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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Wow momma that will take you back... Wow. See this is what I was talking about in Mods only. Check out the first page and read it. Testmy.net... best site ever. :grin2: :grin2:
  2. Why didnt you tell me you rocked Linux? Why cant you use wireless? Driver issue? I know nothing about Linus except Swimmer says to use it.. I trust him.
  3. Those are power point files I believe. I have had the same problem. Try this. http://www.softwarepatch.com/software/powerpointviewer.html Go here and scroll down the page just a little. You will see "click here to download" click it and wait. Once downloaded just open the file and install it. You will now be able to open .pps files. I hope this helps and welcome the forum, stick around a while. :grin2:
  4. No no you got it all wrong. Two different styles of approach.
  5. Awesome man thanks for the graphics. I have already installed it but I am on vacation so I havent got to play with it alot. Thanks man, I love it.
  6. Damn right... only you though baby. Damn right... only you though baby.
  7. Great idea just-. Very good post, you guys are getting a great offer to just spread the word about a site you already love.
  8. I gotta get pics of mine up.. I think D would be impressed. I lost my transfer cable for my cam.
  9. I can tell you how to get to tier 2, but you would be telling lies and then tier two probably wont help you. If there is an outage in your area, they wont move you anyway.. I dont think. I do have to say I got SBC a while back and had tons of trouble. Finally had a tech come out to look (thought it was waste of time) it has been perfect ever sense. I had moisture in the line. I will say I doubt you are going to get your max speed. I am the elite tier (or whatever they call it) and I rarely go over 5 down. I do stay close but my max is 6 down.
  10. Welcome to the site, it looks like you are getting lots of good help. I just wanted to ask about the wireless aspect. That could be your problem. Can you explain your setup a little. Dont worry about asking for help, everyone needs help. I do ALOT. :uglystupid2:
  11. That is deffinantly a good speed. Welcome. :grin2:
  12. :haha: Thats what peeps gets for being a mean lil shit about it. :2funny: I love it. :2funny: Sorry I dont normally laugh at people making ass's of themselves (cause I do it alot) but when you make a negative comment to someone in a slightly mean way... and it backfires... :2funny: Priceless.
  13. Awesome, thanks so much Swimmer. I am on Vacation at the moment but will be reading. Thanks again.
  14. Welcome, and if you havent tried the link just- left you here try it. The server will be much closer to you and give more accurate results.
  15. Holy Shit... that is... :shock:
  16. Good thing hes getting old, he wont even know we are late.. senile old pucker.
  17. Dude I loved the old Screen Savers.
  18. Apparently you guys watch more hockey than me. Is having a Lundqvist on your team good? I guess it is.
  19. https://testmy.net/tools/the_bench_version2.php You can try posting this link. I dont think speedtest is as accurate as us, and I know they are not on upload tests. People like pretty things, and speedtest looks pretty. Thanks for recommending us. I did check it out.
  20. I say Canada 3-2. I dunno why, Canadas closer to me. I wouldnt mind watching that.
  21. :hello: Nice speeds, you pay less than me and get more. Life is so fair. Have you tried any tweaking yet? Check out Vans Tweak Guide. (Vans like a geeky badass cable nut guy) http://www.testmy.net/t-1013 Check it out.
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