Your hitting 912 on the max so not bad. Speed tests have a lot of differences regardless. Speed can be effected ninety percent of the time by hardware (This includes home wiring and service drops), the other ten percent would be a mix of environmental interferes (power/noise/emf) and actual service provider interferes.
There are also device hardware requirements to achieving higher speed test scores (CPU,GPU, RAM, NIC). For instance to get an extra fifty Mbps I Amazoned a cat 7 coaxial shielded ethernet cable.
If that's WIFI that's really good if that's a hardline its ok. I learned in my adventures as a fiber technician the an Apple tv plus hard lined to the correct ethernet port if labeled and any if it wasn't labeled specifically with Ookla speed test would constantly prove to my customers they were in fact getting one Gbps and their device was the limitation. If cable internet replace all the coax components you can wall plates, barrels all line ends and any old line it should have dates on jacket of cabling. Please do not use premade cable sections from install ask the tech to make you some. Premades our high volume low cost coax lines a lot of ISP's offer techs to use that are easily identifiable by the plastic covers on the ends to make them more ergonomic to thread and unthread to wall plate or device.
In short that's not a bad speed.