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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. What I said was an inside joke kinda..... Cobra made this sig for me. hes the shit.
  2. We are not going to have stuff like this that just starts trouble. Stop this now.
  3. :haha: This is the biggest mess over nothing I have ever seen.... s1 is a pain in the ass everyone knows that But you gotta love him. Rev you do alot of good and leaving over a smite is rediculous. Van and RTB go around with the ol smite all the time . Cmon guys, this is rediculous. This is all I have to say on the matter. Rev dont leave you do a good job and help alot. This should not be null due to a STUPID incident that was overreacted on by both parties. This is just silly. But I do have to say that CA3LE has always been sensible and if he made a decision on this it was probably a good one. :haha: This is just too much... Even for the internet this is toooooo much. :haha:
  4. :haha: Yea Ive heard the bleed for a week every month and doesnt die. Funny stuff. Oh and Cobra I see now, that is kinda cool. Im gonna put that on my name tag.
  5. Hell no... Im alot sexier than Rachet. :shock:
  6. :haha: Thats pretty bad when you type with your mouth full and it affects the language. :haha:
  7. :huh: WTF is a Murse? Is that like what women carry to keep all thier crap in?? :haha:
  8. Unfortunantly I dont have the option of a rude response I work with sick elderly people. So I just come home and smack the hell outta my wife. :haha: Thats a joke. I deal very well, but a Federal Inspetion is hard on the ol cahones.
  9. :biggun: :flipa: :cussing: Yup it did, Ive been wanting to do this all week.
  10. Ok as a few of you know I am a nurse and I am the patient care coordinator at a large nursing home. So this week we have our state inspection which is a pain in the ass. To make it worse we drew the Federal Inspectors as well. I have been working 14-20 hour days and am exhausted. So today they exited the building and I did EXCELLENT. BIG BONUS MONEY TIME. So I just wanted to come here and say .... SSSSHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.... Ah I feel better.
  11. You did not need a new topic for this so I merged.
  12. If you look at posts here by the time they reach the second page they have generally taking a right then left then two right hand turns in terms of topic. :haha:
  13. Ok I unlocked your post, try this link , post your speed results and Im sure Van will be along shortly to rock your world. Welcome to the forum. https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1013.0
  14. I can beat that speed easily......... just not right now.... I need a sandwich.
  15. Welcome, I have had experience with wireless broadband. I was staying at Ramada and they had broadband wirelessly. It was pretty quick but I dont know much about it. How do you like it? Did you just switch recently, your 30 day stats are very inconsistant but never peak much above 1mb down. Why fast one day slow teh nexr?
  16. This topic has been moved to General Discussion. [iurl]https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1240.0[/iurl] Welcome to the forum, moved this to General. If you want help increasing your speed leave your test results in the make it faster section and we would be glad to help.
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