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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Hell yes it is... it was modled after me. :haha: Thanks man, so what was your desicion, if you already said and I missed it just help a fat guy out and tell me again.
  2. I want linux so bad but am so scared of it.
  3. http://news.com.com/Dell+brings+back+XP+on+home+systems/2100-1046_3-6177619.html?tag=nefd.lede I know this isnt huge news but it is dead around here. Cmon guys, get some posts going. So what do you think of the story? I think MS might have slipped up a bit with Vista, especially considering the surge to Linux we have seen lately.
  4. I still think we need another post heavily modded and locked at all times where we could move all the pics and have only posts with pics of each user. We need some more hot women photos Momma t, her sexy kids and Water are not enough. And is it too much to ask for some cleavage? I mean cmon.
  5. Very nice. I have always thought comparing speeds was silly. I mean it basically comes down to "Ha Ha my area offers something better than yours." I mean dammit if I could get FIOS I would have two of them. Damn men and their stupidity related to balls and testosterone. :haha: Nice speeds guys.
  6. One time I convinced a guy 200 miles away his "Mexican roofing crew" was at my house and wouldnt get off the roof and was "slapping each other in the ass with hot tar." He wanted me to "put them on the phone" he was gonna tear that ass up. :haha: :haha: :haha: Ok Ok its not funny but.... :2funny: :2funny: yea it is.
  7. :haha: Well sit back and enjoy then... paybacks a bitch.
  8. Praise the lord I dont get em.... cause I deserve em.. I used to love to crank call.
  9. I am sorry I misunderstood. I missed that we were talking about Vista. The others are right, with Vista yes it will make a difference.
  10. If you are not a gamer I dont think you would notice a difference. Unless you open alot of apps at once or say do something labor intensive like decode a DVD and browse the net at the same time. Then you will notice. If you are a normal user 1 GB is good. IMHO.
  11. I believe Voltage pretty much hit it. The ram will work fine. But if you dont buy he DDR in pairs it will not run at double data rate. Basically you will be crippling your brand new ram. It will work, and work well... but not AS well as if you had two. I learned this the hard way. :cussing: :cussing:
  12. Yea I am not sure where peepn got that... I havent heard that yet.
  13. :haha: :haha: ....... :2funny: :2funny:
  14. I have seen some short outages lately but apparently not the one you are speaking of. Nothing today anyway.
  15. The problem with the news is that it is not news... its just a grotesque display of the worst humanity has to offer. I don't watch the news.. ever. I never miss a important thing though, mainly due to the fact if it is important everyone is talking about it. All the other rapes, murders, molested children and all the other grotesque stories are nothing but garbage. How does knowing a kid got beat to death in another state help you? It doesn't, it entertains you in the sickest way. Lord I hate "the news". If you took the billions spent on reporting all the horrible things in life and put that money towards FIXING the problems and not just spend the money to broadcast it we would be much better off. We need to news to tell us about things our government is doing behind our backs and the real state of the world... not all this bullshit. All this attention to a killer does absolutely nothing to help anything. Just a live action movie we can all enjoy for free. Its great, if you like hearing about kids being hurt and women being raped the news is the best form of entertainment you could want. On a side note I have read little of this thread and this post is not a reply to anyone. So if this post seems to be argumenative to a post you made before, I assure you it is due to my ignorance of the previous posts. This is just my Thursday rant.
  16. On the front page of www.testmy.net at he top there are three options. Download test, Upload and Smart Test. Click on any of those to test.
  17. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19224.0[/iurl]
  18. This topic has been moved to Off Topic Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19219.0[/iurl]
  19. Sometimes the easiest answer is the best.... that being would you rather buy a Dell or a Roco special? :evil6:
  20. I would love a guide on installing and using linux instead of Windows. I voted for option 3.
  21. How long did it take you to think of something to say just so you could use this---> I love that guy. Thanks for getting us back on track Siryak.
  22. Thanks Swimmer. I have never thought of that but your right about pc= new car. Nice momma.
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