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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. how you guys checking your ppd? im on ps3 only at the current time, so im assuming its around 900 ppd for me (starship_troopers). but then again its probably self explanitory, just curious.
  2. Yeah lol im on the name starship_troopers.
  3. Been using the ps3 for a few days straight to do folding....looks like besides bf3 i have a use for the system lmao
  4. Very well cleared up my question. Thank you!
  5. most definitely gonna need a recovery cd. i did some more checking and it has my recovery partition in disk management but it says capacity: 1.49gb or whatever, and free space is 100%....so my recovery partition is healthy, and there....but its empty....go figure. if anyone knows where i can get one of these (havent found a very trusting site yet) please let me know asap.
  6. thanks, CA3LE. one weird thing that will boggle your mind is that, in disk management and g-parted and all other things ive tried, they all say that my recovery partition is healthy. just when i try to go into it, it gives an error (too quick to read almost) and reboots. i'd have to go through it again to remember exactly what it says, but it basically says "we cant restore, now leave me alone" hahahaha. i'll do some more backup disks of some pics and data i want saved then i'll try it all again to see if i can get a little smarter with this picky laptop. its been so long since i've done any REAL computer work other than system cleaning and replacing wireless cards, etc. that im having trouble remembering even the easiest troubleshooting things with this pc. haha. my last actual pc build was when the geforce 7950gt i think it was, was brand new and the biggest psu you'd need without hardcore sli cards was like 500w 0_o
  7. yeah, just with that cpu (you are correct, thats the one im looking at) and a 6990 im not sure which would be a better client. probably for the cpu, but the gpu client may be lol. im new again to all. its been a long while . and yeah sure a parts list would be cool. i know my budget is around 2K. (yay income tax). so with that im thinking of also probably 8gb ram, amd 6990, 3930k, etc. i could do it on budget, sure as hell got it prebuilt on cyberpowerpc and ibuypower (similar builds anyway) for under that or right at. so i'll probably newegg the parts myself. on a side note...never used a modular psu before, so how easy is it to just hook up and go with one? i assume its self explanatory, just curious. ok, back to folding thread. Blako, your research helped. but just one simple question to see if im correct in assuming this...with a 3930k and a 6990, the ppd wouldnt really be a huge increase if i would go with a 2600k i7 then...yes an increase, but not much. correct? other than that i like your post, it helps alot. ive just read elsewhere that overall a 2600k is just as good as the 3930k for most things except hardcore encoding or rendering. i'd assume that there would be a difference bigger than others have said, but maybe im wrong lol.
  8. Tried booting a livd cd of mandriva and ubuntu. And using gparted to set the partition to boot. Lol even got mad enough to almost use a g-disk to wipe the drive but dont have an os disk to reinstall. And yeah that site seemed real but i asked because why would i need a 2 cd set when 99% of recover disks are all on one. Seemed a little off.
  9. well guys im here again haha. i have a toshiba satellite 1505-s6985 and can not for the life of me get my "hidden" recovery partition to boot. its corrupted to the point that im not sure if i could fix it to restore my laptop to factory state. now i have found this site but am kind of iffy about it, has anyone heard of this place? http://recovery-disks.com/toshiba-satellite-a505-s6985.html any good/bad reviews? on the lighter side, i have made this topic, not only to ask advice on what to do in this situation, but to also ask is there any way you guys can think of to fix my recovery partition to where it wont be such a jerk and let me in to restore the pc. lmao. below is a link to my exact model laptop http://us.toshiba.com/computers/laptops/satellite/a500/A505-S6985/ funny thing is, i should have restored and made a backup when i got it. (had it since it was released and even put drive image xml on the dang machine, just never made the backup!)
  10. thinking about (if the gf wont kill me for using even more electricity!) building a decent/cheap computer to fold 24/7. along with me just literally 2 minutes ago setting up my ps3 for folding. (gonna hook up the laptop hdmi to tv and watch some hulu) lol. on a side note, im desperately trying to convince the gf i "need" a new computer. its gonna have a 6990 in it along with either an ivy core (if i can wait) or a 3930k i7. so considering that which folding client should i use on that one (if i actually get to do the build)? edit/ on a side note, i remember mudman you helped out alot on my first system for folding...if i get to do what i plan with new computers this year, you gonna be ready to help out some more?
  11. just saw this topic and i have only one minor detail to put in here....I love having "full" internet on my droid x...but at the same time, i get pissed off at my pinch and zoom and what not on the browser...yes the browser works fine and i do speed tests occasionally on it, but in my mind i still hate having to pinch and zoom and scroll across the screen back and forth just to read some posts or to look at my results in detail. stuff like that. sure like i said, it works fine on the browser, but too many small things annoy me about such a small screen and a full sized web page. which is why i like a light weight app. on other forums, it lets me surf the forums, post up, etc. without having to deal with accidentally swiping a link or something while trying to scroll/zoom in. and if i want some of the extra things on the app, it goes ahead and opens the browser to that page. simple as pie. sorry for a late reply about all this, just felt like i should put my 2 cents in.
  12. i know ive done video calls with quite a few testmy members, it works great, just for some reason quit using it a while back lmao. glad to have it back.
  13. hey guys, just reactivated my skype account....anyone still use this?
  14. 17mbps download? that had to have been on wifi....right?
  15. Setting up dolphin to emulate a desktop i got 2.3mbps down and about the same upload as other tests... To be fair i did all tests on a smart test on upload and a 3mbps download test. But due to some hardware lag and more freezes than on stock browser im uninstalling dolphin browser. Any other suggestions???
  16. Im on my phone as we speak....after filing enough insurance claims i no longer have an htc incredible and they sent me a droid x....im still on my stock browser but would like to know if there are any better ones...i didnt really like firefox mobile....which is weird because i only use ff on my pc. But im trying dolpbin browser after i post this. Just curious as to what browser the android users out there have...also im going to do a speed test on here and one in dolphin. Ill let you know what scores i get. Btw sorry for any typos...i hate the typing on these damn phones haha. Edit/ i just got 400kbps up and 2.4mbps down on stock browser. Keep in mind this is on my verizon 3g network NOT my wifi. Dolphin setup to act as an android phone got me 1.4mbps down and about 440kbps up
  17. why is it that mirc is asking me to register...i used to have it and after 30 days it would tell me i need to register but i could click continue without registration. i read up somewhere that you have to register it now after the 30 day period. is that true? either way i have mibbit running so it isnt that crucial. just curious.
  18. definitely. its just like waiting for a game that is super hyped... (such as APB) it got delayed so much...then the beta came...i got in the closed beta, uninstalled immediately lmao. but my point is i agree, as long as its not Q4 2012 i may wait. i know with the way things go i may wait to get this cpu then in a few months i'll think "man i should have waited for this new graphics card" or something anyway haha.
  19. that brings out new opportunities.....any date yet for the release? if its middle or end of the year i may just wait for an upgrade sometime in the next few years....if its the beginning of the year i would totally wait.
  20. thinking of the 3930k i7...but not exactly sure if its better or if those two are far enough apart to even matter. then again, who knows what tomorrow would bring haha. a month after i built my first desktop the thing was obsolete and had to upgrade to the point id need a new motherboard too lmao. so we'll see what happens by the time i get to build this (hopefully beginning of the year)
  21. sorry to double post...but ive been out of the loop for so long on computer technology.....embarrassing to say, i cant even begin to comprehend that im this far behind the times and its only been a few years since i built a computer!!! holy crap!! in any case, which of these cpu's is better!?? www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116492 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116402
  22. ive always been a nvidia fan. but im itching for the highest end card...in which i will eventually also upgrade to crossfire or sli (whichever applies). thinking about sitting down one of these evenings and posting up a good build from newegg parts.......in which case, is anyone got a good core i7 motherboard on newegg they'd like to share the link to?
  23. pretty cool site, is there a site you'd recommend for desktops as well? been itching to get either a geforce 590 or a 6990....leaning more towards the nvidia side...but have always wanted to try out an amd/ati....but so far ive always chosen an evga brand nvidia card.
  24. i've been doing some research and have to say that im used to either building a gaming desktop or a low budget desktop, and right now im looking for a new laptop, so im a little out of my place on this one. looking for one that can play newer games on a decent setting, but still be an all around laptop, so it cant be a 17.3 inch screened monster to carry around lol. any good brands, or sites to look at? im kinda capped on a price but still willing to look at pretty much any suggestions. tried ibuypower, cyberpowerpc, newegg, etc, but not sure exactly where to head since ive never really went for something kind of in the middle before lol. any laptop brands or sites would be a big help. thanks. by the way, my current model is a toshiba satellite a505-s6985, got it the day windows 7 released and its getting kind of aged, although it still runs nice, just needs a good format to run like new again. but still need another computer in the house lol. hard to share just one.
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