Has anyone here had the DHCP server in their DW6000 stop working?
A couple of months ago, I had no connectivity on any of my networked computers. When I checked into it, the machine had the default 169.*... IP address assigned to it.
For a fix, I assigned IP addresses manually on the machines. I tried resetting the DW600 about 1000 times, dreading calling DW support.
I finally did. First level support did not know what DHCP was and didn't understand what I was talking about. (Typical "did you check your proxy settings BS)
They actually referred me to a forum site to check my TCP/IP settings! UGH. They would not give me to Level II support until I did that. Gave me a ticket number, told me to try it, and if it didn't work, call back.
I waited 20 minutes, did nothing, and called them back. I got to Level II support. They stated they had never heard of that happening before. They did a full reset on my modem and we had to go through the recommissioning process. No big deal. It still wasn't fixed. They then gave up on me, apparently.
Because I HATE calling support for DW, I just went and dumped $50 on a Linksys router and set it up to do DHCP for my network. I was perfectly happy having the DW6000 do it for me without the router.
Has anyone had this problem? Is there a way to get into the software on the DW6000 and force the DHCP server to start? I have read extensively on sites that have hacks to get into the programming of the modem, but nothing has mentioned anything about DHCP.
Any ideas are welcomed.