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Everything posted by cak46

  1. cak46


    I must sign off for the Eve, but will be back in the 'morrow! Hope this may have shown the problem area, but I have doubts...... Good evening...
  2. cak46


    You just gave me an idea. Why not disable the mouse and pointing devices, then reboot to see if the error occurs with that disabled?
  3. cak46


    Yup, missed it...... I looked back because I remembered something you had mentioned: If you don't wait at least 5 min before clicking OK on the error it always reboots.Sooooooooooo I went back into my events and noticed the time between error popup and the "Human Interface Device Access" error(mouse maybe?), and it's 33 seconds. Now I know these events are acutally backwords if we want to blame the HID for causing the popup error, which would make good sense to me, BUT the popup is first and then the HID is 33 secs after. Could it be part of the usb driver set instead of the mouse drivers? I'll have to look into removing and restoring this.... not sure whether it can be done successfully or not. Meanwhile, can you go into device manager and look at the hidden devices to see if there are any old usb devices listed which aren't hooked up now? (your old mouse, for example) If there are, go ahead and remove them.
  4. Have you tried skipping the router and connecting directly to your souce (Cable modem, etc? I doubt it will work, but worth a try. Also, PHP is correct. You could try replacing each of the rj45's one at a time, testing before replacing the second one. If the same shorts appear, its most likely bad wire. Edit: If you have a regular multi-tester, test the continuity of each wire prior to connecting the rj45's. This will assure that it is or is not the wire......
  5. cak46


    How'd it go?
  6. cak46


    HP :haha: Did you plug the new mouse controller in the same port as the old? Also, what type of port is it? (USB, bus, serial) Might want to shut down and try a diifferent port if its USB. (One you have'nt used for the mouse before).
  7. If you have enough connectors, try to build another line and see what the results are. Maybe defective wire, if not the connectors? Never used that type of connector (EZ) myself, but the ones I used when I first started making patch cords, took me 7 rj45s before I got it right. This may help too. These seem like good instructions. http://agents.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~jih/Internet/RJ45.html
  8. cak46


    Hope the headache didn't get too bad..... Sounds good with the replacement driver/mouse!!
  9. Welcome to the forum, cstmstyle. Same problem and two separate lines. How long are they? With ethernet, there is a 300 meter limit on length. May also want to double check the RJ45's for color sequence correctness. Edit: In other words, what php says below......
  10. Glad that you are back up and running!
  11. cak46


    Go ahead and reboot, then run it again to see if they are gone. Got a sticky wicket on that hp POS that just refuses to comply. The disturbing thing is that it is finding more crap on your system. (Such as my situation with this HP.........) Bootlog: Scroll down and find the date and time that corrosponds with the boot you are interested in looking at. For example: Service Pack 2 7 14 2005 18:08:22.500 Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32ntoskrnl.exe Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32hal.dll Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32KDCOM.DLL This is the last entry from your previous bootlog post Look for the part at the top (in boldfaced with the date and time you are interested in) and copy down to the next entry that shows the same information ('cept date and time, of course).
  12. cak46


    Might be a pain, but uninstall the mouse again, then reboot using f8 bootlogging then install new drivers for the other mouse then use bootlogging again after the replace to see if there are any difference. I don't hate your wheel mouse, its just a suspect in the case.... :haha:
  13. Did you change anything in BIOS while trying to get the other internal hard drive to function? Could be you disabled autodetect on the other drives in bios..
  14. cak46


    Not too wordy at alll! I would say, dump the third party drivers, then the device, drop the 20 bucks of so and replace the mouse... At the least try the system for a while with the other mouse. ...... could be the pop up is being triggered first for some reason, maybe by the HID error, but it shows itself first thru the other program (process). Did you check logitech for an updated driver? Maybe the original driver is glitchy....... ( forgive me if I asked this before,, just too lazy to go back thru the thread to see.....) MS has a beta of antispyware out. Pretty good. I would suspect they are looking at entering the market. Here is the link. http://www.microsoft.com/athome/security/spyware/software/default.mspx Who better to clean up their stupid mistakes with their os other than the os manufacturer? :haha: Heads doin' ok. Hair of the dog........ How 'bout yours? Did the pillow do the trick?
  15. cak46


    Thats good that the mouse is behaving itself. I'm takin gthe night off. Porbably hav another of those headaches tomorrow..... oh well.............. (extreme DT's ?) :haha: If you didn't try ms antispyware, give it a go. It's helping me with this pos hp I'm working on. I hate to say..... But, then again who better to clean a faulty, hacker available system up better than the company that wrote it? :haha: Have a good night and will be back tomorrow. EDIT: Being an idiot, I think, with the help of my brother, I figured out where the MS dude is going with the parallel install. If you do the install, the original will not have any running process. So, if it is a virsus, etc. you will be able to scan with impunity through the old installation, catching the bug. Won't help with registry issues (bad driver, etc.) but maybe the dude has a way to check that? Might want to inquire MS further on where he's going with the install, at least...... time to get :haha:
  16. ??? Try seting your nic from autoselect for speed and duplexing to 100 for speed and full duplex for media/duplex
  17. cak46


    Here is the last entry: Service Pack 2 7 14 2005 18:08:22.500 Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32ntoskrnl.exe Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32hal.dll Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32KDCOM.DLL Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32BOOTVID.dll Loaded driver ACPI.sys Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSWMILIB.SYS Loaded driver pci.sys Loaded driver isapnp.sys Loaded driver ohci1394.sys Loaded driver WINDOWSSystem32DRIVERS1394BUS.SYS Loaded driver pciide.sys Loaded driver WINDOWSsystem32DRIVERSPCIIDEX.SYS Loaded driver viaide.sys Loaded driver MountMgr.sys Loaded driver ftdisk.sys Loaded driver dmload.sys Loaded driver dmio.sys Loaded driver PartMgr.sys Loaded driver sfsync02.sys Loaded driver VolSnap.sys Loaded driver atapi.sys Loaded driver disk.sys Loaded driver WINDOWSSystem32DRIVERSCLASSPNP.SYS Loaded driver fltmgr.sys Loaded driver sr.sys Loaded driver KSecDD.sys Loaded driver Defrag32b.sys Loaded driver Ntfs.sys Loaded driver NDIS.sys Loaded driver sfhlp02.sys Loaded driver sfdrv01.sys Loaded driver nv_agp.sys Loaded driver Mup.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSamdk7.sys Mobile Power driver for AMD Athlon Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSusbohci.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSusbehci.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSNVENET.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversnvax.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSimapi.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERScdrom.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32Driversincdrm.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSInCDPass.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSnv4_mini.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSserial.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSserenum.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSparport.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSi8042prt.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSkbdclass.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSaudstub.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrasl2tp.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSndistapi.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSndiswan.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSraspppoe.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSraspptp.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmsgpc.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSpsched.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSptilink.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSraspti.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSrdpdr.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERStermdd.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmouclass.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSswenum.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSupdate.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmssmbios.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNDProxy.SYS Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNDProxy.SYS central driver for running residential dsl Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSusbhub.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversnvapu.sys Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32Driverslbrtfdc.SYS Toshiba Libretto floppy controller Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32Driversi2omgmt.SYS I2O Utility Filter Not sure about this one... need more research Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversChanger.SYS SCSI CD-ROM Driver Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversCdaudio.SYS CD-ROM Audio Filter Driver Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversFs_Rec.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNull.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversBeep.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversvga.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32Driversmnmdd.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSRDPCDD.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversInCDfs.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversInCDrec.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversMsfs.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversNpfs.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrasacd.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSipsec.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERStcpip.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversaswTdi.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSnetbt.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32vsdatant.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversws2ifsl.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversafd.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSnetbios.sys Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSprocessr.sys Processor Device Driver Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DriversPCIDump.SYS cant find info on.... More research needed Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSredbook.sys Redbook Audio Filter Driver Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrdbss.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmrxsmb.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSipnat.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSwanarp.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversFips.SYS Loaded driver ??C:Program Filesewidosecurity suiteguard.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversAavmker4.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSusbprint.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversLHidUsb.Sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSLHidFlt2.Sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmouhid.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSLMouFlt2.Sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversCdfs.SYS Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSrdbss.sys Redirected Drive Buffering SubSystem Driver Did not load driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmrxsmb.sys Windows NT SMB Minirdr Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSmrxdav.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversParVdm.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversaswMon2.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversDefrag32.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSsrv.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverswdmaud.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverssysaudio.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverssplitter.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversaec.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversswmidi.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversDMusic.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverskmixer.sys Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversdrmkaud.sys Did not load driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSipnat.sys IP Network Address Translator Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversHTTP.sys Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DriversaswRdr.SYS Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverskmixer.sys Whew.... I'm not sure if some of these need to be loaded or not, but it could be any one of them IF they are supposed to load. Have you had trouble burning cd's? Noted each with info on what they do or are.... EDIT: How do your event logs look? EDIT2: Check this out..... About the redbook.sys entry........ http://www.greatis.com/appdata/n/r/redbook.sys.htm Maybe the issue? Here is another troubleshooting tip I just found, if you want to try it. I believe you can add these thru the control panel>system icon then startup,..... add the following options to the BOOT.INI line: /noguiboot /sos /bootlog These turn off the graphical screen, display each driver as it loads, and save a bootlog to %WINDOWSntbtlog.txt I must sign off for now. Beddy-bye time :haha: Will be back tomorrow. Good luck and have a good evening!
  18. cak46


    Fresh would be better. The changes you made might have an effect on the bootlogging but is supposed to increase the information in your event logs. After the reboot, look at each log carefully to see if the error is caught in there, with more info. Hopefully! BTW: I'd wait on ripping your cd drives out until we see whats in the logs and possibly the mouse replace, if you're going to do it.
  19. cak46


    did you reboot after changing the reg entries, then hit f8 then select boot logging?
  20. cak46


    You will be able to transfer data files just fine. It's your installed programs and personalized settings that will need to be redone. (Along with the parallel install). Ask him directly if there is a way to transfer your programs and settings and see what he says. Of course, one of those programs might be the problem too....... I had a thought on your mouse. Why not uninstall any software associated with it, then delete it from the device manager, then shut down, hook up your other mouse, then restart. Just make sure to uninstall any software involved with it first. Try it for a day or two and see what happens? The wheel thing bothers me... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Could be a short there causing the problem....
  21. So, you have your computer plugged in to port 1 on hub A then you have a 125 foot cat5 wire from the uplink port in Hub A going to port 1 on Hub B. If this is right, you will need the uplink port button turned on on Hub A to connect the two hubs.
  22. cak46


    If you selected bootlogging after hitting F8, then there should be a new log entry in the bootlog.txt for that boot. Try this to increase the amount of info put into your event logs and possibly the bootlog.txt file: Obtained from: http://www.windowsnetworking.com/kbase/WindowsTips/Windows2000/RegistryTips/Eventlog/W2KXP.NETenableverboseeventmessages.html Use reistry editor and change/add this DWORD value: go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionpoliciessystem See if this DWORD already exists and if not, add it by right mouse clicking on the system(folder shaped in left window) then select New DWORD then name it VerboseStatus Next, double click on the new verbosestatus entry and set it to 1 If it already existed, change the value to 1 Now, go ahead and check for this under the same key (system): An additional value called "DisableStatusMessages" forces status messages to be disabled, make sure this value does not exist or is set to "0". (DisableStatusMessages REG_DWORD 0x00000000 (0)) More instructions: http://www.techspot.com/vb/topic12413.html If you are uncomfortable with registry editing, use the alternate way in the first link to turn on verbose logging. Alway remember, backup the registry prior to editing it! Edit: For various reasons........
  23. cak46


    Had to post again. My post number was at 666, not a good number to leave it on. Good evening!
  24. cak46


    Do a search for the two files being referenced. If they are there, then it might not be them... If they aren't, it is possible the keys are the issue. Disable system restore and try killbox to remove the files. (You can disable adwatch temporarily while you edit the reg., I believe) http://www.scancomplete.com/download/killbox/ I must bid you adeiu for the night. 5:00 am eastern comes pretty quick. If you could, run another bootlog.txt (Hit F8 then select boot logging and then post it. Also note if it drops you into safe mode or regular boot. Might want to consider manually removing entries for dlls, exes that don't load when the system boots. This depends on whether you go into safemode or not, and I can't remember. That samsung cd driver comes to mind. Do you remember if that was the manufacturer of your prior cd-rom? Catchya in the afternoon......(your time) Your machine is makin' me :haha:
  25. cak46


    Yeah, I think php is right. With the mcafee, good that they are gone! Been working on that hp for a while. Keeps coming up with a trojan-dropper, but ewido intercepts it. Still getting the error on boot after getting rid of the mcafee on-boot loads? PHP is probably right, especially since update was active on your machine. (Good Catch, PHP!)
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