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Everything posted by ODBXXX

  1. well odbxxx welcome back lmao its kinda slow around here this what im getting Security Update for Microsoft .NET Framework, Version 2.0 (KB928365)
  2. i am origanaly from tennessee,i lived there for 30 years,i move to indiana 8 years ago,and now i live in muncie IN.some people call it funcie indiana but theres nothing fun here copared to nashville.to be honest its the most boring place in america lol..
  3. hi everyone it has been a very ong time since my last post! i am having a problem with .net run time error,and i was wondering do you guys still have ventrillo?
  4. getting better
  5. have you tried updating your drivers? try that also could be a short in the cord itself..
  6. hopefully in the near future i will be able to build a nice machine but for now this is all i can afford..im gonna wait for some prices to come down..im just dying to play my games lol..im gonna give the 754 to my ole lady thanks for all the info swimmer..
  7. What is better sempron or the athlon? I can get a mobo and processer for 108.00 bucks i have a AMD athlon 64 3000+ which one should i put in? this is the combo http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16813135192 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819104231
  8. OK can you guys post some affordable but good combo for the the duo core..?mobo and processer..it will be for gaming and posting
  9. hey lewis my grafix card is AGP will it work with that board?
  10. my board is out..i have a 754 socket AMD 64 3000+ ATI X1300 pro card what would be the best gaming board to buy from newegg??? thanks
  11. Man if i was on that bus i would have needed baby wipes a towel and a fresh pair of undies :2funny: BTW can i borrow a pair of waters undies
  12. Thanks SHUG i had already looked in one of your old post and got the link...
  13. i think i got them thanks
  14. thanks roco do you have a link for DL?
  15. I havnt tried any unistallers i figured it would be safest to get one from someone here..if you have teamspeak my server ip is ts55.gameservers.com:8800 hop on PW = 1337
  16. Does anyone have a unistaller? thats not full of spyware and shiznit?
  17. Has anyone else been having some wierd stuff going on with there internet?I have some friends that i game with.That has had same problems. different providers but same problem..Slow laggy internet.Its like being on dial up <YIKES>
  18. Welp im a big catfisher, and love to eat them,they dont suffer long because my handy club does a nice job.the only time i catch and release is if there to small to fillet...if they die oh well fish gotta eat to.. hehe
  19. Thats funny shite,But serious thats what my ole ladys getting and i aint kidding..
  20. ODBXXX

    wierd computer behavior

    You could also check your tempatures,
  21. CANNABIS CUP 2006..video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2vCvvzIQWg&mode=related&search=
  22. here is a really funny tidbit here, where i live in indiana,If you buy marijauna you are to buy a TAX STAMP that right TAX STAMP if you get caught with marijauna after state court the IRS can come after you. NO SHIZNIT...read about this illegal taxation..here>>>http://www.norml.org/index.cfm?Group_ID=6670
  23. Nice find Shug, here is another link for your reading pleasures..SUPPORT these people... http://www.norml.org/
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