Hell I think thats a banging Laptop for the price. I bought mine a year ago on close out for 529 bucks and it is a good laptop. Intell Cel 2.4, 64 video, 40 gig hard, 15 screen, 512 ram. CDRW/DVD. Anyway for the price I couldn't pass it up but its almost time for a new one. If you get this one let me know how you like it.
Welcome to the site hope you like it. It sounds like to me what you are describing is the initial speed of download due to the cache while you are choosing where to save the file. Generally when you go to download a file it will pop up the window asking you where to place the file, all this time the OS is downloading the file. So once you choose where to save the file it brings up the speed screen and it notices all of the file that has already been downloaded and says wow Im downloading fast and shows you a really good speed but then it levels out. I think this is what you are describing. As far the DSL it should be faster than that. Next time you come by post your speed test results in the Make It Faster Section and let Van help you out.
Ok first off welcome to the forum Hope you like it and tell your friends. Second off I dont think anyone will tell you this and if they did you would just get busted. I dont think they would cap you because you dl to much, but you are capped from the word go. I know some isps will but I dont know about DW.
I think this is a very important statement. Having an Admin that actually listens and improves the site based on recomendations. I have seen CA3LE change the site with suggestions from people with under 5 posts but they had a good idea and it was heard. Very nice job.
Ok I have posted twice requesting a mods only space in the forum. The other mods chimned in and seemed to like it. So I cant help but notice the recent additions without the mods only spot. WTH, dont make me walk to Arizona just to #$%@ Slap you. A simple yes or no would work great. :haha: No seriously how about a yes or no.
Yea my UL sucks most of the time, so I guess it all evens out. BTW Troll I like your new animation under the name, very nice. If I was high I could watch it all day.
Welcome to the site, I use wireless g and when I test hard wired I get about 100k better DL than wireless.
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 4065 Kbps about 4.1 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)
Download Speed is:: 496 KB/s
Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/
Bottom Line:: 73 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.06 second(s)
Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=DLB09J4K8
Heres my speed and I have a 4M Down cap. I use linksys wireless g.
The solution contains enzymes that clean the contacts. So if you reuse the solution the enzymes have already don their work and arent as effective. Plus if you reuse your solution then the solution companies would go out of business and many people would loose jobs, you dont want that do you?