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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by netmasta

  1. I just tried the 12Mb test: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3027 Kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 12160 KB) Download Speed is:: 370 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 54 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.77 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=8TJGKRPSW This was tested from a 12160 KB file and was downloaded in 32.907 seconds I don't know were I would be withoud broadband
  2. I've been online since 1989. The first provider I had Prodigy Classic.
  3. I also have Comcast. In the past ~2 weeks I've fianlly been getting advertised speeds: https://testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?COMP_ID=223221548692&m=12&d=27&Y=2004 3MB/256K Before that I was gettenk around 2.5.
  4. Everything's ok now. I was just wondering if it was just me or did anyone else have problems accessing the side a few hours ago? I got a:" /parent directory /cgi-bin" page. That's all that was there for about 1 hour or so. Just thought I'd let the admin's know.
  5. I'm not an expert but it looks like you for some reason can't get an IP address. The ip address is recieved through a DHCP server. When you got your new computer did you use the same network card? If not, call Comcast and they should give you a web address to "activate" your computer. This let's them know your nic's mac address so they know you're only using 1 ip address on their network. I'm just guessing though so don't hold me to it.
  6. Seinfeld collectors set. Family Vol. 1. I already had Vol. 2 Simpsons wall callendar.
  7. Just click on the name of the image, which is in kind of small writing right under the pic.
  8. I didn't write the word sad in my message. It suppost to be a : (
  9. Damn. The only "present" I got from my cable company was higher TV prices(yet again) . But atleast they didn't raise internet prices.
  10. I was kind of worried the site was gone too, but I had a feeling it would be back. I love the new boards also.
  11. Not really. It's kind of a dark yellow. I'm probably going to change it soon, but I'm not sure what to yet. It's still pretty fast. I have 256MB ram, and when windows starts ~200MB is in use. I mostly just use the 'net along with Wintv.
  12. Here's mine:
  13. I've done few speed test using MSIE 6.0 Vs. Firefox 1.0. It seems like FF as just a little faster, more so on the upload test. MSIE :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 211 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Upload Speed is: 26 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 4 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 39.38 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=ROUARKN1A Firefox :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 227 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Upload Speed is: 28 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 4 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 36.57 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=4N11RU4K5 Also incase you were wondering here are my download speeds too: MSIE :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3070 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 375 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 55 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.73 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=8MGU4YL1Q Firefox :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3137 Kbps about 3.1 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 383 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 56 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.67 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=P3NS8YRWA
  14. Yea probably. He should be carful though, they can catch you very easly. Yes it is illeagal. I asked a Comcast tech rep on online support.
  15. Thank you Comcast ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 3664 Kbps about 3.7 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 447 KB/sec Auth Code: js5beimmac5l5xjv4k (validate at http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 65 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.29 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=js5beimmac5l5xjv4k Mabey not as fast as "bdodom" but still good. I've also tested @ 2 other sites today 2.1Mbps and 2.7.Mbps. I'm also suprised at my upload speed. I thought they lowered it. Mabey they did the opisit (sp?) I'm in Randolph, MA by the way.
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