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    My Results

Everything posted by VanBuren

  1. dude !!!! Nice score, what type of service do you have? I just tested too, but im in Europe so i will never kick that score here :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 1868 Kbps about 1.9 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Upload Speed is: 228 KB/sec Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 11 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 4.49 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=XOUGY1816 :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3200 Kbps about 3.2 Mbps (tested with 1013 KB) Download Speed is:: 391 KB/sec Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 57 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.62 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=HAC9CJCHD VanBuren
  2. Dern over 30 hops to testmy.net Where do you live? I suggest you increase your DefaultTTL value in adjuster, set it to 128 and hit save to registry. Reboot and try making a tracert again, also make a new tweak test and post result here. ps: Dont forget to disable firewall during test VanBuren
  3. VanBuren


    download this program, save it on your desktop, make sure every field is set to defult and leave RWIN at 7300. http://www.broadbandreports.com/front/DRTCP021.exe and run the tweak tester again, post result again. VanBuren
  4. VanBuren


    run this test and post result URL (link) here so i can see it..... http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks VanBuren
  5. Very nice dude! What type of service do you have? VanBuren
  6. That one looks better, less packetloss You can try this tweak guide i made once to get a optimal RWIN, the problem is tto find out your ping to your isp......... http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?t=99 But something between 10 and 30 ms can be normal for cable. if you use 20 ms in that RWIN calculator and MSS 1460 and Bandwith 1 Mbps you will get a RWIN value 18980 Try that, and post speed and tweak score again. somehow you got some packetloss, smaller RWIN will help ya. to change RWIN do like this Open adjuster find TcpWindowSize change it from 49640 to 18980 and click save to registry. Now reboot your pc, also try unplugging your cablemodem for a few seconds and plug it in before you start up your pc again. Good luck VanBuren
  7. VanBuren


    The ansver is packetloss why? Your RWIN is too high for your small bandwith http://www.dslreports.com/faq/7718 I suggest this method to tweak http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?t=99 VanBuren
  8. heyas Griff Your TCP settings dosent seem very good for your connection. uninstall every broadband tweaker you have, and install this one http://www.dslnuts.com/software.shtml Cablenut 4.08 After install open adjuster and click delete cablenut tweaks, so all fields is emty and click save to registry. In top left corner u see file, click open and browse to ccs folder, dubbleclick on cable normal 2x for win XP, and now click save to registry. Reboot your pc and make another speed and tweaktest, post result again. Its hard to tell the problems right away, a tracert is the best, i cant figure out why you arent pingable when your firewall is off. Have you disabled XP built in firewall? VanBuren
  9. VanBuren


    you have 256 Kbps and you score 270 Kbps Be happy, you get more then you pay for! The thing that you reach 115 KB/s is the recivebuffer fooling ya VanBuren
  10. Dern this one was even better lol Lucky bastard! VanBuren
  11. Yea i will use links next time Its not like im unlucky, no one can get 95% of 10 Mbps at that ping, no matter isp. Its limited by MSS, RWIN and latency. The thing that you can get 95% of 2.5 Mbps against ex testmy.net is cos you use same MSS (1460) as 10 Mbps and same or bigger RWIN 256000 something right? I think you also have around same ping as me 150 ms to testmy.net. We all are limited my these variables. So yes this program helps most for ppl with large bandwith over high latency. VanBuren
  12. Very nice score MICROWAVE, congrats You running PIMPspeed now, just enjoy the ride dude! VanBuren
  13. In your case you dont seem to need that program, cos you run 95% of full bandwith against all servers that has 2.5 Mbps to spare in upload bandwith no matter ping.......... http://www.dslreports.com/faq/694 For all other ppl that dosent have that super luck like you have, give it a try Here is some ss i made The single connection illustrate the speed i get without stardownloader. Note: my ping to that server is 180 ms VanBuren
  14. hey Griff and welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are screwed......... What you can do is do a tracert to www.testmy.net start-run- type cmd and hit enter, type tracert www.testmy.net and hit enter again. Post your result here. Also run this tweaktester and post result URL here so we can see it. http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks ps. disable firewall during test so it can check ping stabillity. VanBuren
  15. Yea thats what limit the program, but im running FTP server myself and allow unlimited nr of multiple connections and allow append. I dont run it 24-7 but when i want to trensfer files i dont care if whole my bandwith is used thats only good, but i understand that many orher ppl has to limit ratio or multiple connections to save bandwith. But like is said many FTP
  16. Agreed, but how many can use 100% or more of their advertised speed? I guess is less then 20% Edit: The program cant give you more bandwith even if that would be cool hehe VanBuren
  17. Just want to give yall a tip of a free download manager without spyware! I tested DAP before and i got to say this is way better and like i said no spyware. For all that dosent know how download managers works and why they are good i give you a example. I live in Sweden, i downloaded a file from a server in New York without download manager in a speed of 400 KB/s. After i installed it i can download in 1250 KB/s how? The program split the file in several pieces and make several connection to the server instead of only 1. That way you can have in my case around 300KB/s / connection and i had 4. The only bad thing is that some download sites dosent allow several connections from same ip#. But many does! And there is a resume option so if the download site allow it you can pause the download and resume it any time you want. http://www.stardownloader.com/ VanBuren
  18. hey CA3LE Tnx for the reply, i agree to almost all you posted but I disagree in the quote, all my testing against overseas servers show me that high amount of hops and high pingtime can with a bigger testfile decrease the impact of these variables and give a more accurate result. If i test my downloadspeed with small testsize i my score is around 500kbps, if i choose the biggest i get around 3 Mbps. Same goes with upload but i cant get more then around 1.5 Mbps with 500 Kb testsize. VanBuren
  19. Cool tnx ! Didnt know that geocites dont allow external linking cos link works for me well anyways here is the send pic and here is the recive pic VanBuren
  20. i know geocite sux in many ways but i just clicked at the pictures and all works
  21. In Sweden alot of ppl are connected to 10 Mbps fiber, not many on 100Mbps yet but its growing. Like i said before the service is too expensive for most ppl, and alot of ppl dosent need 100 Mbps. Read more here http://en.bredband.com/en/index.jsp and here is some statistic 100 Mbps vs 10 Mbps at my ISP recive: http://www.geocities.com/wac_vanolero/recive.JPG send: http://www.geocities.com/wac_vanolero/send.JPG here is the site but hey, its swedish lol good luck http://www.tptest.se/statistik/statistik.asp?lngCategoryId=1336 The 100 Mbps service is so new the statistic test server cant yet measure more then 25 Mbps accurate. ps some ppl need to learn how to tweak, cos of their score in that statistic VanBuren
  22. Please dont kill me 10 Mbps fiber for 40 bucks / month and if i want 100 Mbps for 85 bucks / month
  23. A friend of mine upgraded hes Fiber service from 10 to 100 Mbps, he sent me this picture to showoff hehe http://www.geocities.com/wac_vanolero/100mbpsconnection.JPG Dern i want that speed too, but right now its way to expensive around 85 USD/month and a traficclimit with 300 GB/month. The only problem he says is to find servers that can handle that speed, but in a p2p program like kazaa or Direct Connect you can download from several users at same time. VanBuren - a happy camper with 10 Mbps
  24. I think the test would be more accurate if the filesize was bigger for higher pings. The current test size is good and works great for most ppl (a guess ping less then 100), i just wish some overseas ppl can show off here too hehehe I also think the upload test would be more accurate for ppl in US with fiberoptics. I would like to see a test file size of maximal 3 MB both upload and download. If it was built in a script that 0.5MB test has to be for ex 10% worce then the 1MB test to be able to move to 3 MB testsize. That way guys with low bandwith would never has to upload/download a filesize of 3 MB. My upload here is way too low around 500Kbps/s and my download is around 3 Mbps (with a ping of 150ms). The download filesize is bigger and that way give me a better score, i understand the upload size is low cos not many ppl using fiberoptics like me. I also test against www.dslreports.com NY server, its a 120 ms ping to me and i score around 6 Mbps down and 2 Mbps up. They using a testsize of 3 MB both up and down. http://www.dslreports.com/archive/bredbandsbolaget.se Does anything of what im trying to say make sense? VanBuren
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