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Everything posted by Dark_Matter

  1. At 3:51 PM EST the space shuttle Discovery will launch into space once again. THis will be the first launch of a space shuttle in the US since Feb of 2003 when the Columbia space shuttle blew up on re entry. My prayers go out to the Astonauts in todays launch may everything be successful. Anyone else haveing any thoughts about todays launch?
  2. Thats a good question ehhhhh I really don't remember how i heard about this place, just glad i know about it.
  3. The D-Link was a Wireless, and so is my new router by Netgear. I could not live without WiFi. Once you go wireless you never look back.
  4. If it wasn't bad enough with adelphia, and their outage, my router failed today too!!!! I had the Dlink DI-624 and it's connecttivity went to crap DHCP server stop working it just died. I only had it for maybe 7 months, but the speeds were awesome with it. So i went out today, and bought a new router the Netgear WGT624 wireless router, but the wireless speeds are so slow compared to the D-LINK one. I just can't WIN!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Hurricane Dennis is going to hit land as a strong Cat 4 Hurricane affecting flordia, and many other areas. It's suppose to hit today durning the afternoon or early evening. Anyone here going to be in it's path when it hits?
  6. http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=323 have a see for yourself.
  7. Listen guys LOL this is too funny. Me and others have told you the DCM-202 works great what do you want a sign from GOD?
  8. I have the D-Link DCM-202 and i agree i'd go with it..... blows all others out of the water hands down. (IMO)
  9. If adelphia's 16/2 package gets in my area before FIOS i will say Screw FIOS!!! 16/2 i mean come on what home user really needs more than this?
  10. They are allowing downloads of Google Earth Again so grab it while you can. If someone hasn't stated this already Google Earth is Actually the program called Keyhole which was a pay program until google bought them out.
  11. ehhhh i'm glad i downloaded it while i still could!!! :D Google Earth downloads temporarily delayed Thanks for your interest in Google Earth, but we're sorry we can't offer you a download right now. As you know, Google Earth is in beta, and we're still building out our ability to take on new users. We're making good progress, and expect to be able to accept new downloads shortly, so we recommend you check back daily at earth.google.com. We hope to be able to welcome you and other new planet surfers soon. We appreciate your patience, The Google Earth Team
  12. LOOOL Got to love the never say die Playsation Fans, but only time will really tell the story. I still say XBOX 360 will blow the hell out of ps3. What you saw graphics wise at E3 vs. what you will see with the final product are two different things. Bill gates should just buy Sony out, and shut everyone the hell up! LOOOOL
  13. I have The D-Link DCM-202 cable modem which is the best cable modem i have used.
  14. I'd say August 2nd of 2005
  15. XBOX 360 Will be the shiat!!!!! Sure PS3 will roxor, but a little to late Xbox 360 will have been out 5 or 6 months before ps3 hits the store shelves so to little to late for ps3 XBOX 360 will have everyone hooked before ps3 gets released!!!!!! :flipa:
  16. I'm addicated to Women, Video Games, Computers, Internet, Sleep, and did i mention Women???? Ehhhh
  17. Most of the people i've come across use RXBOTS to form large and complex DDOS botnets. I've seen as many as 40,000 machines compromised by these bots, and they are all controled, and operated from IRC. An RXBOT with a good working Lsass will cause alot of damage in the right hands.
  18. ZA for Windows, and SmoothWall for Linux ehhh?? w00t
  19. I have Adelphia High-Speed Internet
  20. Well it all depends you have (white) hat hackers, grey hat, and black hat hackers. Most all hackers are usually well versed in code if not the programming aspect itself atleast reading it usually both, Most real hackers make there own tools usually it's the kiddies or crackers who steal the work of the real hackers. White Hats like to share, slove, and inform others of flaws, and security problems. Black hats like to abuse flaws, and security problems, and hope noone tells how to fix the issue. Grey Hats Swing both ways. Crackers are usually kiddies who like to use other peoples work, and are usually very childish. Thats my two cents anywho.
  21. What type of modem? I had a Terayon based modem issued from adelphia that was doing the same thing, and eventually died altogether. I just bought a new modem myself it's by dlink DCM-202 DOCSIS 2.0 ready. Sounds to me the modem is about to go, and die.
  22. i have 7 computers in my home 6 are mine ehhh, and the other one is my roommates.
  23. My Oldest PC is an IBM ThinkPad 380XD bought in 1997 or 98 it has 128 megs of ram, 233 mhz intel mmx processor, 2 mb of memory for the graphics card, and a 10 GB HD. It is currently running SlackWare Linux 10.1. It's a bit sluggish, but works pretty good for what it is.
  24. I'm thinking about getting a dedicated server at ServerPronto anyone have any input the deals look decent, and so do the server specs, and connections. Any Feed back is welcome. Fedora Core 3 or Debian is a must for the OS IMO.
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