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Yeah, I'd wait on the full disable. Have never done that and if anyone has, please pitch in. Just poke around and see if anything stands out.
Just read the email. Sounds like windoctor which comes with norton sysworks. Very handy for cleaning the reg. out. Have you ever gone into the local group policy objects? http://www.theeldergeek.com/gp05.htm Take a look at this link. I've messed with this a bit in w2k, but not xp. See if there is anything disabled that might sound familiar. (Remember the group policy changes in you logs?) Could be that something is set at disabled that is necessary for a program which would explain the permissions errors (lsass, etc.) You can just disable group policys all together by adding these registry keys: http://www.theeldergeek.com/enable_disable_local_group_policy.htm (Back up your registry first.....)
Haven't checked mail yet. Understand on the TUT issue. Does the lsass error come up before or after the disk defrag error? From the errors occurring with msconfig and component services along with the lsass it sounds more like a permissioning issue, not so much a corrupt file. Have you been able to run xp's version of disk defrag?
Quite a keyboard! Seems like quite a learning curve for that one! 0adfldfkjffads Thats me, typing without looking at the keys! If you can figure out which service it is, most likely you can replace the program file with one that works.
Long time no write. :) Go ahead and check the diagonostic mode then look at the Startup and Services Tabs. Note the items that are unchecked during the Diagnostic startup. If I remember correctly, if you just use the regular safe mode, the error occurs so it could well be something disabled for diagnostics mode. What you could do is try to disable each item on your list one at a time, then reboot and see if the error does not come up. If the error occurs, then re-enable the one you disabled, then disable another on your list and reboot. Do this until all on your list have been disable, one at a time. Diagonstics mode starts you in safe mode. (most likely the loss of net connection).
won't be here. Goin on the vacation..... Back in a week or so but might check in monday........ :icon_salut: a salute to the ms dude.... :icon_salut: maybe this is more fitting :haha: Edit: Just joking......
Easiest way is to copy te new mpr.dll and the inuse.exe into the c: directory. When you go to the command prompt type cd this will bring you to the "root" That way, the command would look something like: c:inuse.exe c:mpr.dll c:windowssystem32mpr.dll This is assuming you have copied the new mpr.dll and the inuse.exe file to the c: directory. DOS-like commands are our friends.... I have a feeling the same wfp error willl come up but it can't hurt to try.
The updating .dll is contained within the .bat file you executed. The protection by wfp, thats generated by inuse.exe see below that it does not exist within the batch. I would assume that wfp disallowed the replacement of the file.: ECHO Updating MPR.dll DLL... You see this as well on the black command prompt screen "%cd%inuse.exe" "%cd%mpr.dll" "C:WINDOWSSYSTEM32mpr.dll" This is the call for replacement of the mpr.dll file GOTO END :END ECHO. ECHO. ECHO ----------------------------------- ECHO - Script Compiled By: TriRan - Well, this is obvious... ECHO - http://www.teams-w-a-t.com - ECHO ----------------------------------- pause This gives you the "Press any key to continue..." statement in your screen
No. The way it should read is "c:program filesMPR.dllmprmpr.dll" You need to specify the path to the inuse.exe file eg: "C:program filesWhateverthefolderyourenamedextracteddirectoryname?inuse.exe" "c:program filesMPR.dllmprmpr.dll" c:WINDOWSsystem32mpr.dll
Thanks, Shug! May give it another go but will have to open some ports, blah, blah, blah.....
go to Start>run> then type in cmd and hit enter key type in the following: inuse "c:program filesMPR.dllmprmpr.dll" c:WINDOWSsystem32mpr.dll the " " quotes are either singl quotes ' ' or double quotes " " can't remember which. You'll get an error message if they are wrong. I've got to go or I'll be useless tomorrow. Give this a try and I'll be back tomorrow!
Anyhow, I think the machine so far is not recognizing the inuse info in my comm or something, it only takes one symbol in the wrong place Not sure what you mean here. Go ahead and reboot to get rid of the popup asking to reboot then try again. Did you reboot after installing the inuse program?.
do a search for mpr.dll on your computer. The full path to it should show up there. All three copies will show up. don't use the one in dllcache or the one you copied to c: . The one I gave was an example. I do not know which directory the mpr.dll file is stored in. I would assume system32, but do not know. Put an example of the command you put in and what happened (error messages, etc.) if you could. Example ONLY, not true paths to mpr.dll (as far as I know): c: is a path mpr.dll is the filename full path and filename is c:mpr.dll c:windows is another path mpr.dll is the filename full path and filename is c:windowsmpr.dll the path is the part prior to the filename (mpr.dll) and tells the operating system where to find the file you are wanting to use as a replacement and the other path is the part prior to the filename (mpr.dll) that tells the op sys where the file is that you want to replace.
The download was going was slower than death.... Good try though! Also, it opened mucho ports on my machine and it wasn't worth the risk for an 83 hour exposure. Thanks for the try!
OK. Will give it a try. Thanks!
Restart the puter, then try the install 3.1 download afgain. Had that same problem with the, YES, now clean HP machine I've been working on. Pine Tea is Fine For Me hehe
This should help. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;228930 1.) download and Install the inuse tool 2.) Get to a command prompt 3.) example of usage: I want to replace the mpr.dll file located in the c:windowssystem32 directory with the mpr.dll file located in the c: directory inuse c:mpr.dll c:windowssystem32mpr.dll You must use the full path to the files which the above example shows. You may want to consider moving your replacement file to the c: directory so you don't have to type a long path to get to the file Windows File protection disallows replacement of system files by keeping a spare copy in the dllcache (one of the hidden directories you can see now in the Windows directory) and copying that back to the system32 directory (or wherever the system file in question is stored for use) if it detects that the protected file has been changed. Using the same version migh fool WFP into thinking it doesn't need to change the file but it may do crc checking as well (I'm not fully versed in WFC) Give it a try anyway. Most that will happen is wfc will error and say its putting it back or it will just put the orig. back and not tell you. You should at least check the versions so that if they are different, you'll be able to tell whats happening after you replace it. I know... I know.... long winded....... riddled with techie crap....... :haha:. Does this help at all?? You can look at it this way..... You go into a store and pick up an Aerosmith cd(old copy of mpr.dll), intending on walking out of the store with it without paying. A Molly hatchet cd falls in place where the aerosmith cd was (your new mpr.dll file) .Just before you get to the door, the manager snags the cd from your hand and drags you back to the shelf. He then puts the Aeorsmith cd back right where it had been before, pushing the molly hatchet out of the way. Further, he blindfolds you before taking you back to the rack, so you really don't know what hes doing or where hes taking you or that he even put the Aerosmith cd back in place. Welcome to WFP
You could try this: Remove the google toolbar, then reboot and reinstall a fresh copy of the toolbar from google. Hope it helps....
Tried to download but all I downloaded was a 28.2KB file, but then again I don't use bittorrent. Is that the problem?
Sounds like a good idea. I have a couple of ideas which are a bit more invasive to the op sys., but lets wait till you give this a go. Pine trees.... hmmmm..... I'm from the Pine Tree State so I guess I'll never go hungry ! :haha: Wash it down with some of that beer.... ummmm, beer..... They're coming to take me away ha ha they're coming to take me away ho ho he he........... :haha: The project at work is taking its toll............ TriRyans tool looks good. Edit: That just sounds wrong to me..... Lets try this: The utility he suggests sounds appropriate.... You may want to consider using the one out of the cabs on your cd-rom first. If wfp finds out about it (version change, size change, etc.,) there will be hell to pay . (not really) It will just re-write the old one back from the dllcache automatically, possibly without popping up a message. Big brother MS is always lurking..... Check file versions and size by right mouse clicking on the file, then select properties. This file (mpr.dll) is used to allow communication to flow between different network protocols. For info on wfp, take a peeky here: http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=222193. If the versions and size are the same, most likely wfp won't notice a thing. Make a backup copy of the old one prior to replacing.
I thought that this happened when you installed the new xpsp2, but that was a while ago...... Here is an idea, but it will take a while to do. Check these 4 keys in your registry http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=314866&sd=RMVP and write down the subkeys that are listed within each (click once on each entry and the program filename should show in the righthand screen).. Now, check each subkey program with depends to see if there are any missing modules for any of them. If you want, list them in a post first so I can take a peeky at them to see if there is anything that stands out. Not going to be able to be on long tonite. I'm like Kentucky Fried Chicken..... EXTRA CRISPY! Edit: I'm off for the Eve..... Will be back tomorrow!
Yeah, there are alot of hidden system directories and files. Wanted to see what options were set for your boot.ini. It was the right one. Virus files are sometimes hidden as well. I always run with system files and hidden files exposed. Can you refresh my memory and tell me what screen the error occurs on now. I know its at boot, but is it on the login screen or the WinXP splash screen (where the flag is waving, and the bar at the bottom is moving? Edit: Have to shutdown for about 15min. Back in a jiffy....
You can try to boot into the VGA mode. This will show the driver names as they load on startup. Things will get very big on the screen when windows comes up, but just reboot and all will reset to normal. This option activates the /sos switch in boot.ini along with using the standard vga mode instead of the installled mode. Keep a close eye on the drivers as they load. If the error comes up during this period of time, note the last driver that initialized. .S1 Yeah, it's been a bear. Edit: VGA Mode: Hit F8 as though your going to boot into safemode but instead select vga mode.
Still looks ok to me and should work.