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Everything posted by starship_troopers

  1. an attachment as in a picture or something you added to a post? or something in your profile.
  2. just ordered a HAF-X case. omg this thing is huge! and a frio ock cooler that im thinking of sending back when i get it and switching to a corsair H60 liquid system. let me know what you finally decide on and if its worth it! build looks awesome by the way!
  3. i still have my old droid razr that just updated to jelly bean. 4g just came into my area like in the last couple weeks or so and i have to say 4g runs like absolute CRAP in my area. my 3g speeds used to be pretty decent for it being 3g...and when im in say joplin, mo 4g is amazing. yet returning to kansas ....4g is slower than my original cable internet package of 1.5mbps down. i dont get it . but mainly posted to say the droid dna is awesome. i've used one and thats what im upgrading to when i quit being cheap and go use my upgrade.
  4. hmm, it seems through my research i was getting that alot, but at the same time the upper limit is around 1.8v for the cpu. i figured i'd be in the clear as im using a huge cooler and this was the specs i wanted in ram (just went with the voltage as it was my impression it would still work) and it fit under the frio ock. so yeah, i kind of agree with what you say, but at the same time i have seen posts on intel's website stating yes it will work (in a faq if i remember right) and i've seen posts where it wont work. perhaps i need to reorder the ram? i believe if nothing else the ram will underclock just a tad bit, and will last long enough for me to order a replacement set if anything seems to go wrong?
  5. guys, let me know what you think about this beast im building. parts are on the way! case - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811119225 mobo- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128546 cpu - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116501 ram - 8gb of http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820104246 cpu cooler - (im still iffy about liquid so i went with air again) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835106178 cd drive - blu-ray combo drive O/S drive- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820147188 storage drive - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822136533 GPU - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161412&Tpk=his%20iceq%207970\&IsVirtualParent=1 monitor- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824009255 O/S- windoze 7 home premium (eff windows psu- http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817139015&Tpk=cmpsu-ax850&IsVirtualParent=1 i also have a hauppauge hd pvr along with sony vegas platinum 11, soundforge audio studio and some other software that a buddy of mine and i are going to use to create videos to share between us and friends. which is why i went i7 instead of i5. and i got a badass gpu because hey, who knows when i can upgrade again in the future and its bragging rights! let me know what you guys think!
  6. before i switched to my laptop i used a 21 inch acer widescreen monitor and a 17 inch monitor for a dual setup. basically had it set up so that i could easily switch the ps3 on and use the 21 inch monitor for that and still have a single monitor for pc. (this was before i had an hdtv)
  7. more or less looking for new ways for just the audio. i have many many loops and splices that im just using atm. just wondering if any good software out there to help me along rather than doing it all manually in say acid express or something. cause that takes forever and half the options are locked.
  8. are there any good audio creation softwares out there for free? or anyone willing to help out? basically what i want is perhaps some soft music, say a guitar or something and the sound of footsteps, then either a slice sound with a guy getting stealthily taken down or say a gunshot or something then a few seconds later a BOOM or a gunfight sounding situation. any ideas?
  9. i could easily install mac os onto pc hardware. thats not a problem. but i would actually like the real deal if im going to that extreme. funny thing is, im looking for some good software for music creation, video editing as well. any OS in the linux domain you can recommend?
  10. im actually trying to find a mac to just use as an everyday, but still looking for deals. im sorry i havent been replying to this thread to thank you guys for the replies, but if im not on very much its because my laptop is at the end of its life and i mean the end is near lol. still getting a new system but gonna take a little bit longer. thanks for the help guys, my research is slow as im down to a droid razr on verizon for most of my internet time.
  11. would like a fairly new macbook pro, but as far as retail, i couldnt afford that if i gave my arm and leg...defnitely looking into mac since im gonna be getting an hd pvr and mac would be way easier to do the audio and video work on. and linux, yeah i like ubuntu, i've played with it since i had an old pizza box dell. im just looking for something kinda crazy to play with and get used to more command style stuff.
  12. while i still want a solid pc for general purposes, i have actually been looking into linux distros for full time use, and of course learning about Mac OSx mountain lion. any suggestions without spending a ton of money on a mac? where is a good place to find a good deal, etc. also what linux distros besides mandriva, kubuntu, ubuntu, or whatever is the personal preference. i am not looking into ubuntu, but am still just researching.
  13. he is definitely rolling in style!
  14. i was just messing around looking at reviews for the high end gpu's on newegg and came across this review from a user named Swish. Enjoy. EDIT- i might add that this is the review for an EVGA GTX690
  15. yeah sometimes you dont realize how much money is spent on stuff like gaming and pc hardware until you want to buy something else haha. by the way, i'd give you a discount price on AC3 if you wanted the ps3 version. i have used the codes for an extra pistol and the multiplayer but heck the game is mint condition. not even a wrinkle in the inserts in the case. THATS HOW I ROLL haha. but seriously, any game for ps3 i have, i'm most likely wanting to trade in. any good suggestions? but back on topic. The hardware you have, mudman, well lets just say i wish i still had a garage the size of my old living room full of computer towers, cases, parts, etc. i miss that.
  16. i beat assassins creed 3, black ops 2 campaign and went through up to level 10 i think online. still want wwe13. aftermath on bf3 for ps3 has taken a few hours from me as well. dead space 2, mlb 12 the show, tom clancy's future soldier, way too many to even think of. i know the feeling man lmao. on top of full time job and family there is a ton of stuff out there just begging to be played.
  17. awesome. i'll have to check it out when i get a new pc and use this one for random tests and storage.
  18. mudman, did you ever find a good software?
  19. sorry for not being able to read the entire post. i will definitely read through in a bit, but i just saw the o.p. and decided to throw a software program into this thread. DRIVE IMAGE XML. i love this program. i've only used the disc backup and not used the option to backup to another hdd. but im sure it would work. http://www.runtime.org/driveimage-xml.htm
  20. sorry for the time between my posts. i swear i replied from my smart phone. i apologize again! thank you very much for that reply. it had every answer i needed right there. thank you! i do have one more question. what is the fastest ram that i can use with a 3770k cpu? newegg specs for the cpu only have ddr3-1600 as the fastest it supports. so if i bought the 1866mhz ram it would effectively downclock in a sense, right? or does it not matter? cause if i get the mobo i want, i really want the ddr3-1866 ram. not that with 8gb i would notice a major difference but still....im curious lol.
  21. hey guys, got a few questions regarding compatibility/upgrades 1. whats the big difference between socket 1155 and 2011 and will the next 2 or so generations of motherboard probably make 1155 sockets obselete (im sure it will be just wondering) 2. im wanting a mobo with 2 different gen3 pciex16 slots for my graphics card(s). whats the big difference right now in terms of will it be too long before they get fully utilized. i know gen2 slots still are perfectly fine. 3. do i really need crossfire 7970's for a single 1080p 60hz monitor? i doubt it but if i can get away with a great increase then why not haha. 4. i heard 7970's are way better at rendering and video editing than nvidia 680's. is this true? 5. i've never used liquid cooling for my cpu (a closed loop system). should i go with a really good air cooler or will liquid cooling be better for the case air flow? 6. im really drooling over this In-Win Dragon Rider full tower case maxed out on fans. any reviews out there from you guys? 7. ddr3 1866mhz ram. 8gb ...should i hit 4gb of this beastly stuff or go ahead for 8gb. its really only like 15 bucks more so why not double it to 8 right? 8.if i go liquid cooling should i get the push/pull 240mm setup or is that a little overkill? 9. i have no clue how to calculate how much psu usage a system will have. so i always just guess a little higher than i think i need. im thinking a coolermaster 80+ gold rated 1000W. 0_o sorry for the list lol. im trying to get back into the loop. im so dang busy at the moment its crazy. full time job, keeping up a server for gaming, baby on the way, etc. busy times lol.
  22. also have been having troubles once in a while where my browser seems to hang up while loading the home page...very rarely but still happens once in a while. for me a simple f5 to refresh works, but just figured i'd let you guys all know i've seen some hang ups....virtually nothing that is to say it isnt my connection or whatever and rarely happens though.
  23. oh boy, you have no idea...i cant even be driving home from work (i have a loud truck) without them at the door ready....i have to cover up my daughter 99% of the time cause she likes it better when i do it (not sure haha)....yeah its crazy. frustrating at times, but eh, it pays off in the end.
  24. ....still happens today.....i've given instructions to get to the window to see what version of windows someone is using when im not actually around the computer, and all i've gotten back 90% of the time is "i dont know, it says windows...." "does it say windows vista, windows 7, etc?" "i dont know, it just says windows....but i have a dell".... grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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