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Everything posted by TriRan

  1. would this work? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_nforce_1.0-0306.html
  2. no.. you dont understand its not even seeing the NIC connected its onboard... and i dont have linux drivers for it...
  3. k back.. i clicked other.. then chose from a list but none of the drivers on that list worked
  4. well im gonna go try it again.. ill post back in like 10 minutes
  5. heh well it is ready to go and it probably has the drivers for the card it just aint detecting it.. although im running it fine on windows.. btw there is no linux dist of my MB Drivers
  6. well this is my MB http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?model=K7N2_Delta2-LSR&class=mb i have no clue who the ethernet's card technology is by and i dont see any linux LAN drivers for my board
  7. i just installed SuSE and i still cant get on the internet... its not detecting my onboard 10/100 Ethernet card where can i get linux version of the drivers?
  8. k just started my dl of SuSE personal got about a 1hr wait ill probably install it tomorrow morning thanx for the help
  9. gotcha.. that sounds easy enough..
  10. hrm i see.. how would i go about dualbooting Win XP Pro + SuSE then? im in flashchat you can come explain it to me there..
  11. why cant i get on the internet with my copy of SuSE Live?
  12. i just booted up SuSE its pretty neat lookin seems like its something im going to have to play around with.. but the only bad side is i cant get on the internet with it
  13. Van im with you... ive personally never used linux either.. but im downloading SuSE its at about 50% im going to boot it in the morning and let you all know how it turns out
  14. tweaktown.com recommends 2GB with pagefile + ram which means if you have 1024MB of ram you should set the page file to 1024MB to give you a max of 2GB if you have 512MB you should use 1536MB
  15. they were all 256 sticks it seems you were all right it was a memory problem hes ordering 2 512 sticks ill keep you posted on how it turns out
  16. one of my friends just upgraded to the AMD Athlon XP 3000+ 400MHZ FSB hes running this on a Asrock K7S8XE Motherboard with 768MB of DDR 400 when he boots the pc up it loads everything fine comes to the user screen he types his password it logs in then says windows has recovered from a fatal error a registry key was recovered from system logs and has successfully been repaired.. the pc then reboots when it loads XP again it does a check disk then does the same thing all over again.. i told him we might have to reinstall windows but... the pc ran fine with a Duron 1.6GHZ we've already set the jumpers and everything in the bios looks good any tips would be great TriRan
  17. they sure do heres a linksys one http://www.linksys.com/servlet/Satellite?childpagename=US%2FLayout&packedargs=c%3DL_Product_C2%26cid%3D1118334795358&pagename=Linksys%2FCommon%2FVisitorWrapper
  18. i dont think so.. you would need to buy a router with 10/100/1000 capability's
  19. custom flashchat colorschemes. lets see em personally i like the matrix look shown below
  20. he means with their phone service u get discounts i think its 49.99 without the discounts
  21. i use avant browser and when i turn my pc off or reboot it saves all my tab'd pages so when i bring it back up im right where i left off.. normally about 10-15 pages avg lol
  22. ya i had a couple suspicions myself but thanks for the help
  23. k ty NOTE: dont test it on a main httpd.conf it could wipe it out lol i lost one earlier good thing i had a backup
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