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Jose Fernandes

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  1. Like
    Jose Fernandes got a reaction from Christian in CNET Pick TMN for Best Internet Speed Test for your Browser in November   
    Best internet speed test for your browser
    If you're looking to test your browser's internet speed, Testmy.net is your best bet. It runs entirely on HTML5 and PHP, meaning it doesn't require third-party software like Java or Flash to run your test, which can produce more accurate results. That also makes it a useful tool for comparing performance between different browsers. You can also create an account to track your internet speed for future reference or comparison. 
    It's not the most user-friendly tool, featuring a swath of in-depth data and individualized tests for your download speeds, uploads and latency. In other words, you'll have a lot of information to look through that might not be relevant to you. The design is also a little ugly by speed test standards. It takes a few clicks before you begin a test, which isn't as streamlined as other speed tests that feature big "Go" buttons as soon as you load the page.
  2. Like
    Jose Fernandes got a reaction from CA3LE in CNET Pick TMN for Best Internet Speed Test for your Browser in November   
    Best internet speed test for your browser
    If you're looking to test your browser's internet speed, Testmy.net is your best bet. It runs entirely on HTML5 and PHP, meaning it doesn't require third-party software like Java or Flash to run your test, which can produce more accurate results. That also makes it a useful tool for comparing performance between different browsers. You can also create an account to track your internet speed for future reference or comparison. 
    It's not the most user-friendly tool, featuring a swath of in-depth data and individualized tests for your download speeds, uploads and latency. In other words, you'll have a lot of information to look through that might not be relevant to you. The design is also a little ugly by speed test standards. It takes a few clicks before you begin a test, which isn't as streamlined as other speed tests that feature big "Go" buttons as soon as you load the page.
  3. Thanks
    Jose Fernandes got a reaction from Vipin Babu in Profile error   
    Yesterday, on my personal computer, I reduced  the Internet speed for some servers for testing on TMN
    On TMN the closest Server is in London, with a latency near 65 ms.

    The closests Servers for testing are in Portugal and has a latency between 32 and 36 ms like npef. 

    I am not on a lighthouse or a boat, and we have an airport on an Island without snakes.

    The Jitter "micro"  seconds. 

    I àm happy to have good internet.
    The print screen is for your eyes only, like the eyes of Sheena Easton from Scotland. 

    14 October 2024, 17h20 UTC
    Good Night 

  4. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Metior app issue on Android 15? No upload speed reported   
    Maybe contact that developer.
    Easier to just use TestMy.net instead.  Try the beta under My Settings.
  5. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to xs1 in Rate limit hit pop-up   
    Well maybe you should cool it down, dude! 😄
  6. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to Sean in Rate limit hit pop-up   
    I'm not sure if this is a bug or something intentional, but had the following large pop-up during a test.  I ran a combined linear test, which completed successfully.  I enabled multithread, clicked "Re-test", closed the full screen pop-up ad and the after the first stage of the upload test appeared, it displayed the following large count down and asked me if I want to continue with the test, which then completed successfully

    Edit: I ran a handful of further tests, including simultaneously on my mobile (different 4G connection), but didn't get this again.
  7. Thanks
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Rate limit hit pop-up   
    You'll get this error if you run too many tests too quickly.  It should be there... but not unless you hit the test more than you did.
    It shouldn't happen on your first re-test like that.  I was seeing it too, when combined test was used and re-test was quickly done.  I made an adjustment and it now passes properly under that scenario.
    Thanks for the heads up.  
  8. Thanks
    Jose Fernandes got a reaction from CA3LE in Rate limit hit pop-up   
    Hello from Studio B
    On my fiber optic and the PC also received the warning.
    Good night.


  9. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ?   
    thank you!
    And thank you to those who've made anonymous BTC donations!  Very unexpected.  You guys rule.  
  10. Thanks
    Jose Fernandes got a reaction from CA3LE in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ?   
    Servers use electricity and need maintenance. 
    We also have donted 1 euro/dollar X 10 years. 
    I don´t smoke and did not take " COFFIN "  vaccines.
    15 minutes a day under the sun at 12H00 UTC is important and Vitamin D3.  
    Smile be happy and healthy. 
  11. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to DESAND in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ?   
    CA3LE (Damon)
    I'm so glad I ran across this thread. Years ago (like maybe 08/09) I was using an ISP called Clearwire., later just CLEAR. They claimed to provide 10Mbps.I always used the Speedtest.net dashboard they had on their site. I would get results between 8-12Mbps, sometimes even 15-20. One day I ran across your site while at an Internet cafe in Seattle. (Uncle Elizabeth's). I went home and tried it on my computer. I kept getting results of 1-2Mbps.I called them and was told TMN was extremely flawed. LOL Of course as you're probably aware  Sprint bought the entire Wimax infrastructure and CLEAR was no more. I've been telling people for years about TMN and will continue to do so. I remember the Donate banner, but only had a checking acct at the time. Today I sent you a gift. A $1 for each of those 10 years I used your service and hard work. (Wow in print that $10 looks so Lame. Maybe I should go back and make it more). I think you should put the banner back on the Home page. With everyone begging for handouts on Kickstarter and the likes, someone whose already done and been doing the hard work deserves some financial rewards. My observation over the years has been that all great things (IRC, Netscape, Speakeasy,,Linkedin) if not financially rewarding as well as personally rewarding, eventually disappear into the corporate abyss.
    Again Thanks for your dedication and hard work.
    I  will continue to spread the word and hope to be here to support for many more years to come.
  12. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ?   
    No problem, me too.. yesterday was my anniversary.
    Thank you, that's very kind of you to say that.
    For those like yourself who would like to donate here's an easy form.  :) 

    It just caught my eye for some reason.  It stood out to me.
  13. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to MidAde in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ?   
    Hello CA3LE,
    I do really appreciate your great work, you are really Awesome!
    I believe there is just a few people in this world can appreciate people like you .. so just leave the donation open, there is people wants to thank you.
    Be sure .. my next plan to make something bigger than just few words ... sure thing the word is very important for people who knows its value, but sometimes we need more than words.
    so sorry for my delay but I had some terrible days, but now I'm Okay. the first thing I did (On Line) after the silly days are gone wrote this reply ?.
    don't forget to tell me about what was interesting with my username ? 
    Thank you for your quick reply ... and I really do apologize for my late reply.
    please keep in touch
  14. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Sorry, are you accepting any kind of donations ?   
    That's funny, I just happened to be looking at your account as you registered.    -- you'd think it was the php logo that caught my attention but I actually only saw your username first.
    I really appreciate that you want to donate.  Over 10 years ago there was a link for donation, maybe I'll bring it back.
    If you really want to help testmy.net... talk about it.  Your word-of-mouth drives my engine.
    Spreading the word is most valuable.  If testmy.net helps you all I ask is that you talk about it, write about it, link to it or just continue to use it.  You wanting to donate already means a lot to me. 
    Thank you!  Hope to see you around here for a long time!
  15. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Downloading general test results   
    First, All of the the database results are from TestMy.net only.
    There are also several ways you can programmatically extract the averages.
    I'll use Comcast as an example but this works for locations as well.
    Basic json of what you see rendered on Comcast's hoststats page
    CSV output to file
    CSV output rendered in page
    You can also specify how far back and output the averages
    Note for the output, I use pipes (e.g. " | ") as a separator.  Below I'm adding line breaks to make it easier to read. 
    "April 2022","May 2022","June 2022","July 2022","August 2022","September 2022","October 2022","November 2022","December 2022","January 2023","February 2023","March 2023","April 2023","May 2023","June 2023","July 2023","August 2023","September 2023","October 2023","November 2023","December 2023","January 2024","February 2024","March 2024" |219.5,192.5,190.6,156.1,157,210.8,165.5,224,215.5,215.5,209.6,168.4,206.6,203.6,220.9,270.5,272.4,218.3,244.9,240.8,299.5,249.9,312.7,190.5 |9.9,17.4,15.2,16,14.6,17.7,37.1,16.5,13.6,15.6,17.7,17.1,18.6,14.2,21.3,22.1,22.9,24.2,27.8,34.1,28.1,25.7,26.7,22.9 |'NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL','NULL',95,92,89,92,123,107,91,114,104,75,119,81,127,79,78,106,82,76,97,89,95,194,71,61  
    Translates to...
    Date Field |Download |Upload |Latency  
    You can make a simple program to CURL and parse that output, explode and then make arrays out of the data.  Make sure you set a reasonable limit to how often you query or it will be seen as a threat.
    And please share with others where you're getting your data.  TMN is 100% word of mouth.   
  16. Thanks
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Jose Fernandes - Latency to Europe and Africa with Love.   
    You live in a very interesting location in the world.
    When you search for the "western most part of Europe" in Google you find Cabo da Roca.  But that's totally not true.
    This rock, just off your island is the real western most part of Europe.

    That rock, from what I can see... is the end of Europe.

    Google Maps The Westernmost Point of Europe
    I feel like you're getting extremely good speeds to that remote location. 
  17. Thanks
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Profile error   
    Quotes from private messages
  18. Like
    Jose Fernandes got a reaction from Frank225 in Profile error   
    Hello TMN Team
    This my first Post in 13 years.

    We have tried to write on the profile without success.

    I am the twin of the user Frank225 and not the brother of Shania Twain and I`am not from Taiwan where they make the best chips.
    We would like to do Tests on TMN Beta with new setting on a personal $50 router 
    The distance from my location to:
    Lisbon, Portugal is less than 2000 Km.  Lisbon to London, GB is 4000 Km Lisbon to the East Coast - US, NY, USA is 8000 Km. Lisbon and Sydney, Australia is 20 000 Km.  

    The new Submarine Cables with amplifiers, XGS-PON and Wi-FI 7 technologies will reduce latency. "Nuvem" S Cable is coming.
    TMN is different and one day TMN may have a server on Amazon satellite? 

    I hope to write one my profile.[link removed]

  19. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to Woodlane in Satellite Service Testing   
    Can the 'Testmy" Automatic Combined upload and download test have a selectable file size like 2.5mb so that it produces more accurate results for satellite connections? I tried a 2.5mb upload test just now and the result was much closer to what I am supposed to be getting with my service. The 128kb file size produces way low results for upload testing.
  20. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to CA3LE in Satellite Service Testing   
    Welcome to the site RfrankNRTC, thanks for the input. I really appreciate it.

    With the automatic test you can also set minimum and maximum sizes now. So now you have even more control over that stuff.

    Keep visiting and please pass the word along.

  21. Like
    Jose Fernandes reacted to RfrankNRTC in Satellite Service Testing   
    Satellite Internet Service customers must consider that their service goes over a satellite hop and due to the inherent delay in this type of service you should always run your speed test with a file size of 1 Meg or better. The larger the file size the better the algorithm can negate the delay and give a true speed result. Also be aware that dual test and automatic/smart test will start with a smaller file size and go toward a larger file and then average them out. This can skew the results because the smaller file sizes, which are probably not as accurate, will be averaged in with larger file sizes and test that are more accurate. Testmy.net is the best place to test because you have the ability to select the file sizes. Try it and see. Oh and if your satellite service offering is a really high speed service, 2 to 12 meg or better down and up, Use file sizes like 10 Meg down and 2 Meg up. Your results should prove what im saying. And don't trust most flash type test engines. They are not accurate!
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