I can almost guarantee you that it was enough blood. They either did one of the following, messed up the test and need to retest or the vacuum tube preservative in the bottom didn't mix well and your blood coagulated. The amount of blood needed for triglyceride levels is not much and the vacuum tubes remove almost all the blood they need quickly. So it was probably a faulty tube or the lab boned the pooch.
Ya, I think they put hockey on when there are no football games, and Jerry Springer isnt on, or Infomercials... I think Im thinking of the right sport, isnt hockey the game where the winning score is like 1-0 after watching for 5 hours?
Bill Gates is richer than the US Government. I dont think he has to worry. He probably makes 100000 a month just off the interest from his savings account.
Thanks, hope all the sex pays off with a beautiful baby. Im sure it will, but hey even if you get no kid you still get lots of sex which is its own reward. I gotta buy Bad Boys on DVD.
Thats exactly what I was thinking. I just about imagine if you were as righ as Bill Gates. You get petty crap like that for free. I mean what company would say no if Billy said hey i want that new 500gig down internet... NOBODY. Bill would CYBER@$#% YOU UP. If I was as rich as bill gates I would walk around nekked and just start humpin people. If they got mad, Id give em money, if they were still mad, id give em more.... still mad? Well I guess Id stop (I hate rapists dirty motha..) but id get my money back.
Ok my question... who needs that kinda card. Thats just over kill. I mean I like my porn, I open two and three windows at a time of it and my 64mb ATI holds up just fine.
:haha: :haha: Good stuff Good stuff. I had headphones on thank god. You do realize now that by your responses Im not gonna get anyone else though right. :angry5: Thanks.
Ok you gotta turn up the volume kinda loud cause its real low, but awesome. Definanatly worth listening to. Awesome. :D :D