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Everything posted by coolbuster2007

  1. handpick? the one's they know who are capable of paying?
  2. I guess this is what SiraComputer is talking about. 2 canopies 1 smartbro account.
  3. somehow this is sensitive. hope you can just pm me the details soon.
  4. Hey guys, here's how to use Jitter to check received SmartBro signal quality. The General Status tab in the Home page of the Canopy SM displays current values for Jitter. This is an index of overall received signal quality. Interpret the jitter value as indicated in the table shown below. A Subscriber Module whose jitter value is constant at 14 may have an incoming packet efficiency of 100%. However, an SM whose jitter value is 14 is likely to have even higher jitter values as interfering signals fluctuate in strength over time. So, do not consider 14 to be acceptable. Avoiding a jitter value of 15 should be the highest priority in establishing a link. At 15, jitter causes fragments to be dropped and link efficiency to suffer. Canopy modules calculate jitter based on both interference and the modulation scheme. For this reason, values on the low end of the jitter range that are significantly higher in 2X operation can still be indications of a high quality signal. For example, where the amount of interference remains constant, an SM with a jitter value of 3 in 1X operation can display a jitter value of 7 when enabled for 2X operation. However, on the high end of the jitter range, do not consider the higher values in 2X operation to be acceptable. This is because 2X operation is much more susceptible to problems from interference than is 1X. For example, where the amount of interference remains constant, an SM with a jitter value of 6 in 1X operation can display a jitter value of 14 when enabled for 2X operation. As indicated in the table below, these values are unacceptable.
  5. 2X Operation A General tab option in both Advantage SMs and some Canopy SMs provides double the aggregate throughput for SMs that are nearer than half of the distance range from the AP (the nearest one-fourth of the SMs in the sector). The requirements of this feature are as follows: ◦ The AP must be an Advantage AP. ◦ The SM must be near the AP, as described above. ◦ The SM must be of the P9 hardware series and enabled for hardware scheduling. ◦ The 2X Rate parameter in the SM must be set to enabled. This is the default setting. ◦ The amount of noise and multipath must be low enough to allow the receiver in the 6-dB less sensitive (2X) state to maintain a high carrier-to-interference (C/I) ratio. The flexibility of this feature is as follows: ◦ At the time of registration, signaling is at the 1X rate. However, if the above requirements are all met, then the SM switches to 2X. ◦ Thereafter, whenever RF conditions are unfavorable for 2X operation, the SM switches to 1X. When favorable RF conditions allow, the SM switches back to 2X, if user data is present at that time. ◦ Similarly, whenever no user data is present, the SM switches to 1X. When user data flow resumes, the SM switches back to 2X, if RF conditions allow. ◦ Both links for the SM (uplink and downlink) are independent for this feature. (One can be operating at 2X operation while the other is operating at 1X.) ◦ Other SMs in the sector can be communicating with the AP at the other modulation rate. ◦ Although subscribers with Canopy SMs realize higher bursts, and subscribers with Advantage SMs realize both higher burst and higher sustained throughput, the network operator realizes higher sector throughput capacity in the AP. Engineering for 2X Operation The following priorities should guide your implementation of 2X operation: ◦ In the near half of the distance range of the AP − identify the customers who use the most bandwidth. − enable their SMs first for 2X operation. ◦ When you have deployable Canopy P7 and P8 SMs, do not deploy Canopy Advantage SMs or Canopy P9 SMs beyond half the distance range of the AP. At this distance, steady and reliable 2X operation typically is not achievable. Deploy the Canopy P7 and P8 SMs here. ◦ Wherever practical, implement 25 MHz of channel separation for 2X operation. Checking Link Efficiencies in 2X Operation Unlike in 1X operation, efficiencies below 90% on the Link Capacity Test tab in the Tools web page of the SM do not necessarily indicate a poor quality link. Efficiency of 45% in 2X operation is equivalent to efficiency of 90% in 1X. If you read efficiency between 45% and 90%, check the status of 2X operation (as described below) to confirm that the link is operating at 2X. Since received signal strength typically varies over time, you should perform link tests at various times of day and on various days of the week. Efficiencies should consistently be 45% or greater for 2X operation. Where readings are lower, you are unlikely to solve the RF problem by enabling 1X operation. (For example, if you read 40% at 2X, you can expect 80% at 1X.) In these cases, you may be able to achieve better efficiencies by reaiming the SM, mounting it elsewhere, or retrofitting it with a reflector dish.
  6. @ grift3r74. you're back!
  7. there is, but not free. you can try the trial version http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/
  8. haven't used FDM myself. FDM website doesn't show software support for Opera.
  9. you can never have a value of 1000 Kbps sustained downlink data rate, same with the uplink; the maximum of EACH is less than or equal to 500 Kbps only. so, the TOTAL would be less than (<) or equal to (=) 1000 Kbps, otherwise known as the 1 Mbps maximum aggregate rate. however, there are those (me included) who have a 7 Mbps aggregate in the canopy but only get a 384 Kbps service from smartbro.
  10. Houston, we have a problem
  11. to tmn. congratulations! nice speed.
  12. does that mean we have to sign another contract, with a specific "expiration date? (just like job order's?)
  13. i have already replied to your private message, do check it out.
  14. try to test
  15. then what happens after the lock-in period?
  16. in the world wide web, it is always best to update ourselves with the latest info and developments. i hope the cablenut website, which helped a lot of tweakers, will be back soon.
  17. great finds there! vision also works well with XP SP2. thanks!
  18. don't expect smartbro to be consistent. for as long as speed's not crawling to below 250 it'll be alright
  19. wah? its like stealing one's money! now if i have used 11 months of that contract, which is close to 11K, and quit for dissatisfaction, am i gonna pay them another 12K, all in all 23K for a year's subscription? holy s#it!
  20. is there an accuracy issue if testing different sizes
  21. that's why i didn't believe it was intentional
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