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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Well then thats what I will use. Tell me her number and Ill tell her you are trying to touch my wifes boobs.
  2. :haha: My mom told me "dont marry that ol whore". Flex all you want, I use a knife... and I come from behind.. with no warning..like the wind.
  3. Hope you lived a full life. :knuppel2:
  4. That would not be something to regret. :shock:
  5. Anything you like better about them than us. Thanks for the feedback, glad you like us.
  6. What is this "class" thing you speak of? The last class I had was in college. Pardon me while I smoke this cigarette, pick my butt and fart.
  7. Thats weird, why would your upload be so off at speedtest Van?
  8. So what I gather from your post you like the graph and you test there due to the fact it has a server closer to you. Did I miss anything? Thanks for the feedback.
  9. :haha: I love me some roco.
  10. I would kill you with a spork... I love you,.. but I would have to kill you. :haha: Well if it makes you feel any better Roco hit on you in record time. We will get it fixed. Very weird. Oh and if you are hot I would not recommend posting your pic in our pic thread unless you like getting your leg humped. Enjoy it here, glad to have ya.
  11. Erin tell me something. How is it that you are posting and your post count is not moving? What the hell is my fat ass missing now?
  12. Please dont just put testmy.net, I really want to know. Is there another one you like better and why do you like that one better. Be brutally honest. User feedback is the most important thing a site can have and we have great members. Ok seriously let us have it. All I ask is if you say you prefer another just post specifically why. I like their site layout better, test is more accurate, lower ping times, better mods/admins. Tell us how to improve.
  13. Dont sweat it, its ok. I really want to know why some users seem to prefer speedtest's result score over ours. I really want to know, Im not being a smart ass.
  14. Why would you post speetest results at testmy.net which has its own test? Do you find one better than the other for any reason? Is one more accurate or is it just the graphics they use? Technically it breaks the rules here but I would like to hear why our users are using other sites and posting them here. Its kind of a slap in the face to CA3LE who owns this site and does so much for everyone.
  15. I am 26 the wife is 24. Shes hot and she lets me touch her boobies.
  16. BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :2funny: "Ever did something you later regreted?" :haha:
  17. I had my charger port start wiggling and went out on me one time too. Wouldnt charge, it sucked. My current one does wiggle a little. Probably just paranoid like me.
  18. Its their service, the longer you download the more they throttle it back. They give you fast speeds at first but then nail you a lil later. I quit their service it got so bad, I was with Cox for 4 years before that and it was great, suddenlink took over and it went instantly to shitsville, population me. Not much you are gonna be able to do but bend over and take it till you can switch. Try calling them daily and complaining, they may cut you off then and you would be screwed.
  19. :evil6: Born in Hobbs and raised in Roswell. :grin2: yea there is nothing worse than "salsa" made by white people.
  20. Please don't tell people they are biased. We take the politeness rule very seriously here and we are all biased due to our past experiences and different viewpoints. :grin2: Glad you joined the conversation. :grin2: I am glad to see the new blood getting in the mix. Very happy you enjoy the site UnclBill.
  21. :haha: No there really isnt. Most of the people I knew in Roswell were originally from Mexico. So they are Mexicans and not New Mexicans. (well I guess both technically) I was born in the USA if I go to Australia I am still American, not Australian. I love the analogy though. :2funny: BTW I dont eat Pace, I have enough "real Mexican" friends I get the good stuff. Their my dealers.
  22. :haha: I hope you didnt take that the wrong way. I grew up in New Mexico and all my friends were Mexicans so I dont consider the word "Mexican" a bad thing, just a nationality. If you took offense I sincerely apologize.
  23. Good Im not the only puddy about it. Thats great news Swimmer. I will do it.
  24. Good choice, I think you will like it. I took one of my laptops from 512 to 1.5 (roughly) gigs of DDR and loved it.
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