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Everything posted by AlucardHS

  1. do you have the monitor plugged in before or after you turn on the laptop? did you try and update the video drivers? what type of video card is it? is the Hz on the right setting for the monitor?
  2. she will learn one way or another
  3. I say let her do it to the point her Identity gets stolen by someone. Then she will learn to shut up and listen about P2P software and crap !
  4. Edit out picture : Not the place for this.
  5. tell her to get a job and pay for the net or move out !
  6. for a sec i thought this was about the game Medal of Honor
  7. i told you that you would be waiting. oh and did you get it yet? or still on the waiting list?
  8. told ya !!!
  9. You want to have a lesbian experience with someone else mother as a B-Day gift ?
  10. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220361
  11. You all are doing it wrong !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh4EPcOpSy8&hl=en&fs=1 Yup
  12. Oh i see, they want to keep all the money to themselves ! Too bad, Finders Keepers
  13. whats your budget ?
  14. can try Avira AntVirus. Only thing that can be annoying is the ad that pops up every time there is an update. But the good things is that it doesn't take me out of game so heh doesnt bother me any. As for updates i get about 3,4 or more a day with Avira. Same with my Webroot Spysweeper ! No threats so far
  15. but what if there is no other computer on the network to use, just that mac book? yea would like to see his face expression trying to answer that!
  16. its wireless, its not going to be the same as a hard line. there will be drops as well as weak signals. Best bet is to try and get a signal amp for dead spots of the house. that way you know there is a signal anywhere you go in the house. you could reboot the router and modem and see if that helps any.
  17. i have heard of this problem before i think. Let me see if there was a solution to this.
  18. only going to use 10/100 anyways ! why get the 1000 if your not going to able to use it fully. Nice to have but yea kinda pointless.
  19. If i was you i would wipe those HDD good before selling them. You can still retrieve files even after you format the disk drives.
  20. my my that's a problem isn't it? I mean you haven't even read through a thread and making a comment on a post? I know by the time you read my response that you will probably have read the initial post, but if you have a discussion with someone, ideally you want to read the response in full for a variety of reasons As you may or may not be aware, performing that action leads to a cognitive break in text and analysis and therefore one tends to create an incorrect inferrence based on the aspect of cognitive syntax from not reading words or sentences (two primary important aspects of reading from a cognitive point of view) in its full makeup. From a cognitive standpoint, you just did the one thing that makes people fail in school. Or to put it simply, what you did is just as bad as someone that goes to a star wars convention, sees the word stars and says where's leonard nimoy? But I digress on this point Super monkey ball is actually a very good game. One of my favorites on playstation or sega dreamcast. However, even though you mention a great video of super monkey ball on the iphone, there's one large problem with this as a means of "proof" regarding speed of the accelerometer Never once did that occur in the video. It was responsive to movements granted in a programming atmosphere, which I've seen before. A lot of times. But there was no change in screen orientation from portrait to landscape. So then I have to wonder, why in the world did you post the video? Ah I see it was because you assumed I meant the responsiveness of the accelerometer. Problem is, that was not the point of my statement. We are referring to speed of orientation from two complete modes; from portrait to landscape (or vice versa). Mine's can go from either mode in less than a quarter second in just about ALL of my applications. From texting to internet browser (either native PIE or Opera 9 or skyfire or ibis or well you get my point). Can the same be said about the iphone? In fact no. From the same anecdote you didn't read, I did in fact change screen orientation from portrait to landscape. It took 3.25 seconds, in comparison to .25. That is a drastic difference. But of course, you never read even my post to form an even good retort. Let me continue. Well based on my experience, I regretfully have to disagree. But if that was the case for ALL clients, then the pocket pc market still wouldn't be thriving as well as it is. Further, developers wouldn't continue to create titles for WM devices. It is a multi million dollar industry for a wide variety of reasons. Secondly, that's fine. People leave windows mobile. Windows mobile takes a learning curve to get into (of say about less than 5 minutes) - actually every phone does. However, to switch to a blackberry, I wouldn't just because blackberry doesn't suit my interests nor does iphone. The iphone is not a business phone; despite apple taking one full year to get push to email right and getting a comparable equivalent to over the air synching. The main issue I have between the two devices is this I am stuck with what a company wants me to do when I buy an iphone, or when I use an iphone. When I have a windows mobile I am stuck with what I want to do. That's the primary difference above all other differences. 3g? Wow I remember 3g. It is a wonderful blip of speed isn't it? One problem with 3g though. EVDO Rev A has almost 3x the download and upload speeds as 3g. But its fast you say? But it is also in the past. As for finally safari speed, again if I were a browser where my information is filtered through a 3rd party webserver before entering my device, my internet page loading would be fast. In fact it is because skyfire browser and ibsis browser for Windows Mobile devices does exactly what the iphone safari does and pages load much faster. But then I wonder would the speeds be exactly the same if one were using a browser like opera? Point is, in any browser, my Rev A is by in large much faster (and page rendering is faster). It also gives me unbelievable options like texting others images from my internet, COPYING and PASTING from browser to notepad and word. Simple things that make me go wow, the WM is still in it. Finally for adding applications not from a jailbreak environment, one rules risk of bricking your iphone. Never ever have that problem with a phone. It is download cab and install. Iphone...well connect to ftp -> ssh -> download -> wait and finally install. Speed my dear, speed. Also I bet you love not having flv supported websites or avi/divx/mkv/ogm/wmv support. I have that; what about you? Want to connect to anything else besides youtube, can you? not likely. But again its all relative and subjective.
  21. Im gonna let my friend post this on my account seeing how he knows more on this topic then i do ! I have to make this post in haste so bear with me. I think the best advise of the topic is given because the discussion of phones are subjective in that what defines what is best. Is it a promotional campaign or is it actually pound for pound phone? I can only give my beliefs for a few things. I am a consultant from verizon wireless and I have a pretty lengthy knowledge of both sides of the spectrum; from non smart phones, to smart phones and the iphone. First, I think the samsung instinct is actually a bad idea that sprint acquired and spent millions to campaign when they could've spent the same amount of money for a phone that does so much more in the samsung i900 (or the samsung omnia) which by far is being touted as the iphone killer because it has 1. native divx and avi support out of the box 2. 5 mp camera 3. intuitive finger friendly interface not seen by apple or any phone so this comment I would take with a grain of salt. Speaking from the market of CDMA, many users that want a comparable power of the iphone with lesser price would be a windows mobile device. It isn't marketed as well as it should, but it is stable and much faster than the "soon to be failed" samsung instinct. That said Then what is the iphone. Is the iphone the best phone by far for you? Again it is a highly subjective issue based on trends and values but I remember doing something recently - before and after the iphone release. I went into at&t with my htc titan (mogul/xv6800) and I wanted to just see is the iphone better than my device. So I casually walk to the sales associate for the iphone and I ask him can I see the iphone? He said sure of course! I began to toy with the iphone and I said I'm not impressed. The accelerometer is rather slow; the orientation to portrait to landscape mode takes too long and my phone browser is immensely faster than safari. He said really? I showed him my phone and he said oh wow that's the second best phone on the market. I like the iphone but the only reason why I got it was because our AT&T didn't have the Tilt (HTC KAISER) in stock. The KAISER is the best phone on the market. Just a funny anecdote that happened last month that I find really amusing regarding the iphone vs. windows mobile, at least in relation to a user of an iphone and a windows mobile device. To my knowledge, sprint sero starts at 59.99. Also keep in mind with sprint, mms is disabled on some phones. Which is a deal breaker for many. I'd say switch. Verizon has great customer support and good deals on phones. THey bend over backwards for their customers, and I haven't seen that by a phone company in a long time. As far as choosing an iphone goes...I wouldn't. been there, saw that, wasn't impressed for a variety of reasons. I like that windows mobile keeps the KISS attitude in regards to phone, yet it also allows for advanced custom functions that the iphone does not; besides a jail break. As I said before, an iphone will be fantastic if only... it rans windows. But that's my opinion I think the iphone was fantastic for 3 days. Wow...just 3 days...
  22. well if you dont mind waiting a few hours(if that) get get the thing activated then sure go with that crowed.
  23. it solely depends on what you want from a phone. do you want a second computer where you can customize it on the fly. or just a set os no customization. voyager is old but a good stable phone from what i hear. the dare is actually a good phone but no one has cracked into that OS if you want to customize it. Me personally im going to wait till Nov to get the HTC Touch Pro: gonna have a lot of fun with this one!
  24. for Spring/Nextel im not sure if these phones are still top pick or current but this is what i found:
  25. -14 DBmV, your signal is looking weak. Should be between -7 to 7 with 0 being best. Call them ! my $0.02
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