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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. DAMN! I would like to know how many of those members are American. I bet enough that we basically set the import tax.
  2. The UN sets our import tax? Holy shit, if thats true we are even MORE fucked than I thought. Of course the UN was set up by the US, is basically led by the US and is hosted in the US... Cmon man.
  3. World Trade Orginaziation. As far as the import tax... hell thats set by the Gov isnt it?
  4. The Gov. has control of anything and everything that comes across the borders. Other than that, I agree with you. .... basically. The WTO is not to blame for EVERYTHING IMHO but is a problem.
  5. You are right, but the Government did all of that. You should take that up with them. As far as what is sold in America it is all approved by the Gov. Maybe threads like this should point their animosity towards the right crowd. But they wont, its the EVIL Chinese. Never mind our Government allows it to come in when they could stop it. Hell man, China could make Heroin laced candy but I would hope the Gov. would not allow it in. That is kinda what we pay them for. Not wars and controlling the economy and all the other shit they control that they shouldnt.... hell that they dont even really have the power to control. But Americans have AMERICAN IDOL ON THE TV.. THAT IS WHAT IS IMPORTANT. Like I said in another post, it is YOUR "older wiser" generation that allowed this to happen. Enjoy it.
  6. People die in America from food and toys all the time. Hell every Christmas there are HUNDREDS of recalls of American toys and every few weeks there is a recall of some food product from America. China is just a distraction. An enemy for you to focus on. Sad thing is... it works on most Americans. TV is GOD! Anything on TV must be true. I mean AB-SO-LUTE truth, :idiot2:
  7. I like Vista, I even like the naging it does. What MS is pulling is BS. No doubt though. And for the record, I would not BUY Vista but bunlded on my machine I have enjoyed it.
  8. You know thats not true. Hell most of the shit posted in Politics should be in off topic. They have nothing to do with politics. :haha: I dont know if you have noticed but I move VERY little lately. The rules are a kinda fuzzy in that area so I find it best just to take a hands off approach unless something is obvious.
  9. Moved to Gen due to the time of year. This needs exposure. Title changed to get more attention, hope you dont mind T.
  10. I give to you... The MLB quote of... For freaking ever!! It is that good. Just... listen dont be mad, just watch it, the Title of this thread is too worth it... Its the funniest shit ever!!!! Bet he wishes he could have that one back. :2funny: :2funny: Even the announcer loses it and laughs.
  11. Im with you Jewelz. I had SuddenLink years ago and it was AWEFUL. I got it again about a year ago and for 39 bucks a month I get 8 down. I dang near hit it everytime I test too. They are upgrading all of their DVRs right now too and next month we get video on demand. They have about 30 HD channels here and offer more nearly every month for no charge. They came to my house last week to rewire the inside of the house and put in new outlets. They didnt charge us a dime and did EXTRA work they hadnt come to do. I have been VERY impressed with SL as of late. They are doing a great job!!! You should try our tweeks. It will make you run faster with SL, I guarantee it. Even if you just use TCPoptimizer it will help. I have the phone with unlimited calling/long distance, 8/512 Internet and EVERY channel they offer for 199 bucks a month. That is EVERY channel, premiums, everthing that is offered in my area.
  12. Yea... It just wouldnt be Christian America if we weret always threatening to kill or actually killing mass amounts of other people.... Greatest nation on the planet. :evil6:
  13. :haha: Hell we just had a cowboy president. Now for the Terminator. After that I say a woman president.. maybe Martha Stewart.
  14. That made me laugh so hard. :2funny:
  15. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/antichrist.asp Check this out. Snopes actually does a post on if Obama is the Anti Christ. :uglystupid2: :haha: They put false. :evil6: They should be horse whipped for even tackling it. I mean if we assume the Anti Christ is real, the only info they have on him is the Bible... Which means Obama very well COULD be the AC by the description. :grin: Good lord, thats good fun.
  16. Shit! I thought only I knew about the Shadow Knowing... SHIT!!
  17. The entertainment industry sure does make alot of good guesses. Check this shit out. First up, 9/11. The Lone Gunmen, a spin off of The X Files I believe, shot a very interesting pilot for their new program that you never got to see. Why didnt you get to see it? The premise of their whole pilot actually came to life.. very shortly there after... on 9/11. One of the juiciest parts, one of the actors on TLG reported that the CIA had influence over the script for the pilot, going as far as to say they suggested the whole hijacked plane into the world trade center scenario. Source http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tB6EWF3vulc Not an exact match, but creepy. Now this, something for the geeks. A video game. Tom Clancys Ghost Recon, released in 2001, had a very interesting premise. Source So a video game was about conflict between Russia and Georgia in the year 2008 and the game was released in 2001. Kinda eerie with the timing, considering what happened this year.. you know 2008. Some of the initial action in the game, in Georgia, takes place in August of 2008. How about The Matrix. A movie about oppression of humans by making them believe they are in control when they are not. They are all "asleep". Check this shit out. Neo's Passport. What is that expiration date? :haha: Yup, "Humanities Last Hope" has his passport expire on 9/11/2001. :haha: Shot before 9/11 of course. Link to Neo's Passport How about The Simpsons. 9/11 Prophets? Link to Simpsons Pic There are more. Pretty funny shit. Maybe we need to start paying closer attention to our entertainment industry plots. :undecided: I hope Destroy All Humans doesnt turn out right.. They have a "Anal Probe Gun" that does not look fun to be on the business end of. I just wanted to share with you guys and lighten up the load of political topics on the front page. :grin2:
  18. Thats because everyone but peep had the good sense not to say it.. mainly because there was a ban on religious chatter back when Cholla had a big piss fit years ago. Peep knows that but doesn't understand the concept of respecting CA3LE's wishs. Thats why.... well never mind. And if anyone wants to push the religious chatter rule they will be banned right away and I will let CA3LE deal with them. Its been about 6 months since someone tried to start a bunch of shit here (it happens EVERY 6 fricking months) and this time Im banning fast and BANNING hard. :azn:
  19. Buy one of those plastic vagina sex toys and attach it to the equipment in the best place possible. Then photo yourself giving it the business and send it in to em. If they dont get the message the next one may have to be more blunt. :evil6:
  20. Ah, Thank You. What makes me happy is that this debacle seems to have shown ALOT of people how corrupt the Gov is. It opened my eyes even wider and my mother (A DIEEEEE HAAAARD Repub) has realized she is getting fucked from both sides. Makes me happy.
  21. That would be all fine and good Sql, but the problem is you keep talking about money, which we do not have. Our government borrows money from the Federal Reserve (private bank) and then pays them interest on that money. Every dime we have is literally borrowed. Im not even talking about deficit or debt,I am not talking about selling T Bills to China so our books are not upside down, I am talking our whole monetary policy. The government has no money, period. It has borrowed "notes" from the Fed, but something borrowed is not yours is it?
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