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Everything posted by Dark_Matter

  1. ehhh i'm not trying to step on anyones toes at all just thought i'd toss it in the air as an option. I'm a newbie here on this forum, and think it's an awesome place. I think you donating the chat is awesome as well.
  2. I could Setup a Java or CGI:IRC Client for the room if you like? If someone would like to register the room on the server it's irc.friendlybeacon.com. As for the security I run Unrealircd 3.2.3 (current version) and everyones ip/hostname is masked by md5 encryption if i remember correctly only one who can view the real hostnames of users is people with 0:lines Admin Global Opers ect.
  3. I like IRC chat myself. I didn't care much for the feel of the chat available. If people aren't comfortable they won't use it. I have some irc servers setup with services as well. I'd gladly make them available to the users of this site, and even give the owners of this site some O:lines on them. Any feedback is welcome.
  4. I got mine from Amazon.com on the 25th, and i haven't really did alot with it yet, but play games, and watch the free spider man 2 movie that comes with it well the first million units anyway. All in All I think it's awesome, and i can't wait to take advantage of it's other cool features as well.
  5. I Use two Operating Systems mainly they are Windows XP Pro, and Slackware Linux 10. I have most of my computers set as dual boot systems using LILO as the boot loader. I perfer the cfdisk option over fdisk when partitioning in Slackware 10. I use Slackware more so than Windows XP.
  6. I remember back in the day when i first got online around 1994 when dial-up was the norm, and people who actually got 28.8k or better thought this was awesome. Not to mention isdn connections were like WOW then to. Now i have an almost 5 Mbps down and 450 up speed, and some of you guys have 10 Mbps or better. Maybe I'm just rambling, but just look how quickly things change, and how much our speeds have come.
  7. I agree..... I agree
  8. My other speeds were from my laptop using an internal 802.11g card. This is from my desktop connected directly to the router Your connection is: 4279 Kbps
  9. Keep in mind this is via a wireless
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