Ok, so I have officially become the IT guy at work, and as most of you here know I don't know jack. So I have a puter running windows xp pro. and have drive z mapped to a server. In order for a cei program to run on my remote comp it has to connect to the server. So I can get it to connect by clicking on the mapped drive every time I reboot, I want it to automatically connect to the server when I reboot. Any idears?
At work we have a central server, just braught in a new computer and need to log this computer onto the network and map a virtual drive to the server so I can access some file and move software. If anyone can help it would be appreciated. Thanks.
Heres what you do, call em up and ask em to send the same tech, when he arrives open the door kick him flush in the nuts and run... wait dont run just close the door.
<a href="http://bbspot.com/News/2003/01/os_quiz.php"><br>Which OS are You?</a>
:haha: That was funny as hell, especially the one about switching 4 lanes, I laughed my arse off.
edited by php: put the image in for ya
It did mine, when a storm came through it really slowed down. I remember this specifically because I lived in north texas and got storms all the time so downloading porn was outta the question in the afternoon. Just a friendly tip.
Ok I am starting to get more time off to spend here and have yet to see my boys... Stank Ho, Micro, Aggr, CA3LE, Van and all the others... My only boy I have seen so far is PHP.... What the heck..... where my people at?
Ok first off, Klown why would I ask a question here in the help section if I wanted to go read on the internet. <snip>. Second bwt I search for the best quality files and usually get better than 128 never lower, granted they probably arent as good as if I ripped myself and I do know how to rip well, but as far as m spending money on buying the music I have thousands of songs and since I can get hundreds of mp3's on one disc I dont want to buy 2000 cds for the 2100 songs I want.... Im poor... I will send you a file and if you can do a little bass work for me <snip>...... Thanks for all your help bwt I appreciate it.
edited by php: reported as inappropriate...
UHHHHH...... The program I use to "convert" my "cds" to "mp3" is uhhhh Limewire..... :haha: I thought you lost quality if your sure I dont would you mind giving me a lil run through of what I need to do with your program to just jack the bass so I can rattle my bean bag.
OK bwt I have two problems, first off Im dumb as hell and that sounds hard as hell. Second off if I convert to wav and back to mp3 wont I loose sound quality. I have a Kenwood excelon MP3 in my truck and want my cd in MP3 format and dont want to loose quality.
Ok I have a new 2000 dollar system in my truck and want to get more bass out of my songs. Anyone know of a good way to increase the bass level of songs before burning them to CD in MP3 format? Not the over all volume level, just the bass. Any help is appreciated.
I am very excited. Also in the new EGM as well as some other magazines "high profile developers" probably EA that has worked with both dev kits have commented that the PS3 "Is insanely powerful, much more so than the XBOX 2" awesome. I will buy all of the new consoles and am very excited.
Na, we do that we are just gonna get a bunch spam, and who really cares to have forced internet friends....friends dont let friends ride fat chicks. :haha: