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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. :roll: Ya, lets just kill innocent men, women and kids because they were born under oppression.
  2. LMFAO, I had to go back and see if I put "hey skank, your cool".....ass. :haha:
  3. Hey Skank, I see someone agrees with our votes... Maybe Ill get lucky tonight.
  4. Although I have never used AOL due to the fact that you have to be so stupid the kids that ride the short bus make fun of you. I do hear that they suck. Anyone stupid enough to pay that much for crap deserves everything they get.
  5. World peace??? Na, screw that then I couldnt make fun of the mexicans for always starting fights.
  6. My winky hurts when I wee wee.
  7. Welcome.
  8. :haha: Ya oil prices have really gone down since we took Iraq.
  9. Now that is EXACTLY what I said a page or replies ago. I don't know why anyone bothers to argue politics. Very few will agree with you and your not gonna change the minds of those who disagree. Its a topic for fools. Kinda like arguing over who has the best french fries, everyone has their own opinion and they aint gonna change it.
  10. This topic has been moved to Networking and Hardware. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=3609.0[/iurl]
  11. Welcome to the site, hope you like it and tell your friends. Nice speed, next time please try not to use cuss words in the subject line. We try to keep it at least a little civil around here. :haha:
  12. If I had to guess I would say yes, but then again that would be a guess so you would have just as good a chance at fliping a coin for the right answer. Dang man buy a wireless router and be done with it.
  13. This topic has been moved to HELP!. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=3607.0[/iurl]
  14. Yea Im not gonna pretend I read what you wrote.... but it was nice of you to respond. :evil6:
  15. This is like watching a bunch of kids argue over who gets the ball first on the playground. Funny though.Anyway let me express my 2 cents. I live in America. I dont live in France and could care less what they are up to. What do I care about. My daughter, wife, work, job, my truck and many other things. Hell I would rate "what movies are comming to dvd this tuesday" as more important than this thread. No matter what we think of them or what they think of us it is our leaders who will determine the relationship of our countries. Anyway, carry on but keep it civil. Stank Ho's busting some people up in here, good stuff.
  16. :haha: Thats just mean.
  17. Ya way off, but in a good direction. I have already lost so much time with my daughter and I love you is the last thing she hears from me at night as well as when i leave for work. She follows me outside and says have a good day dada. Anyway nice post.
  18. Nah not yet, I think it kinda stalled.
  19. Dang nice anyhow. Im wantin to get an ol stingray restrored.
  20. Thats not really your car is it? Thats tight give me some specs if it is.
  21. Agreed. Get back on topic, I would rather talk about getting screwed by Mcd's than political garbage. No flaming. Oh and Stank I knew it was you with the screw shug... I wasnt expecting it made me really laugh. But who else would it be. :haha:
  22. If this gets close to a flame thread it will be gone fast.
  23. Hell, thats easy. They are in CA3LES momma's living room.
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