my results there are always out of this world...great vanity sizing...but if i really wanna know if these jeans make my butt big tmn is the looking glass i believe...not always the numbers i wanna see...but hey sometimes the truth hurts...
like right now i'm having an issue that began in early april...most likely my modem...testing here toldl me something is wrong...i called cox and they wanted me to do a test using speedtest inside their network...i said i wouldn't go by that (first off i don't go to any websites or dl anything off their network that i know of)..i told her .that i could already tell her that what it was gonna lately i'm getting 8 or just for the hell of it i took a test there...yep...34...if i went by them i'd never know i have a problem at yes these jeans right now do make my butt look big...but they lied to me
i love tmn