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Everything posted by luwigie

  1. lol, it is on my server, isn't it... I'll try those tweaks tonight. It's easier to tell if tweaks actually help vs. less load on the network when the kids are gone.
  2. luwigie


    Possibly you should start another thread (topic) so that we can help you. Also, I know that when you say you have a DW-4020, you mean you have a business edition of Direcway, with special hardware that doesn't require a USB ICS server, but others that don't have Direcway, probably do not. Try to be a little more specific, and then we will all help you the best we can! Thanks. Edit: Never mind, a mod moved it.
  3. I still am having that problem that I was previously with the download test measuring my school's bandwidth as much lower than what I get in real world downlods, but finally the upload test is about accurate. I used to get 50 KB/s up, when I would test at ~250 KB/s on FTP transfers. Today, I am getting more accurate upload stats. I still don't know why I can't use the full pipe to download from testmy or my site in the same datacenter from this location (unless I use ftp to my site, in which case, I get 1.5 MB/s down). :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 3107 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Upload Speed is: 379 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 55 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 2.7 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=TGH8G9UUB :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3788 Kbps about 3.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 462 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 68 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.22 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=QJ3MN6O41 Edit: When I do the smallest upload test, I get bumped up to the 1496 KB one. There I score this: :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 3268 Kbps about 3.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Upload Speed is: 399 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 58 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 2.57 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=KAMN48CA1
  4. Only if you get caught, lol.
  5. I guess there a some benefits to haveing a socialist economy, lol. The US government would probably never invest the money required for that kind of a project.
  6. That's pretty nice. What is the upload speed? Welcome to testmy.net forums!
  7. Don't you have a friend that has the 100/100 package? I wonder what speeds he gets to optonline
  8. I have been quite active in the past few days. Possibly I have not been posting that much, but I have been around. Plus, I wouldn't brag about being here for 2 days and almost passing my "level". Judging by the quality of your posts, you have a ways to go to pass what I consider my level. Judging by the quantity, yes, you are getting a high level. That's great, but please try to put more content in your posts, instead of fludding threads with multiple posts to cover one idea. Either that, or use the edit function. This is just how I would post, again I am not a mod, so I really have no say over the way that you post. Usually the thread is 'owned' by the original poster. Look at the post on the first page on the top to find out who 'owns' the thread. I don't mind you posting in my thread. But please, stay on the topic. Staying on the topic is just easier for the original poster, and those following the thread. It's sort of like the old phrase 'nettiquite'. If you want to advertise your site, or help others, do so in the appropriate threads. I hope that I am not stepping on any mod's 'toes' in saying this. If so, let me know. I don't want to offend any one. Basically, I don't have a personal problem with Shanee, but rather with his posting style, and choice of web site that he created (and constantly advertises).
  9. It should work as long as you can open up ports...
  10. Not too pissed off... Shug, if you want to allow others to be able to pull files from your hard drive, grab guildFTPD for windows. Then open up ports 20-21. (20 is the control port for FTP and 21 is the actual send/receive port) on your router. Then you should be able to have your friend go to ftp://username:[email protected]
  11. Shanee: not only have you hijacked my thread, you have posted illegal content. I don't know whether or not CA3LE has seen all of the posts that you have been making, but I bet he wouldn't want his site to be associated with the illegal downloading of movies, etc. I know for a fact that you are in copy right violation, as you do have a connection in the US, and you do have illegal content. Your disclaimer will provide you with little legal protection, especially since you are advertising your 'server' on a very prominent site on the web. Am I the only one that is starting to get annoyed by Shanee? I don't mean to be an ass, but come on. As for your slow upload... Based upon your host name, you are on ADSL. This means that you are probably on a 1500/384 connection or something near there, which is why your upload isn't the same as your 1500 download. The A in ADSL stands for asymmetrical, which means that the upload and download speeds are different. The upload is by definition slower. Your comment about ports was incorrect. Ports above 999 are commonly in use. For example: AOL=5190, BitTorrent=6881+, MSN=1863, and on and on. Your comment on media servers??? Media servers can over heat? Media servers produce comparable heat to desktop systems. With the proper cooling, they run just fine.
  12. May I ask what you are shooting at? Nice speeds, though.
  13. How much hard drive space do you have in/attached (USB, FireWire, not networked) to your main computer? I currently have 3x80 (2 in raid 0, 1 as my Windows drive) and 1x20 GB(Linux) drives in my computer. This adds up to 280 gigs. Last night, I picked up 3x160 GB drives. I will be replacing 2 of the 80 gig drives on my RAID array, and the 20 GB linux drive. Then I am going to buy an external USB 2 enclosure for one of the 80 gig drives. I'll have 3x160 (2 on raid 0, 1 as linux), my 80 gig Windows drive, and an external 80 gig drive. I'll have 640 gigs, and a left over 80 gig and 20 gig drive to use for something else Hopefully I won't run out of space for a while. Do I have the most HD space in one computer of every one on this site?
  14. Dallas Texas. http://www.theplanet.com/datacenter.html DLLSTX4, right CA3LE?
  15. "Damon, I have a question about your next logo" I think that's what he means.
  16. You have to have special load balancing software/software. Windows Server editions have this, and so does Linux.
  17. The splitting is a trade off, but over all it would be faster... Besides, the threads thing was just an example for dual connections.
  18. Not DSL, not IDSL (which can go longer distances) not even ISDN!
  19. Exactly! Two processors cannot process one thread together, it has to be broken into multiple threads. This is the same for connections.
  20. I find it funny how every one thinks that they are annonymous on the internet just because their IP address changes occasionally. If the governenment or a court wanted the info, it is easily obtained. You say you are almost a lawyer? My lawer knows how to type, and more importantly, he can put together coherent sentences with puncuation and everything! Isn't that cool? My guess is that you are just some kid that is offended by the responses to your post, so you are trying to act as though you are a cool/important person, when in reality you really are not. If I were you, I would obey the rules of this site, or leave. It really doesn't matter whether it is spam or not. It is not welcomed here.
  21. You say it's very laggy? Post a traceroute to testmy.net Start, Run, cmd, tracert testmy.net, right click, mark, select the tracert text, hit enter, and paste it here. You've got 512/128?
  22. You think you live in hell!? Try my Direcway connection! 500 bucks for equipment, a server is required to share the USB conneciton which requires software that only runs on Windows, and ICS is needed. Then 65 bucks a month. Finally I am limited to 169 MBs every eight hours which works out to about 47 kbps. Even during the 169 MBs that I get it is unbearably slow, usually. The downloads are ok occasionally, but are usually around 150KB/s and the upload is 20kbps (bits, not bytes) It's all that I can get At least it's always on (unless Hughes feels like making me suffer, which is often) and I have to deal with the weather taking out my connection...
  23. Pretty nice ca3le. Now try downloading from my server That will fill up your 100 mbps download I have been administering my faster machines via vnc, but the slower ones that have a hard time running X (such as my 100 mhz P1 128 meg DNS server) via SSH. Try to do a download test when no one is testing...
  24. Don't forget, you will have to have two accounts to do this... I'm sure that the cable could handle the bandwidth. Some people that uncap their modems (don't do this, it's illegal) get up to 20mbps. You would only be looking at 10mbps max though with two accounts (usually). There is a device that bridges two connections but it's very expensive. Also, you will not be doubleing your speed over one download. You will only see the speed when you are downloading two files or using multiple sources. This is because the two connections are seperate. The only way to double the speed for one download would be to have the head end bridge your connections as well. I know some people that do this with cable and DSL.
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