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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Scary...
  2. Congrats for having integrity... too bad about the forums.
  3. One game will never make a console in my opinion. If it did, XBOX would have sold much much much better with Halo (one of the best games ever). Plus Sony has Gran Tourismo, Jak, Metal Gear Final Fantasy and of course GTA. In my opinion Sony took the market from Nintendo by sellling a better console and being revolutionary (GASP games for ADULTS like Resident Evil GASP) while Nintendo was selling the same stuff over and over again. IMO, so I think for someone to take the market they must do something grand, nut just have a good console with a good game.
  4. Thanks VanBuren. TROLL.... You are seriously freeaky....DAMNIT boy.
  5. http://money.cnn.com/2004/01/28/commentary/game_over/column_gaming/?cnn=yes You know what I love about this link? First off it is on CNN money website which is hardly a "video game website" secondly in the first paragraph IN BOLD, it speaks of MS setting its self to be a follower behind Sony and how MS watches Sony to copy their next move. The next thing I love is how it speaks of (about three quarters the way down the page) it talks about Nintendo beating both MS and Sony in holiday 03, kinda blowing away your whole "MS is Sonys only competition" argument. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/content_page.php?section_name=dev&aid=3771 What I like about this link is that it is not only GameIndustry website but it also has quotes from verifiable interviews with Ken Kutaragi and I doubt you know better sources than that. It not only speaks of a 2006 release, with no firm date... although you said they have released MANY and not met them... KIDS He also states they plan on having a playable PS3 at E3 2005... your an insider so you know when E3 is right... not much time for Sony to take PS3 from CONCEPT to playable. It also talks of begining PRODUCTION of PS3 by end of 2005... Pretty good for a console that is a "CONCEPT" It also talks of MS trying to BEAT PS3 to the market so they can have an advantage. Now if you are going to argue with the HEAD of SONY.... well what can i say ..... KIDS... Im done with this discussion.... talking with kids is like talking to a w all.... Nice try though. If anyone pays you to analyze the market, send them my way... I think Im doing a little better and I could use the money.. Poor Poor kid. http://home.btconnect.com/hgi/ps3/spm041.jpg You know what i like about this link. It is an official image from Sony showing its Dev. Kits going out officially late 2004 early 2005, thats IMPRESSIVE.... they have DEV. kits for a console that is a CONCEPT?
  6. The next FLAME, do you know what a flame is? Guess not. " I made a post and you bombarded it." I made this thread. All I did was answer your reply. "And as far as links go, like I said, the internet is not where a business goes to get facts. Contacts and carefull analysis are utilized instead of gaming websites" Your very right, but can you provide ANY proof for ANYTHING you said? I mean if we need no proof I can say "Yea Sonys releasing the next PS3 with MS so they can beat Nintendo and its relleased next Thursday, It will only have M rated games and sell for 49.95." "As I said, PS3 is still basically a concept. They've set literally dozens of release dates for it but none have happpened. It's just Sony's little marketing way of keeping attention on them." Where did you get this jewel of info? Insider Information?? "It's essentially a take-it-with-you Playstation. Difference being it takes smaller discs so, unlike many thought in early '03, you can't use older games with it, you have to buy them again in the new format." Where did this come from, WHO thought you could use older games with it? Is this Insider info as well? And the people who thought this based it on what again? "Keep an eye on MS and what they do with XBox. That's PS2's only rival and Sony won't let MS one-up em'." What about Ninendo? MS is barely outselling Nintendo, and Nintendo has been around longer than both combined.As a matter of fact I believe Nintendo outperformed MS seriously in December of 03. "MS has been working on the XB2 since the first hit shelves. They want to make a serious run at console gaming and XBox has risen in power dramatically over the last two years." MS started at zero with its console launch as has not even overtaken Nintendo, much less Sony they have barely sold 10mil units. Sony overtook the powerhouse Nintendo in its FIRST CONSOLE LIFECYCLE. Your bad at this. "Again, Sony will hold out on PS3 and try to head off MS's run for the gold when they go to release XB2. It'll be interesting to say the least and consumers should benefit greatly from it." Once again MS has said puplicly MANY times they wish to release before PS3 to gain market share. This would say to me that Sony is setting the pace and MS is trying to one up them. If Sony was waiting for MS to make their move, how would MS try to beat Sony to the market.... Is that possible without time travel? "I'm 25 and have worked in the game industry for 3 years." What exactly is it you do here... Peter<--- Bad Office Space impersonation.. Seriously what do you do Im curious. "Whether you agree with me or not really doesn't matter, it's your opinion and your welcome to it, but taking it into an argument is pretty sad. Just accept the fact that, based on my sources, my facts refute yours." I believe it is customary to CITE your SOURCES otherwise there IS NO SOURCE. And what are your facts again I forgot, I havent heard any... just hearsay. I love you....
  7. Yea I read that you wont wait NEAR as long for Halo 3 as you did for 2 and they said it will e for XBOX 2. YEAAAA. Im guessing launch game, they will need it to compete with Sony. So how is the online, worth the 50 bucks just for online? You came here to yell at me didnt you.
  8. HELL YEA, Final Fantasy 7... and Dynasty War. I am getting the DS to on launch I believe, Mario Cart DS looks too good to pass up and Mario looks good to. I hope it keeps third party support. I am going to spend a BUTT LOAD in the next few months, 2 PSP, 2 DS..... the wifes gotta have one to.
  9. Wing, what part of Texas you from? Im in Midland. Ok, I can understand you not liking it but give it a thought. Azeur. is one of the few (if not the only) that allows you to download more than one torrent in a window. But it uses MASSIVE amounts of your system resources and gives errors on many torrents that others have no trouble with. As far as the ports, yes you can set your ports to 123456789 and download and upload to anyone. All the port forwarding does is allows your BITTORRENT client to receive outside requests from other BT users without your firewall or router blocking them. It has NOTHING to do with who you can and cant download from. Please tell me what part of my tutorial confused you on this point so I can submit a clearer read to CA3LE GUY (hes a sexy BIT**) and others wont have this problem. Thanks and if I wasnt clear on something post again and Ill try to explain it better or PM me. Oh, and in case you didnt know, you can download multiple files at the same time with BitTornado it just opens a small BT client for each file. It can do anything AZEUR. can do and does it more effeciently in most cases, but hey that is a matter of opinion so use the client that YOU like best Tornado is just my recomendation.
  10. Ok, I havent played it yet AND I DONT THINK IT SUCKS, but saying that will get all Halo 2 lovers in here so I can ask an important question. So is it great, I bet it is huh. How is the online play, I love Socom 1&2 online and Halo 2 looks KILLER online. Is it worth getting it just for the online, I dont play offline much anymore.
  11. Nice to use the word "Jackhole" as well. Thats classic. For the record I love Firefox and uninstalled IE from my comp.(Im sure its still in there somewhere.)
  12. Me too.... friend.... me too.
  13. I have two suggestions, one use BitTornado, easiest to adjust the settings you want and uses less system resources. Two read my tutorial, it explains alot including NOT using ports 6881-6889 due to many isps limiting speed due to lots of BitTorrent sharing. Use diff ports and you will get better speeds most likely. I DL SLOW with the default ports and up to 400K with my custom ports. http://www.testmy.net/forumz/viewtopic.php?t=890
  14. Thats a mighty fine connection you got there boy.
  15. NAh, you are right, its all true, but still FUN. Especially when people say things like " I worked in the gaming industry" when its pretty evident there is no possible way.... THATS WHATS GREAT ABOUT THE INTERNET... Hey I have sex with models for money.... You believe that.... I WISH.
  16. Ok, whatever, so where are these "literally DOZENS of release dates for the PS3 that Sony has set." I have a hard time believing someone as "Informed" as yourself can get so many facts wrong.Such as the PSP being a "take it with you playstation" and "many people in early 2003 thinking you could use the original Playstation games with it, there was NEVER a report to such, prove it if you can but I doubt it. BTW these "smaller disks" are called UMD discs. I didnt mean that Sony cares nothing of MS, but they are not making their decisions BASED on MS. OF COURSE they care, MS is Sonys biggest competition, but they are not watching MS and making their plans accordingly. MS has in MANY interviews stated that they want to beat Sony to the market with the next gen, and Nintendo has said that they intend to release at the same time period of Sonys PS3. Sony has NEVER said ANYTHING about releasing according to either of the two so you must be mixed up. If I am wrong prove it and throw up a link. But hey, you did provide me with a good laugh. If you worked in the "game industry" you must have made enemies early and been fed ALOT of bad info. Thanks for the smiles I needed it, and dont get so worked up, this is only a message board. Arguing on the internet is like arguing with a Mentaly Handicapped person, even if you win, you lose. PS as far as the "consumer benefiting greatly from the competition" that is ALWAYS the case, a monopoly is never good in my opinion. But if you ask a communist they would probably disagree. As far as "anyone close to the subject knowing what you are saying is ture." What have you said that is true, I have found very little. Even your post in regards to Sony watching MS you made it out as if Sony was waiting for MS to do something so they could make their next move and "cut off MS run for the gold" What run? they are selling at about the same rate as gamecube and both are being outsold by Sony. Sony has Dominated the market since it entered it and has not been following anyones lead... IT HAS BEEN THE LEADER. You are taking this too personally, you act as if I hurt your feelings and you said "Go ahead and call me more names and make more inaccurate analysis" LMFAO, I CALLED YOU YOUNG AND THAT IS IT. Geeez, touchy.
  17. PS3 is much more than a concept its almost a finished product. Sony has NEVER set a release date for the PS3. EVER. Find one website saying anything close to a release date and leave a link for me. You apparently dont know how consoles run. The lifecycle generally runs 5 years, the XBOX lifecycle will last just under 5 years if they release late 2005 and PS3 will last just over 5 years if they release as expected. Sony cares nothing about what XBOX is doing, companies ALWAYS release a new console every 5 years or so and Sony is not waiting on anyone considering Sony is the dominate force in the market. EGM this month has a quote from Nintendo saying they are plannning on releasing around the same time as PS3 and XBOX has said several times they want release before PS3. As far as MS working on XBOX2 since the release of XBOX, ALL console ompanies start R&D after releasing their current console. Nothing against you, but Id say your pretty young, you sound like you spouting off alot of nonsence from gaming message boards. http://www.psinext.com/itex.php?iid=78 http://www.psinext.com/itex.php?iid=84 (Its hard to start development on a game for a console that is a "concept") http://www.watch.impress.co.jp/av/docs/20040921/scei6.jpg ( If they are going to premier it and have a working version by early 2005 they better get to work on the concept.) http://www.psinext.com/itex.php?iid=286 Im getting bored with this, dont argue with me kid, I was a video game nerd while you were wetting your pants.
  18. PS3 is well into development, the expected release date is early 2006 due to the wait for the cell chip manufacturing. MS is rumoured to release XBOX 2 late 2005 although they may delay to use the same type of chip PS3 will use. This is all just speculation though. Sony has already released PS3 development kits to some developers as has MS, Nintendo is looking to release the next Gamecube in the same time table as Sony. Check out this link it has some info. http://www.psinext.com
  19. https://www.speedguide.net/files/TCPOptimizer.exe Try this out and welcome to the forum. Dont listen to the people who say you cant get the speed you pay for. I pay for 4 down and get about 4.1-4.6. You can get it you just need to tweek. VanBuren will be along shortly and he is the man at this. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4355 Kbps about 4.4 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is:: 532 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 78 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.92 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=WRBR584UC This is my speed and I pay for 4Mbps down. Like I said wait a second for VanBuren, I wish I had a link to his tweek guide, he will hook you up.
  20. Everythings illegal nowadays.
  21. Easy Killer...
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