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Everything posted by AlucardHS

  1. I prefer to use the term "Woman" Its simple and to the point. Just wake up in the morning and smack her on the butt and say "Wake up woman, and go make me some breakfast!"
  2. yea i was about to call Epic Fail on that one
  3. Its Official, no more RC just FF3.0
  4. Well this is wrong, 32 bit cant use all 4 GB of RAM. Max you will ever get is 3.2GB. It can Identify 4 but wont use it all. TG just go 64bit and play around with it, and get to use all 4GB+ of RAM you put in it.If anything you can just put 32 back on. Not like it takes vista long to reinstall anyways!
  5. I have a solution to fix this Reformat and stop Downloading Porn !!!
  6. did you try the HP website and look for your laptop?
  7. Until there is a Blood Test its not Mine !!!
  8. This was a joke right ?
  9. Build your own !!!
  10. yea for some strange reason my max DL was at at 4.4mbps and im on a 6 meg line, and no Powerboost at all. Had 2 techs come and test the line and they say it has a good signal. So i put on a new modem gave them the new mac address and still wont go past 4.4mbps. Basically im tired of Crapcast ! As soon as Fios gets to Chicago im switching ASAP! And im gonna call them again to see if I can get them to check the node box at the end of the block.
  11. This thread doesn't look to be in Mac's favor right now. That and the Poll speaks for itself.
  12. Well its up to you if you feel the need to further you programming knowledge. But what the heck always good to learn new things. Lets see you can toss in some C#, VB, COBOL, FORTRAN, JavaScript ect ect. What about taking up Database language as well, MySQL, Oricle, Access, SQL Server. SQL Light. I took Oracle 10g and it was kinda cool.
  13. well this thread is mildly entertaining
  14. whats your Price budget at?
  15. Ctrl+Shift+F6 if anything pops up then take it from there.
  16. That sounds more of a User Error! No problems uninstalling anything, registry's and all. And why do PC users talk about Mac's so much? Cause its to easy to get Mac users all flustered over it. And Mac users will defend it to the fullest they can. And the PC users really don't care and just laugh at it. Dude Mac Vs. PC is an Endless argument till one or the other completely dies. Just ignore it when someone says Mac sucks or anything. Cause then you would just be feeding the argument. PC users will say less and you would be wasting time saying more on it. Yea that happens a lot from what I have seen. And they act like mac's are a new way of life or something.
  17. I did go to this Mac cafe and they was too goddy to even look at. I didn't see what the big woo about this things was. It did everything my PC does at home. So yea don't see me moving or dreaming bout Mac's. Why are Mac users do defensive about there Mac's ? its just a machine, only thing we PC users get on each other about is mostly hardware. And about that link did you even go to the one I posted earlier?
  18. Wow out of all the other things I said, he gets pushy over the one mouse button. Only good things I see for a Mac is Movies and Graphics. But then again I can do the same on my PC. So to R-Click on this touch pad I have to use 2 fingers instead of 1! So is apple paying you nice for promoting there products?
  19. Still doesn't make want to buy it! Its just too goddy to look at. Evey time I do I think im looking at some Pixar movie. 1 button mouse FTL imo. I cant change its parts in case something goes bad. Any thing I want to add is some external component. Only comes in 1 color. There supposedly I-Phone does everything else except talk to others, and stuck on one crappy cell provider at that. I swear I cant talk to any mac user with out them yapping away about how good there mac is. And they all say the same thing "it just works". Tell that to the woman who's house almost got burned down when her laptop battery exploded on fire. Im not ranting, im just saying there is no Perfect Brand. If there was a Perfect Brand or Item, there would be no Tech Support for that product. Saying "It just works" is just like saying this Product or Brand is Perfect right? Things that are perfect should not break or be damaged in any way. Im not saying Windows is perfect or any other brand or product. I just cant stand things that are being pushed as a Perfect Product.
  20. Shrinking, really ?
  21. Last I checked a window is bigger then an apple! So how am I or any PC user in a small world?
  22. why does this look like a Mac Fanboy thread ? I would say more but this link says it best ! http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=macs_cant
  23. So yea today my friend told me today that Verizon is bringing there service to Chicago some time this summer. Good news for me and other fellow testmy members in Chicago. Woot I just hope its really true and not a rumor. Oh and its it not true ill hit him for all of yall who really want that service. Ok im out L8er
  24. spell mine backwards(w/o the HS) and you will see what it means.
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