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Everything posted by Shug7272

  1. Thanks for the help Siryak.
  2. Is wireless not an option for him?
  3. This topic has been moved to General Discussion. [iurl]http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=19522.0[/iurl]
  4. I am out of town and have been for a few days now. Im typing from a hotel.
  5. Damn right.. nice Chris.
  6. I mean you have all that speed what do you use it for? Games, movies, music? No problem.
  7. Yea, from what I gather it is a smaller company that is buying out Cox in some smaller markets. Im in Midland Texas population 100k... I guess that is a smaller market because they bought out Cox and absolutly raped the internet. I mean turned it to shit.
  8. Nah, hes going to have to put up something to play with my entertainment system... its pretty boss. So I think you got it backards.
  9. Hell I dont even know what it means and I typed it. Id be alot more happy if you were doing it to suddenlink rather than cox. So I gotta ask, what you downloading? :haha:
  10. Better be the only one to you. Well your kicking my ass, but my Cox went to Suddenlink... awful. Good for you though.
  11. Two topics merged. One duplicate post removed. Shug7272
  12. Thats about all I can say.
  13. You know here in the states there is a off color joke about minorities all looking the same. Example: All white people look the same. After looking at that pic... I think you need to include brits in that. :haha: Hope he works out well... by the time they get to that level I believe they are all corrupt and worthless anyway.
  14. Nice, I may follow suite when I get home from vacation and I run out of pot. As a matter of fact change may to will.
  15. HEY!!!! you never asked... Hells yeas it does. I want to know what use you put it too.
  16. You are doing great then.
  17. Damn right... I think those qualify as educational. :undecided:
  18. Nice setup man, especially the consoles. I love a guy that owns all three. Nice. This at least gets two of these -----> :haha: I just love you, when you move in with me Ill share mine with ya.
  19. and that is exactly how I meant it.
  20. Na Im not sensitive, if I thought you were trying to be an asshole your comment would be gone and you would have recieved a pm warning from me. I do it all the time when needed so its no big deal to me. If you get no warining, either in the thread (it will be in red font if a warning) or in pm.. then as far as I am concerned you did nothing wrong. As the rules state clearly "We take the politness rule seriously" and dont think for a second if you posted something and someone was being a jerk to you that I wouldnt deal with it quick. I was just pulling your leg, lighten up, it was very funny though. If you think about it just because someone on the internet can one up you that doesnt mean you have accomplished nothing, so even if you would not have misunderstood it doesnt mean you should knock someone else just because you can do better.
  21. Hmmm.. ok so has your internet been running fine with the same setup before or has it been trouble since day one?
  22. Either post up your email for the guys in a fashion that a bot cant get it.. like shug7272 at gmail dot com. Or just pm just- your email. Glad to see ya signed up. :grin2: I think you will like Joost.
  23. :haha: Things like what? Dirty ol boy.
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