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Everything posted by sst45jeff

  1. I have one of each on my system the standard cable says Laser DVC RG6 coaxial cable 16 AWG 75 OHM 2.25 OHMz. The other cable says it is a Digital Quad sheild RG-6 coaxial cable 18 AWG 75 OHM 2250 MHz. Hope this helps. Try calling your local electronics supply house and they could probably tell you what to look for on the cable.
  2. I got one regular RG 6 cable and one dual quad RG 6 cable. Of course before he started the installation he tried to get me to upgrade the lines to the dual quad cable for a extra fee. Then when he started running the lines he found out he did not have enough of the regular RG 6 cable so i got one cable of the dual quad for free.
  3. did direcway tell you that if you get the serial # of the modem you can call them to make sure there is nothing owed on contract with them? if he deactivated without fulfilling the contract with DW they will not activate it unless the bill is payed.
  4. Go with the DW 4000. You also will not have any commitment to DW if you buy used and pay the installer to set it up for you. so you can make changes any time if something better comes down the pike without having to pay off DW.
  5. Interesting the fact that they absalutly dont want you to go back to the DW4000. If they are the same why would they forbid you from going back? Hardware Terms & Conditions: Once you have activated the DW6000, you will not be able to reinstall your DW4000.
  6. Mospeed - I cant remember what tweak it was i tried but it did the same thing to me, I could not access any secure sites or sites that required you to log in. But what i can tell you is that i reloaded my direcway software, ran the web setup and it fixed the problem. I must have removed something by accident that caused the same problem you are having.
  7. So Van does this info tell you that our speed is capped by Direcway and since my info was diffrent than Jlester that it is controlled and varies by the amount of users? Your PC/Workstation has a 15.0 KByte buffer which limits the throughput to 1.51 Mbps The network based flow control limits the throughput to 1.61 Mbps
  8. Van
  9. Rlh24- that is a picture of the sst45 i race. I have grown up around boat racing so i am very familiar with inboard Hydros but not the cambridge classic per say since i live on the west coast. Take a look at this site it is the series i race. www.sst45.com
  10. direcpc.com Download Average = 756 Kbps :: 92 KB/sec --- 43698 records found (30 days of logs) you Your Download Average = 770 Kbps :: 94 KB/s --- 444 records found (30 days of logs) Upload Stats direcpc.com direcpc.com Upload Average = 40 Kbps :: 5 KB/s --- 8523 records found (30 days of logs) you Your Upload Average = 33 Kbps :: 4 KB/s --- 60 records found (30 days of logs)
  11. Try running this utility ...set it to "extreme" & check optimal settings box at bottom and see if it makes any kind of difference at all. HINT: Before you RUN it, click on File and save a backup of your present settings to the directory of your choice. In this manner you can restore your TCP/IP stack to where it is at the moment if the utility doesn't perform something "magical" for you! https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1501.0;id=263
  12. OK everybody that is having speed problems try this utility. It helped me and is one of the only tweaks that seems to have helped that i have tested. No grantees that it will help you. Try running this utility ...set it to "extreme" & check optimal settings box at bottom and see if it makes any kind of difference at all.
  13. see this topic it may help you. https://testmy.net/topic-2824
  14. I beleive mr dude reffered to his modem being a DW6000 and that tweak is for the DW6000. Dont try it on the DW4000 or it will mess it up it wont browse to the secure pages and open them.
  15. for the DW4000 you go to programs Direcway and it is there as one of the utility programs. If you have DW6000 i dont know. You should go to your profile page for this site and put your operating system,modem you have, satelite you are on, processor size, amount of ram,Firwall you have in the signature line that way it will always add it to your posts. It makes it easier for people to help you if they no what kind of equipment you are running.
  16. every body keeps saying there is a thirty day garuntee or trial period. what does it cover if it doesnt allow you to cancel or chage back to your old modems without paying direcway a fee again.Its not like you are cancelling your service you are only changing modems. I know there is a fee if you cancel your agreement before the time is up but you are not canceling you are just changing modems.
  17. have you gone in to the mail client and set up the connection to Dway mail server. if you don't do that it wont no where to look for the mail. In microsoft outlook you have to go to the mail accounts and set up the server information. Incoming mail server is POP3 Incoming mail(POP3) Server address is POP3.direcway.com Outgoing mail (SMTP) server address is SMTP.direcway.com these address are the default for everybody. You also have to put in the incoming mail server account name.(the account name should be what ever you set up with dway as a log in name & password. Hope this helps. If you are tryiong to do it right know it may not work. It seems the mail syatem is down right now.
  18. MR dude- why dont you send me a privat message with some more of those secrets you cant share publicly ?
  19. Wish I could get these speeds all the time. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2307 Kbps about 2.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 282 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Wed Feb 23 21:37:05 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 41X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.63 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 183.76 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-MSXZOTNA3
  20. Wish I could get these # all the time. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2307 Kbps about 2.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 282 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Wed Feb 23 21:37:05 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 41X faster than 56K 1MB download in 3.63 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 183.76 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-MSXZOTNA3
  21. they say signal does not affect speed but i am with you there has to be a point where not enough signal would make a diffrence. my signal is 63 used to be around 79. I am just waiting to get time to repoint my dish myself and see if it makes a diffrence.
  22. I average somewhere between 1.5 and 1.8 Mbps and this is only the second time i have seen 2Mbps. I saw 2.2 Mbps once. some people see 2 Mbps alot more often but i have tried all the tweaks posted in the last month and can not seem to get better than my average. I dont know why they are geting better speeds consistantly. but if you cant get 1Mbps there is something deffinatly wrong with your system!!!!! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 2019 Kbps about 2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 246 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Mon Feb 21 23:53:07 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 36X faster than 56K 1MB download in 4.16 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 146.22 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-RA40ZWGDK
  23. Which software version for Dway are you using?
  24. sst45jeff

    Starband 484

    Thanks Dell sounds just what i was loopking for. The info on startband was very aprerciated. How is there service been lately? Speed?
  25. sst45jeff

    Starband 484

    Dell - will the du meter shut the donwnload off when it reaches a certain MB. For the Direcway fap.
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