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  • Speed Test

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Everything posted by ripclawph

  1. i would suggest you to go for an ACM(All China Made) AEG's... many brands are out in the market now and the most promising now are the JingGong makers... almost the same replica as the Tokyo Marui for both looks and performance. They specialty are the AK47 series... enjoi!
  2. send one for me too! ripclawph at gmail c o m edit to protect privacy
  3. once your base station is upgraded, the software version will also be updated. be patient though... it might take them some time to that...
  4. @fr0stbound you don't need to change anyway...you got scorching speeds already! shown below is my canopy home page...(not the max thruput)
  5. @fr0stbound yup! they need to come over and change your canopy. you must ask for a 7Mbps throughput or else they might just use the same canopy spec as 1Mbps. @tamie77 like i said, you need to ask the smart tech to change your canopy that has the 7Mbps throughput...that is if they still have one...
  6. yup! i do.... changed it after a week of slow dl speed from smartbro and spammed Smartbro CSR with emails...
  7. @tamie77 can you show us your home canopy page. i can help you to change it to 7Mbps once i see your page...
  8. whoa! my best speed to date!!! :cheesy: :cheesy:
  9. fr0stbound is right... flood them with emails so that they will respond to you immediately! attach the speed you currently have as proof how slow their service is!!!
  10. @babygurl your currently running an old firmware and your base station is not yet upgraded. I already ask about this from a tech who serviced my canopy. you need to contact customer service and tell them you need an upgrade. you can also ask the tech to change your canopy with a maximum throughput of 7Mbps to get the same setup as tamie77's pic.
  11. @babygurl5 try this link --> http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-4257 i was tweaking around 6pm today 08/09 and got only about -380Kbps dl speed. then i ran across the link above and boosted my speed to 435Kbps max! first time that i reached 400 club in my 2 months subscription! the significant tweak i did was the error check. check out my database below as proof: http://www.testmy.net/tools/database/db_search.php?type=user&q=ripclawph try it to see if it will improve your speed.. btw, im using AVG for anti-virus. for additional faster browsing... use fasterfox add-ons.. my current speed...
  12. @coolbuster2007 may i ask what port are you using for utorrent. i already switched to comodo firewall and done all the possible tweaks i could find on the forums but i still can't get a green icon....
  13. @coolbuster2007 thanks for the great advise sir! attached is the best dl speed i got so far from utorrent! :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
  14. it did increase my speed! @ 8 seeds i got 14Kbps!!! thanks! but one more thing, how were you able to get a green icon? are you using a router. I tried to figure out what router to use in portforwarding.com but i can't....
  15. sorry bout the pic... here is my current speed my utorrent changes were done, and reduce my dl to 1 torrent but still the same.. :cry2:
  16. @coolbuster i already changed the settings on utorrent and setup the TCP & UDP ports on my network. but the speed still doesnt change and the exclamation icon is still yellow. <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z54/ripclawph/utor.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a> you got a green on the icon! how's that!? r u on router? wish i could have those speeds...
  17. @coolbuster2007 i checked the yellow exclamation and it says "no incoming connections". i have also tweaked my cpu got only 381Kbps max...50Kbps sometimes... unstable speed. but even at my highest speed connection my torrent still does not speed up more than 2Kbps. i don't have a router also... how were you able to attain those utorrent dl speeds? are you using a router? btw, i noticed in our canopy page under configuration->protocol filterring and nat portmapping that we can set those ports? im afraid to modify the settings however and i want to seek advice first if it is safe and how to set it... do you have any idea about this one... thanks for the response sir...appreciate it very much...
  18. it still does not increase my download. did u use pfconfig s/w for port forwarding? im checking portforward.com now
  19. @coolbuster i can't find the UDP port button on utorrent.. is it the same as the TCP port? could i use the same port for the 2?
  20. dudes... need help on my utorrent setup. i cant seem to open my port and im downloading files not more 1KByte of data. anybody know how to this up? im using smartbro ISP.... thanks in advance for the help guys... :cry:
  21. hey dudes... i tested my speed using one or the mirrors provided on the list. check out the result below: i don't believe these are true readings... but if it is and if we could use these mirrors for browsing?? hmmm....could we??? what are these mirrors anyway?!
  22. dasma 6:43am
  23. how did u get a sebdfar? from smart? and what does it look like!? the bandwidth here in dasma cavite is the worst!!! :cry2:
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