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Everything posted by Daiquirii

  1. Have you tried Paint Shop Pro? I think that it can do basically the same things as photoshop. I don't know about the current release of Photoshop, but one nice thing about PSP is that it has a smart photo fix that can fix lighting and stuff. Plus, the redeye removal tool doesnt just make a black dot, you choose from an assortment of real-looking eyes, and put them over the redeye (its also good if you wanna see what someone would look like with different color eyes, lol) Sorry if I sound like I work for them or something, I just like it better than photoshop
  2. you may also like corel paint shop pro x, it is only a trial version, but unless they fixed a bug from psp8 ( the version I have) you can just turn back the date on the computer to a time when the trial was active to use it.
  3. I was about to vote the lowest just to be stupid, but i succumbed to the peer pressure. actually, one (meaning myself) can argue that any % over 100 could be used if 100% would mean that it is awesome in every respect that you can think of, 101% would mean that it is beyond your expectations for awesomeness in areas you couldnt even think of before (im basing this on the fact that something can be priced at 200% its MSRP, which would be twice its MSRP. Its twisted logic but it works for me.) So actually I would like to change my vote to 200% awesome, since its twice the awsome I could ever want from a forum. You play trombone too! What type of horn do you have?
  4. I didn't finish my first post, accidentally submitted, then tried to edit but my "time limit" was up, so heres the rest of my post, lol ...As for my classes they have to be the most major (Music Ed.) related freshman schedule ever. I had a statistics class, but I had to drop it because I got AP credit for statistics, and even though they count it as a different class, you can only get credit for one course in freshman/sophomore statistics. Heres my schedule Aural Skills I - MUS 115 Piano Class I - MUS 250 Intro to Music Technology - MUS 114 Music Theory I - MUS 121 Concert/Forum Attendance - MUS 090 Band: Wind Symphony - MUS 142 App Music Majors:Trombone - MUS 178 Elementary Japanese I - JAPN 111 As you can see they totally musified my schedule. The only class that I wanted to take (not had to) is Japanese. They didn't even give me my astronomy or midievil studies class The minimum required credit hours to be considered full time is 12, and all I have there are 12, even though some people who have half as many classes as I do have the same amount (grr... music classes only give 0-2 credits each, while regular classes give 3-4) Then again, those people will have actual work, not just sitting there and practice playing an instrument or listening to things... The best part is except on Mondays and Wednesdays I am done by 12 and I never have to be there until nine, beats 7:30 to 2:15 every day for highschool by a longshot
  5. school "starts" for me September 6, first year in college. I say "starts" because I have bandcamp Aug. 28- Sept. 1 and our first football game is Sept. 2 0_o. My old highschool's bamdcamp is starting on the 14'th of august and their first game is the 17'th of september...1 day vs 1 month, good thing the music is easier than what I had to play in highschool. I worked for the summer music program that my city's school district has and I showed it to one of my friends that is going to be a senior. She looked at my music then she looked at her music and said, "no fair, I thought things were supposed to be harder in college..."
  6. I know, I just finished getting it all off my system, including all the hidden crap that stays when you do the ad/remove programs stuff.
  7. Ok...I'll just change the topic now...lol (perves) I guess I don't get the title of dork just on account of gender w00t loophole! (All of the above applies, cept the pogs and the gameboy aren't in my fannypack they are in a special vault in my basement, in mint condition with original box, right next to my official lightsabers and my signed Startreck collectables-all in mint condition of coarse. The vault is temperature and humidity controlled, with a level three field barrier preventing monster attacks, slowing the flow of time for the vault and surrounding areas, and thwarting n00b invasions)
  8. I haven't been using this connection for long, just got the notebook three weeks ago and found the wireless switch two weeks ago. I assumed it was some public wifi thing from our city until I found out linksys was just snet's defult name like 5-ish days ago (is it illegal to drive around and see other peoples wireless connections, thats how I figured it out, lol. I was like, wait, if linksys is the public one, then why does this house in the middle of nowhere have it too? I had assumed that each one would have a unique name or something) 75% of the time I cant even get a connection, it only works at night and early morning At first I was worried too about using someone else's wifi, but after I googled it I just found sites that said that there was nothing outlawing it as of yet, and with the plethora of public access points there was no way to prove that any open point wasn't public (or something else like that) One site also said that it wouldn't hurt the person that you were using, that the companies factored in extra for usage like that. I guess that infos a little out of date... Well, my "thieving" will soon be coming to an end if my dad listens to the pushy AOL rep and upgrades to highspeed for the same price. Anyone know a way to access the AOL connection without having their ad ware crap all over my computer, I just got finished taking it off once...Can you make the AOL highspeed wireless? Can more than one user be connected at once? (regular dial-up only allows one screenname per account on at a time, even if they are dialing in from different locations- I was trying to dial-up at my grandmothers to access the forum, but my dad was on-line at home and it wouldn't let me on) I guess I have to reinstall the AOL again, cause if I can get in trouble for what I'm doing I'd rather suffer with dial-up...
  9. meh, I just wrote that nazi thing cause it was the first thing that came to my head, I do that a lot... Just yesterday I got a call from AOL asking if I wanted to upgrade the account to highspeed for the same price. I told the lady (who had trouble speaking english) that I couldn't make any decisions like that because I'm not the account holder. She then said that she would set us up anyways if I just gave her the ok. I said that if she wated to speak with my dad she would have to call after four. She then said that she would call the next day at noon, so I again told her that she couldn't speak to him until after four. She then proceeded to ask me how old the account was, I reply with how the **** am I supposed to know, then threw out 8 years because I has had previous aol email adresses, but my current one is 7 years old, so it at least had to be 8 years. She then started her whole speach over again. Eventually I was like we can sign up for this online if or when we want to. I cant make the decision that you want me to because its not my account, so will you just leave me alone and call back later? Her reply was : we are signing members up right now for the highspeed and you can sign up too. At that point I gave up and hung up. Fortunatly they havent tried calling again yet. Its not a secured network, there is nothing that says I can't use it, no protection that I maliciously broke through. My computer is just picking up the signal it finds and connecting me to the net. If I was somehow conecting to other computers that use this connection and stealing information from them that would be illegal.
  10. hence the little in the middle of the post. I could have got more into some statistical nonsense, but it is too late and my attention is split between the movie and the board. I accepted the pure coincidence of it all from the start, and was just playing with the different philosophy thing you mentioned earlier (the part of me not paying attention to the movie has nothing better to do) Lol, I just noticed I'm a junior member now... wow, I'm observant(not)
  11. its so pretty-looking, plus they have a server thats actually near me ( but not as near as it says) 8/4/2006 23:33:49 PM PST 635 kbps 300 kbps 89 ms New York, NY 8 miles 8/4/2006 23:33:14 PM PST 639 kbps 309 kbps 165 ms London, UK 3329 miles 8/4/2006 23:32:37 PM PST 635 kbps 307 kbps 139 ms Seattle, WA 2406 miles
  12. actually, I believe it is pure statistics . I stated in my post that I was going to go watch the movie. About ten minutes from my edit I started to watch(time to get movie, put it in the notebook, and get comfy) I would consider that normal.That gives 20 minutes from when I started to watch to when you posted. Assuming that I watched the movie strait through including the opening credits, it is very probable that You could pinpoint accuratly my position in the movie I bet that you know at this moment that the Knights who say nee are demanding shrubbery on the screen. lol
  13. lol, that scenes playing right now
  14. Twice I have tried to post replies to Cholla and each time I go on after to respond about the kindness of the board I hit a wrong button and the page reloads 0_o. Here you will see my last attempt before giving up and turning off the computer (black keys that are smaller than you're used to plus pitch dark room equal many many mistypes...if only there was an auto-draft thinger like in gmail... I think that life in the human scale has meaning. Each of our lives on this tiny blue and green orb affect the lives of others, we live for our families, our friends, and ourselves. I just think that the universe doesn't give a hoot about us, and thus our lives are meaningless on a cosmic scale. See, I'm not depressed, it was all a misunderstanding... Would someone with a bleak outlook on life use all of these smileys ? I think not... (don't mind me, I go crazy sometimes...its normal, especially with the wide array of smileys offered here )(*cough* ADD *cough*) Lol, actually its from the doctrine of Monty Python. Have you seen "The Meaning of Life?" It addresses both of the issues quoted above, they both even have catch tunes to go along with them (which are currently stuck in my head). I don't remember exactly what religion he was poking fun at, it was either all of Christianity or just Catholicism (I think it was the latter) about the "be fruitfull and multiply" thing. Well, if you haven't seen it and are tolerent of British comedy, I suggest it, and if you have seen it good, you know what I'm talking about. Well, anyways... I'm happy to have found a place where we can discuss even the most controversial of issues without it turning into a screaming contest. I've seen them in chatboards before and they are not pretty...I feel like giving an example! Here goes... Person1: " I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person2: "NO...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person1: "NO!...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person2: "NO...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person1: "NO!...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person2: "NO...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person1: "NO!...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Person2: "NO...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" ...Two hours later... Person1: "NO!...I'M RIGHT YOU'RE WRONG" Mod: Your both wrong...*BANNED* Whats our next controversial topic going to be now... how about polotics?...Never mind... *looks at the original topic of the board* Wow, we are way off track, thats what happens when you're having fun...oh wait, thats time flying, never mind...I'd better stop before I hurt myself, Its late, I'm tired from typing this three times, and I'm in the mood for some Monty Python ...L8r...*goes and watches "The Holy Grail"*
  15. Finally got it running, I just needed to install the driver like you said, thanks for the help
  16. Thanks, I'll try that
  17. I think its an ethernet cord, but I dont know what that usb cord in the back of her comp is hooked up to. I'll probably be able to sort it out today when I go backover, its just that I was trying to do this at like 10 last night rushing. It'll probably be better with fresh eyes...
  18. I mentioned catholicism because its what I am most familiar with, not because I think its the only religion. I was using it as an example. Some people don't see it as murder. Personally I don't think its murder until the brain begins to function (about 6-8 weeks, and thats when the usual abortion pills aren't safe to use any more.) Yes, I'm sure I'll get a reply with some potential for life comment, but then wouldn't you be extinguishing the potential for life by using any type of safe sex. Abstinence is the only way to go *thumbs up*. I don't think the government should have control over what we do with our own bodies, which is why I take this side of the argument. Who says my outlook is bad? I live a happy life, and just have a different view. I favor science over religion, and thats why I have the opinions that I do. I believe that if people were more religious life on this planet would be more peaceful, not because of an afterlife or anything like that, just because of the doctrines. I will live my life to the fullest, and if there is an afterlife it will just be the frosting on the cake. Let me explain that, my belief is that eventually the entire universe is going to collapse in upon itself into a black hole (billions of years from now) If the human race even survives up until then, it will be destroyed in the catastrophic event. From that black hole a new universe will spring forth, and the cycle will repeat. If there is a god, it is he who triggers the rebirth. Our lives are important on the human scale, to ourselves, our families, and anyone else we may affect. If you believe in an afterlife, then let it be so, for all I know there can be one, I have no evidence to disprove it. Thats why I mentioned human and cosmic scale in the first place. Most of you share similar opinions on many issues, I just hope that by stating my opinion that I have not made an outcast of myself...
  19. Thanks Myriagon, too bad the Cd's wont co-operate with me, lol. The SBC installer wont go past step three, it says that I need to connect my network card, but its already connected. I tried to run the software that came with the network card but it wont run like it says in the instructions. If it helps any her modem network thing has all of its lights on except internet (DSL, Ethernet, Power are on) My luck would be that yesterday when I was using my flashdrive to transfer her files I knocked the USB cord for the network card a little loose. Her machine is so old it only has two usb ports and both on the back...
  20. Recently my grandmother has been complaining about getting a new computer because hers is so slow and it crashes all the time. I suggested reformatting (all she uses it for is email and pictures,) and she said I could try. After about two hours I finally got off all the files she wanted to keep and reformatted. Now it runs like the closest thing to a dream an old Windows ME with like 250 MB ram can. One problem though... I can't hook up her dsl...0_o. She has SBC/Yahoo DSL, and during the installation for the software it says I have to install a chip of some sort to enable it, problem is its already hooked up. All it is missing is the drivers ( I think ), but I don't know how to get them off the CD and onto the comp, its not auto-running like its supposed to. I really want to fix this, so any advice will help (well, any advice besides throwing the comp out the window, she lives on the first floor so sort of pointless) Sorry for the lack of knowledge for the terms, its my first time messing with DSL *kicks her father for holding on to the AOL Dial-up security blanket*
  21. Go RedSocks!!!! Woot!!! Boo Yankees. I'm not really a fan of baseball, but living between Boston and New York, you sort of have to choose one or the other or die of loneliness during the baseball season...My boyfriend is an Astros fan, but thats only because he wants to be nonconformist... Well, anyways, I feel like a rant so here goes... All the problems we have today are the same as they have been for ages. The only difference now is that we are more connected to each other, so we notice them. (plus the extra tech) -Violence, there has always been violence, but now we have guns. Its a lot easier to kill someone with a gun than your fist. Child abuse has always existed, but only in our current times has it gained that title, before it was discipline. I know there is a difference between the abuse and discipline, but many parents fear that if they give their kid a spanking their kid might tell a friend and someone with too much time on their hands might report them to the DCF. -Religion is in decline, Not many people in my age group that I know of (including myself) are devout catholics. In an age where we look for an explanation for everything, religions that offer no explanation aren't very appealing. When we didn't have the answers, it was nice to have god as an explanation for everything, but now... Religion offered a guideline for living for many, but with its decline so do the guidelines (I'll save my real rant on religion for another date and time) -Media, media is new, and with it comes many evils. Media is what drives many in their quests for material possessions, and shapes the lives of many. It exploits insecurities of people and lures them in to lives of unfufillment. Artists, hoping to gain fame,cross boundaries. People too weak to think for themselves flock to emulate the originator. "Music" of today makes thinks like drugs and sex seem generally accepted. -Someone mentioned living off the government. In most cases I find this to be wrong. I live in a city where up till about five years ago there was a very generous welfare system. Some certain racial groups flooded our city, and ate up the money like it was candy. It was not uncommon for there to be mothers who would take no precautions and have more kids just so their check from the state was bigger. I think that the program is still good when not abused, but for that there have to be regulations. In my old highschool there would be kids who were living off of government money with better things than I had. How you ask? The parents would have jobs, but not file taxes, if the government doesn't know that you are employed, why would they take away your aid? -Abortion, I see many of you are anti-abortion except in extream cases. Abortion has been in existence for ages, but only now is it readily available. Even if they ban it here, if someone is determined enough, they will find some way around it. Isn't it safer for someone to take care of an unwanted pregnancy by consulting a doctor than consulting a wire hanger in their closet?(sorry for that, but, tis my opinion) -Mental disorders weren't very common till the common day and age. Kids are over-stimulated, causing stuff like ADHD. Take away the TV and videogames and maybe their attention problems will vanish. Stress is rampant in our lives, and thats what triggers most of the mental diseases. If everyone just slowed down a bit, I'm sure that a lot of the problems would just go away. Thats enough rant, stupid headaches are starting up cause of looking at this screen too long. In short, we're advancing, morals are crumbling, and I hope something apocalyptic happens so people can realize whats really important on the human scale. (on the cosmic scale our lives are but a grain of sand in an unending hourglass: our lives are meaningless)
  22. All I use to browse is firefox, my dad needs his little AOL security blanket. I have tried to convince him to upgrade, but he wont. Usually we would have good speeds for dial-up once we got on, bet getting on took so long. All of the welcome screens with the ads take like 10 minutes to load. Sometimes this little spy-zapper thing pops up and makes the connection even slower. We were about to go broadband for the same price with roadrunner, but the service is not available in our area (which is really f'd up by the way because we live in a city). Thank god one of my neighbors left their wifi public. AOL is so braggy about their spyware/virus checks. We have their little safety and security thinger. It doesn't do anything. I use Azureus for torrents, and it blocks so many of my connections, even though I allow the ports that it uses. It cant detect spyware for anything, I can run it and it says that its all fine, and then run ad-aware and find like 30 programs. Plus, to make it even better, you have to pay for a better fire wall. They are already stealing our money, and they cant even give us the best firewall? In conclusion AOL=Nazis
  23. Wow you guys are competitive... * looks at 1 completed Wu and rank in the 80's* It took me like 4 days to finish that 1, that was 4000 frames, so they give me one that is 20000 frames 0_o... my poor little laptop is using all of its power for this, when I go to sleep at night all I leave running is the processing.
  24. Once I had deleted the 40 gig file, I ran another defragment and it cleared up all the system restores. Now its all pretty and close together like it should be
  25. thanks, did that and I regained the memory, it was part of the installer, so I think its all set, no need to reinstall. I still think the amount of fragmentation is amazing though, its the most red I've ever seen in a defragment.
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