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Everything posted by tdawnaz

  1. thx huny...i heard my foster grdaughter say that to her bf "look buttmunch, quit trying to make your bad day, my bad day"...the amazing thing is she was 14 (she's 26 now)...i loved it and have made it a mantra for bad moments...just saying it in ur head can change the course of a moment...really
  2. D...yeh it is...want me to tell u how it works...in medical terms...??? jk oh wait...u know i'm a woman right?? anyway yeh it's for that...the things that midol is for can cause headache... BTW muddydude...i DID dance to that so i get to keep posting...wanna see a video of me dancing and further more...never let anyone make their bad day, your bad day...sweet words to live by...it can change the course of ur moment smile...live...laugh...be happy
  3. see that's why this got derailed...gotta have fun...that what makes it here...when the seriousness fades we pull out the party hats...
  4. dude needs a new phone...simple as that...what more is there to say... wait...maybe someone here knows how to fix it...oh yeh that's what tmn is all about i remember now
  5. k...who wants a spankin before i go to bed??
  6. didn't u see my little i'm not fighting...i'm playing i wub u snookums... i was yelling for midol... i have a headache...that's the only serious thing tonite motrin IB
  7. not sure what made me think that...hmmm oh yeh now i remember... that last sentence was not necessary and uncalled for...nowhere did u say it wasn't ur phone...in fact i believe u implied that it IS ur phone when u talked about the contract that u have, which u said is almost up and ur going with another provider...so maybe the person that owns it should take care of it... if not then my mistake...sorry
  8. i figured that the E and S was something like that but was blank on the D
  9. oh okay...whatever then...don't complain about what u get then...u get what u choose btw...i don't cheat or steal...EVER...and wasn't suggesting that u do anything of the sort...i was suggesting that u not let them steal from u and cheat u...but if u enjoy being abused...go for it i guess...i was just telling u how i handle situations like this...and i usually get my way...and i happen to be a very nice person...and i don't yell or cuss into the phone when i'm talking to them either...it's just business...not personal...emotion makes it personal.
  10. right...but that's what i keep telling u...quit making it so easy to screw u...get mad...make them do what's right!! u paid for it...it's urs... at least make them squirm...get a pad of paper...u need to write down details...make the call and ask for names and make sure u say there name at least once for each sentence...then ask for their supervisor...and repeat the process...all the way up til u get what's rightfully urs...get names dates times...AND let them know that ur taking notes...AND ask what call center they r in and their id# at least if they'r gonna screw u in the end anyway, make them flip u over and kiss u first...
  11. man u guys lay down and take too much bullshit...tell the asswipe rep that u have a contract...u have insurance...ur phone is broken...so replace it under ur insurance or replace it under warranty...demand...don't ask...ask for the manager and the managers manager and the corporate office if necessary...cuz that's crap...u pay for insurance...boom pay up!!!...all these damned phones have manufacturers warranties...if they r defective the manufacturer replaces...if it's damaged lost or stolen ur insurance replaces...period... bottom line is...they don't get to collect insurance premiums from u then crap out when it time to replace a phone...grrrrrr
  12. http://www.testmy.net/t-20731.msg260890#msg260890 welcome to the forum nonski sorry you laid out the wrong welcome mat for yourself...but alls good...we have many here who will enjoy helping you and much appreciate anything you'd like to share...enjoy
  13. how old is it? maybe still under warranty?
  14. yes dear that's why ca3le made this a sticky...cuz he wanted to know where his members are from...so this isn't an old thread...it's a sticky topic... welcome jamesa to the testmy.net forum...hope you enjoy ur stay...come back often ...now...where's malta??
  15. what's a bsod?? and what's the advantage of vista over xp...i still trying to decide which way to go...i'm having my machine rebuilt...whattodo whattodo
  16. KEYS!!?? what for??...ur legal age now...won't be needin no keys
  17. hands behind ur backs...lemme slap on my furry cuffs
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