complaining or put it in the proper forum post so the rest of us can ignore it if we choose and i get those of you who are unhappy attacking me know and my opinions which is not the purpose of this web site. If you personally attack my opinions than i will defend my opinions to a point than i will just leave the site and go elswherefor info & help as other people have been doing. I don't think that is what the owner of this site really wants is a site full of complaining.
  15. Its better than dialup and serves my purposes. I have never had any trouble with my system other than an ocasional outage about once or twice a year due to weather.
  16. You guys got to learn to quit bashing DirecWay so much. it may not be the best thing available but it is all you got right now except dial up. If something else was available than i am sure you would switch if you are so inclined. If you are having a problem than sure you have a right to complain but when everything is running as expected than why complain nobody likes to here people complain all the time and all the complaining will not make your speeds any faster. I have been very happy with the service provided by DirecWay. My DW4000 has consistently given me 1.5 Mbps down and is better than DW advertises. Don't get me wrong though i am planning on jumping ship ASAP to cable now that it is available.
  17. I need to clarify my question on sharing the lines in my house. I was wondering if the cable internet conection comming in to the house can share the same lines in the house as the satelite tv or if the cable line needs to be isolated to the cable modem only (not sharing the same line with the tv signal)
  18. I am going to hook up to Comcast and i was wondering if i should rent or buy a modem. Which modem should i get if i buy one? does the cable line need to go direct to the modem or can it share the same lines as my satelite tv?
  19. I have sold the complete system and will now be hooking up cable internet in the near future. I have been very pleased with how the DW4000 performed since it was the only hi speed internet available at the time. Now that cable is available i am going to move and try it out hope it is not a mistake.
  20. they dont care what modem you are running as long as you keep yuor service with Direcway. The contract is for so many months of service with direcway. They may want a fee to recomision the new modem. Mountain man did it and there have been others.
  21. cmon there has got to be somebody out there that would like to have a DW4000 modem setup. i get consistantly 1.5 meg down sometimes as high as 1.9 it has been proven the DW4000 modem is faster than the DW6000 which can barely hit 1 meg on a good day. all you have to do is call direcway and have them comision the modem in place of the DW 6000 will not affect your contract with them.
  22. I am thinking of replacing my DW4000 with cable internet. It is going to cost me a fair bit to get the cable to my house so i am offering up the system to anybody that would like to go back to the DW4000 to get better speed than the DW6000. At a price of course. there is no contract or monies owed and everything is working great I am just tired of the FAP. Make offer !
  23. are you downloading more than 169MB in a 4 hour period? If you are than you are getting fapped. Once you get fapped you have to wait about 10-12 hrs before the fap is lifted. When you dont wait for the fap to be lifted your downloads can start out fast and then slow down to a trickle soon after you start the download like you described. if you dont wait for the fap to get lifted you will stay in a constant state of fapped by direcway.
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