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Everything posted by hiteshsomai

  1. www.mininova.org and www.demonoid.com are the best
  2. Ahhhh... It is done. Now i can see the drive in 'my computer'. But the problem is not completely solved. Now the case is like this:- 'solved but not completely solved'. Earlier my drive was 'secondary master' now i made it secondary slave. Now it is there in 'my computer'. If you still know the problem plz try to spare a little time. By the way thanks to ROM-DOS and ORGAN SHIFTER. Thank you TMN God is great...
  3. I followed the above steps but i gave up with no result. Still it is not there. Plz help....... Thank you
  4. No, i can't play the cd in it because it is not being shown in my computer. Therefore i am unable to browse cd/dvd. But if i insert a bootable cd and restart computer then their is an option to boot from cd. Plz try to help TMN
  5. No,it is not in device manager too.
  6. I have a samsung combo drive. The problem is that it is not being shown in my computer. Though it is connected because i can see it in BIOS. Also i can boot cd from it. Can anybody help me? I would be greatful to you if you can help me. Thank you.
  7. It was there in updates. Thanks dlewis23.
  8. I have latest version of windows media player with urge(i.e. 11). I need to remove it and install wmp 10. WMP 11 is not being shown in the control panel.Can anybody help me. I will be greatful to you if you spare a little time for me Thank you
  9. You are from where? And how much do you pay for this great internet?
  10. You can also try 'POWER DVD'. It is better than windows media player and it also play many files which wmp does not play
  11. That means there is no way out for this except contacting Mr.Gates and asking him that what's the problem
  12. Reply me if you want to know
  13. My recycle bin is always empty. Because i always delete it by:- (shift + delete). This deletes the file directly. There is some other reason.By the way resopalrabotnic, if you use norton antivirus 2006 then there is a way to free the space.
  14. I don't have hidden files and folders. And by the way i always select 'show hidden files and folders'. So it's not the thing which you are thinking. That much you can trust me.
  15. I have 80 gb of hard disk. i have divided it into two parts:-23.4 gb and 51 gb. i recently formatted 'C' which is 23.4 gb and installed Windows xp and some necessary softwares. when i see the properties of 'C' it shows that used space is 6.57 gb. But if i select all folders, and files of that part © and then it shows that i have occupied 4.02 gb. It means that 2.5 gb of space is not shown by windows. And yeah no hidden files and folders . I am not that type of guy . I am attaching some screenshots of the same. Can anyone help me out with this? I will be greatful to u if u can help.
  16. Hitesh - first name Somai - last name
  17. I have read many things like this. For ex:- It was written in bible that the earth will be destroyed by the year 2000. So for the time being i am not believing the words of eric julien. Let's see what happens on may 25. And yeah, as solidsnake said:- GOD IS GREAT
  18. Above two posts are not posted by me. But i was about to say the same. Solidsnake is hacker.We are bros. balle balle.
  19. its ok . we are bros. im sorry too. yayyyyyyy balle balle
  20. i am sorry solidsnake. i exaggarated a little. ok peace!!!!!!
  21. i ordered the english version online.i will get it in few days. i am happy now. solid snake is go go (child). we call a child as 'go go'.
  22. u really appreciate? u told me earlier that u dont
  23. i am in india too. this is my best speed.
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