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Everything posted by bryanlautt

  1. yeah you have to be on here 24 hours a day and post like crazy to get up to like Tommie lol
  2. If you have 512mb to 1 gig you will notice an improvement with a 2gig jump drive but if you already have 2gig on your machine then you really wont notice it. 2 gig is the sweet spot just like 128 was the sweet spot for 95 and 98
  3. Your connection is: 14523 Kbps or 14.5 Mbps You downloaded at: 1773 kB/s You are running: 253 times faster than 56K and can download 1 megabyte in 0.58 second(s) Member Ident:Username:bryanlautt CompID:2211097290832 Test Time:: 2007/04/26 - 10:13am Test Browser and OS info: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) Test ID: T610EPGA2 (if this is a screenshot go to testmy.net to see if this is fake) Diagnosis ^info^: Awesome! 20% + : 185.27 % faster than the average for host (midco.net) This was tested from a 12160 kB file and took 6.859 seconds to complete
  4. Oh they did actually fix the problem, ended up being a server blade and then they replaced one of the main lines.
  5. what a dream lol
  6. Was that with Vista for you or XP because my brother has 4 Gigs on his Vista machine and it all shows up running a 32 bit system.
  7. Sounds sweet, whats the price and you'll have to let us know what kind of battery life you get with that 17incher.
  8. yeah Vista handles memory alot better, the more the better. XP cant really take advantage of huge amounts of memory, 4gigs on XP is all it can handle. actually a friend of mine has 4 gigs on XP and actually 3 show up but the BIOS reports 4 lol
  9. Well i just think its odd why my card works with other merchants online and not newegg
  10. I agree with you there that Apple has designed there OS with simplicity in mind unlike Linux. I just dont think linux has the backing of money like apple and microsft does. I think if linux steered away the the hard core linux guro approach and added more simplicity to there OS i think more and more people wouldnt mind switching. Microsoft must be doing things right: "The London Stock Exchange chooses Windows 2003 Server for Reliablity over Linux."
  11. It just amazes me how people will knock windows and talk about the flaws or this or that basically if people dont like the OS or microsoft then dont use there products is all im saying I dont go around starting up posts, "Do you think Linux is a POS?? your not alone" or Mac for that matter. I mean its been 5 years since the XP came out so yes for me i love the new face lift and all the other security and options it has to offer. and i want it with out running programs in the back ground to make it look like Vista. Its not just the look its also the new security and being more in control of what your programs are doing in the background. for some people they might say thats annoying if they dont like it then go back to xp or you can even turn it off in vista but then whats the point of even having a firewall might was have open ports as well to and not run AV software i mean who cares about security right???? I mean come now all those extra features take so much time to click the ok button. wow that was a work out wasnt it to lift your finger lol
  12. yeah i already ordered my stuff if i get other stuff i try new egg again during weekdays so that way i can call them and find out whats going on. I only get 100 a week to spend on computer stuff and we all know a 100 doesnt last long when you buy computer parts lol im trying to get her to up my spending limit lol yeah lol like that will happen lol
  13. i just dont understand why i am having problems with them, the other sites i have shopped with online, they work like there suppose too. my card doesnt expire untill 2010 so thats not the issue and if it was a bad card no body would accept it.
  14. Yeah i'll agree with you on that swimmer, 2gig is the sweet spot. Vista uses about 1 gig so i always about about 1 gig left.
  15. Has anybody ever had problems having your card go through online trying to make a purchase was hell. anyway i finenally cancelled my order with new and went to tiger direct without a hitch it worked fine and also order car parts from adanced auto parts online and that worked fine and then i orded Xpad for my laptop and that worked fine. New egg sucks when it comes to trying to purchase things online using your check/debit card. kept giving emails about being an error and blah blah blah, oh well they just lost my money. Keep it up newegg!! lol
  16. yeah just wanted to clear things up though with you and to every other linux lover out there. Its not that i dont linux and Mac its because theres not alot of programs out there for linux versus Windows. I like the fact that Microsoft bundles software with there OS.. Keeps me from having to buy extra software to browse or whatever. I am excited that Dell is goign to offer linux on there systems and dell will actually support it which is cool. I've been a MS Fan since DOS 3.0 which those of you green behind the ears DOS stands for Disk Operating System. Yes i have worked with linux at an ISP company. I have used Samba Sever and Ihave used Macs even those old G4's Also as far as Windows and Linux servers market share well you seem to be wrong about your calculations Note:: IDC this week issued a report predicting that Windows Server will snare 60 percent of the server market by 2008, compared to just 29 percent for Linux. I think for those of you that despise microsoft and use windows to me is really funny because if i dont like something its very simple to me, I DONT USE IT!! So format your drive and load your linux i mean come on what are u afraid of. Its simple from what what i heard so easy to load up and configure right?? never have to worry about security wholes or viruses again right??? I am sure they have a site called Linux update to check your computer for the latest update?? What about gaming i am sure theres alot of gaming titles out there for linux?? I mean i know bestbuy and other stores have rows of linux software. again i rest my case.
  17. I only paid 149 for OEM it works just the same so why do people buy the retail.
  18. Well I already said enough about Vista, i have the Business addition and actaully i get faster speeds with my wireless connection then i do my wired connection. Dont even have to tweak anything to get Vista to smoke on the net, not like XP got to tweak and fine tune to get XP to smoke. I average 16MB connection with my wireless and 14MB with XP. Do you see my point yet!!! Its all about security IE7 in Vista has ramped up security. most of you that dont use vista probably arent in business for fixing customers computers. XP's inerface looks like to much of a fisher price graphics. Vista interface is more sleek and business like. Talk about eye candy, people who dont like eye candy better quit playing all those eye candy games then and also better complain about Macs interface. I just dont understand why people knock down microsoft so much, id like to see anyone here write the code and have billons of people use it and lets see how many holes and bugs people can find. Does any one know how many lines of code is in vista?? Well theres over 50 million lines of code compared to XP with around 40 million, and linux has around 30 million lines of Code. I mean Look how many problems Firefox has had with Vista. lol IE works great with Vista. Firefox even took microsofts offer to help get the browser to work with IE. Yet people still want to bash Microsoft but they all say Firebox is awsome they dont even care if Firefox has problems. I browser and they still cant get it right not to mention Firebox being such a memory hog compared to IE. If linux and Macs were so dam good they would have alot bigger share: http://www.wininsider.com/news/?2248 Windows now controls 97.46 percent of the global desktop operating system market, compared to just 1.43 percent for Apple Macintosh and 0.26 percent for Linux And its on the rise. so whats happening looks like alot more peoople like windows then you think. I rest my case!!
  19. Yeah he just makes me envy him, i guess if you live in a big city you have those options. Heck the population of the town that i live in is 14,696 lol So i know thats huge for some people lol
  20. Oh yeah Directx10 wow cant wait untill all the games will be for ver 10 because its going to be sweet
  21. Your right about the friendly debate thing and everybody has there views and likes. some people like macs, some like windows and some like linux, i have used them all and i just prefer windows i guess because theres alot more software for windows and alot more hardware support. i know my laptop runs vista without a hitch. so i dont know about those other people that cant or why they cant. when a person fixes computers for customers you have to know about every OS thats why i jumped on the band wagaon quickly so i can learn the different features of the software and how it will react with different tweaks and settings and programs. So far for just comming out in Jan of 07 there hasnt been a whole lot of updates and everything has been stable from what i can see.
  22. I was just curious on what the american dollar was worth i can see not very much lol
  23. So tell me VanBuren what is an american dollar worth over where you are at?? 2 cents?? lol
  24. Most people that dont have vista now will have it when they buy a new PC or if they dont its because they cant afford it kinda like some people still using 98 that talk crap about the new OS because there systems cant run it lol
  25. remeinds me of those knockoffs lol, Vistas alot more secure then xp will ever be, i like the security enhancements. i never had a problems with my software. Recovery options is a big plus huge advancements compared to XP. not to mention the Backup you get with Business or Ulitmate addtion and no i didnt pay 200 its called OEM alot cheaper. 150 bucks for a full version yeah half the price of the 300 dollar retail version.
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