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TMN Secretary
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Everything posted by tdawnaz

  1. oh my gosh...sparticus lives in the uk??...i did not know that...we quite a few others over ther too...we even have a moderator over there... hey sparticus...maybe u can meet up with roco and just- and help them line up the cruis ship to come and get us for the for the TMN cruise??...huh? moe was the straight man...curly was the big bald guy...two of the three stooges... hellfire...no way...everyone's seen the three stooges...unless u've been livin under a rock...or r from another rock...fibber u...tsk tsk...
  2. [move]HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY[/move] THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DID...thank you for serving so that we could all continue to enjoy the freedoms we have...thank you to those that left their families behind to fight for this great land... thank you to those that are...as we speak serving to ensure these freedoms remain...thank you for all your selfless service...and the atocities and hard times you endure for us... thank you to all the families that were/are left here while your service man or woman were/are away fighting for us all
  3. [move]HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY[/move] THANK YOU FOR ALL YOU DID...thank you for serving so that we could all continue to enjoy the freedoms we have...thank you to those that left their families behind to fight for this great land... thank you to those that are...as we speak serving to ensure these freedoms remain...thank you for all your selfless service...and the atocities and hard times you endure for us... thank you to all the families that were/are left here while your service man or woman were/are away fighting for us all
  4. gets folks to do what??...huh?...whaaaa?...whatcha talkin 'bout?
  5. oh my gosh...ewo...i never thought u'd post ur...great pic...handsome guy too...thx for posting ur pic...it's so great to see the faces behind the posts...makes it so much more personal
  6. yeh it IS disturbing to me...guns and violence r definately not my thing...make love not war
  7. This topic has been moved to Comcast Cable Communications. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16916.0[/iurl]
  8. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16859.0[/iurl]
  9. hey that's cool i've never seen that before tommie...u must hang out here alot and really pay attention...i'm not new but i don't really pay attention... Beathemdown: welcome to the forum...hope u get all the answers u need...enjoy ur stay...stay long...come back often and post here also http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-15944 and here.. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=16972.0
  10. uh...huny buny it was only like maybe 2 minutes...i split it and immediately posted in it...hahaha...but if it felt like 10...then maybe u'd better lay off the milk for awhile
  11. i split this out because it seemed that it was directing the subject way away from the original which was pretty important...sorry...so carry on...this is way funny
  12. yeh we'll hook 'er up to the machine in about what??...4 months
  13. btw...what is the tin hat for...what's it supposed to do??...i've seen people walking around with cell phones on their hips with tin foil between them and the phone
  14. OMG...did the milk taste really sweet??...that was breast milk... and...no tommie lied AGAIN......those were not exlax chips...those were milk chococlate...mmmmm...good huh...??...damnit tommie quit lying to ryan...he's a good boy...now show him what a good boy u r...and go get him some more cookies...there's more where that came from...more breast milk too
  15. gosh i wish that sign said..."i'm with smarty pants" ... anyway back on topic...
  16. yep that's what we're all about...an open forum...full of fun and positive communication...
  17. 2800 to go...no problem...here have some cookies...i baked them just for u... edit: grammar to make sense with tommie's
  18. nah i think around 57...but i could be wrong, if it was up and i didn't notice
  19. yeh looks like registrations r down to 'bout 36 per day
  20. hehe...same with the avatars...clear cache
  21. nope...if u didn't vote then u chose for ur voice to not be heard... no two ways about it...just cuz u don't like the candidates...there's alot more to voting...there is alot more to vote on then the major candidates...so yeh...didn't vote???...then u gagged urself...and said loud and clear that u have no opinion and if u do have a smidgen of an opinion, u feel that it's not worthy of voicing...okay that's a bit strong...but u know what i'm saying... by the time tuesday came, i was completely sick of hearing from all the candidates here in az, i didn't want to hear any more...but there were some major issues that i had studied up on that i wanted to have my say about...and i turned the damned tv off and studied up on the candidates and made the best choice i felt i could based on what i found in my quest (and it was a quest)...saying..."i'm not gonna vote cuz i don't like any of them"...is just a copout and laziness k...so u don't like the service u got at the restaurant...if u leave no tip at all the server just thinks u forgot...if u hand him/her a dime and thank them for the service that u got and tell them this is what it was worth...then they know that they sucked...no question about it...and they'll try to do better get it?
  22. oh...i forgot to say... yep i voted on tuesday...before work...glad i did it then...there wasn't much of a line...but later i saw on the new...enormous lines at the polls and i too say...if ya don't vote...then u have no place bitching at all
  23. now how does the politician lower insurance premiums...directly enough to make that a campaign promise...hmmm...i don't think so u don't know it yet...but yes u do...u care alot... i'm with ya there...woohoo...let's give it a go wait...thought u said u "couldn't care less"???...see told ya i'm glad
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