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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Yea they have confirmed it will be at E3 and said they would "announce" it sometime before hand. BTW did you see the specs on the cell 4.6Ghz DAMMIT. I cannot wait.
  2. Download it, unzip, run it. Select what type of connection you have (cable) then at the bottom choose "optimal" setting. Apply the settings then reboot and retest a couple times.
  3. Yea but PS3 needs a STRONG online game to launch with, its gonna be fighting XBOX 2 and Halo online. Socom 3 developed for over 2 years for PS3 would be TIGHT. And whoever said the PS3 isnt coming soon, it will be shown at E3 announced sometime before that and up for sell first quarter 2006.
  4. Ok, first off what is your cap. Second download this https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=65 and use the optimal settings reboot and retest.
  5. Cool Ill try it. Looks tight.
  6. Your upload speed is pretty good. Definantly nothing that would hurt online gaming. You can try this http://www.testmy.net/topic,1013.0.php Try TCP Optimizer its in blue on down a little. Welcome to the site hope you like it and tell your friends. Best site on the net. If your online game is freezing its not your net trust me those speeds are tight for gaming its the server or other problems. Good luck. Holler back with any other questions.
  7. www.fonpirate.com www.3gforfree.com You can browse both from your cell phone and download for free. Get the game Dope Wars its the shiznite.
  8. I'm pissed about that... It looks AWESOME, but they could have pushed it back a few months and launched it with the PS3 after alot of development time it would have been tight.
  9. I quit playing about 5 months ago, I still play every once in a while. I was top ten for months until the cheaters learned to level up with glitches. I played for the Veteranz clan. Loved it, we used to kick the shit outta Gamebattles.
  10. OK so aside from the Mullet disclaimer that just sucked. :haha: Although I did laugh at the mullet thing.
  11. Nice. What weather plug in you use?
  12. Direct TV is putting up several new satelites this year to carry High Def programming so these might be what he is speaking about. Bottom line no one ever knows what technology will do. Who knows, I guarantee you when the I first got on BBS in the nineties with my 28.8 modem, If you told me the internet would turn into what it is now, I would have said no way.
  13. Yea your speed is more than adequate. I have played Socom since the first one came out. I was top ten in Socom 2. Anyway, your speed is fine, the servers on the other hand lag all the time especially when more people are on like weekends and evenings. They also lag more when zipper is readying an update.
  14. Cool man thanks, doesnt sound too free though.
  15. Yes I understand that and I used to run a popular socom 2 on line glitch website. Trust me they can not bother you, there is nothing illegal about telling someone how to glitch a game, on line or not. Just don't tell people to hack microsoft and your allright.
  16. They couldn't sue you period. If all you are doing is posting glitches, they have no recourse, that is not illegal. They made a game and they made the glitches. Now when you sign up to play on line you agree in the user agreement not o use them, but that is diffrent from publishing. Don't sweat it. Even if they tried it would get them nowhere, you would take down the site and they would have no further case in this instance. Trust me I ran a VERY shady internet business to get through college and never got busted.
  17. Nah, they cant sue you for publishing glitches that are due to programing error. Now if you are listing how to hack or ruin others playing experience like with Gameshark, they could come after you but thats doubtfull as well. I say go for it. Hell if CA3LE has been selling male prostitutes on this site for years and not get shutdown your ok.
  18. Ok back when i was young I built a website using one of those programs or tool sets for building a website. So my work is wanting a website and I told them I could make a basic one. Any suggestions on web site building programs? I forgot what it was i used before to do this. Any help is appreciated. Oh and if the program is free thats great if not i can probably make it turn free real fast. Anyway, thanks in advance.
  19. Thats not music... I heard a violin in there, so it cant be music.
  20. Yup 3 sounds good. I need to buy a new laptop... who was it that was buying a new laptop not to long ago. Anyway, is 32mb dedicated cideo memory better than 64 mb shared? I mean ok it is but how much? Is it gonna make a big diffrence?
  21. Bubba the buttplug..... why does that sound familiar.... OH he was my roomie in college, very nice guy.
  22. :haha: Yea you should be sorry for that. :haha:
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